Forums Discussions X-Pert Microbase will not fit into A Pole

  • X-Pert Microbase will not fit into A Pole

    Posted by nicolewilliams07283322 on June 5, 2015 at 12:22 pm

    I just received my new X-pert pole but unable to assemble it. Every video I’ve watched of assembly shows the base sliding easily into the A-Pole. Mine stops abruptly about 1 inch in. I made sure the two spin/static screws at the bottom are extended out so they are not creating the stop. Any ideas?? I’m attaching photos of the pieces.

    litlbit replied 9 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • X Pole Tech

    June 5, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    Dear Nicole

    Very difficult to tell the problem from the photos.

    The base shaft looks fine. So we can only assume that there is something stopping the shaft from sliding through the bearings. The base insert, the section that has the 2x screws and bearings, has 3x bearings one of X-Poles features. It could be that the tolerance of the hole in the centre bearing is too tight.

    We cannot see right inside the insert, there is not enough light!. If you can send us a photo of the inside of the bearing insert so we can see the bearings clearly we may be able to tell what the problem is. Please email to and we will reply asap.
    We also suggest you contact your local office who will be pleased to help. We will get it sorted for you asap.

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • litlbit

    June 7, 2015 at 10:38 am

    Hi Nicole, did you loosen the two hex screws at the bottom of the pole? It will not slide on the base if they are screwed in all the way. Once you’ve done that line up it up with the X’s and tighten it down. This has been a common problem with a simple solution. 🙂

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