Forums Discussions XPole Customer Service

  • XPole Customer Service

    Posted by kamillya14 on February 9, 2009 at 6:29 pm

    So…just put in an order for my X-Pole!!!!
    I’m so excited and can’t wait for it to get here…I have been going back and forth: X Pole or Platinum Stages, and honestly at this point, since I’m sooo new (have only touched a pole once!), I don’t think it would be a big difference.

    BUT, X Pole’s customer service just won me over…I called and they told me they don’t have any 50mm Chrome in stock. They wouldn’t get any in until the end of this week. I was a little bummed, then he said "What I can do for you is give you the 50mm Titanium for the same price and that will ship out today". Awesome! I am already impressed with X Poles ability to please customers, especially to a newbie who is only ordering one pole, instead of a studio ordering 6 or so at once. Plus, the X Pole all came out to be about 50 bucks cheaper than the PS, and includes the carrying case, which I’ll need (for storage when my parents come to visit).

    I have read the debates between chrome and titanium….My biggest problem was with my grip, so I am okay with having the titanium.

    So….I’m excited…Can’t wait for class on Wednesday, and then I expect my OWN X-Pole to arrive to my house early next week!!!

    cali replied 16 years ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • glitterhips

    February 9, 2009 at 9:36 pm

    I had a part that was messed up so my pole wouldn’t screw together correctly and they replaced it for me with no trouble and I had it a few days later, they are fab at customer service! Congrats on ordering your pole you will love it!

  • Jenn

    February 10, 2009 at 4:07 am

    Wow that is so awesome for you! I have had issues with my 50mm Chrome pole as well, and Xpole was very friendly and helpful. They did forget about the replacement part that they were supposed to send me and it took a couple of monthes to finally get it, tho.

    A friend of mine, ordered a PS back in NOVEMBER, and the dang thing didn’t get there until the beginning of January, however it was defective and now she is still waiting for them to replace the defective parts!!!! That is almost 4 monthes since she ordered her pole! I told her she should call them and demand a discount or refund. She tried to talk to a service rep, amd the guy tried to convince her that the pole was damaged in shipping, and that the machines they use are perfect, so it couldn’t be their fault. WTF?!

    Between the two, I would def reccommend Xpole over PS! It sound like you got a great deal too! I hope you enjoy your new pole!

  • Jemom1969

    February 10, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents and say that I also have had a great experience with Xpole customer service. I can’t remember all the details but when xpole first became available on this side of the pond, I ordered a 45mm. There was some delay in shipping and when it did finally arrive, it was the 50mm. I think I also didnt get the right extension I had ordered…I think maybe I had gotten the correct extension for the 45mm but had the 50mm pole or something like that.After emailing Stacey at Vertical Leisure, I got the 45mm and the proper extension within another week, maybe 10 days. Even better, she offered me the 2nd pole deeply discounted (I seem to recall less than half of reg. price!) which was too good of a deal to turn down…considering I didn’t feel like mucking around with the return shipping etc. I also seem to recall that the 2nd pole sent was actually sent from the UK, so they mustve taken a huge hit on the shipping. In the end I was extremely pleased to have 2 poles at that price, and genuinely felt they had done an excellent job of taking care of me. As for the poles, the 45mm is up all the time and the 50mm is for "travel". Only problem is, I’m embarassed to admit that I can’t do much of anything on the pole due to a unrelated shoulder injury shortly after I got them, but I am excited to be finally healed and starting lessons on 2/27!!! YAY! I can’t recommend Xpole enough! they are fabulous!!!!!

  • cali

    April 5, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    Yes they can not be beat, they are the best. i have had some trouble with mine, and was starting to regret ever paying that much for a pole, but when i called custemer service it just blew me away at how helpful and understanding they where. finnaly someone who gives a damn. they get it taken care of fast and right he first time now i tell all my friends to go with x-pole my mom is even getting one and so is my dads girlfriend (yes creepy as it is) ( i have a gut feeling they are going to use it in other ways then just dance ***shutter) anyway great job x-pole cutermer service

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