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X-Pole Vaulted Ceiling Adapter Tutorial?
Posted by Meleania on December 16, 2011 at 7:57 pmHas anyone installed a xpole vaulted ceiling adapter? Are there any videos showing how to do it? Do any reinforcements need to be made to the joist?
JeHanne replied 13 years, 2 months ago 7 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
I have one on one of my poles. Call x pole for help if you need it. Mine is centered on the beam in my ceiling. I have had it about a year now
I have one too! There was not a joist where I wanted my pole, so we screwed a 2×4 into 2 joists and then the mount onto the 2×4. Works great and have never had any problems – Except I should have painted the wood to match the ceiling before putting it up! LOL
We are gonna have the xielongs vaulted in our new house when we get it. I want to do it eight away but I fear we may have ro wait a bit.
Hi PoleFitMom, I have seen this joist straddle using a piece of wood in studios and a few home vids… I am trying decide if I should do this for my home since I haven't put up my ceiling mount yet. The joist I have selected is not 'optimal' where it is located so I am considering it.
Could you please share some details? Did you put one screw on each sice of the 2X4 or two? What size/length/type screws did you use to anchor it?
Is it possible you could post a pic? I have never been able to see one of these up close!
Thank you!
Only the very top and bottom screw holes will line up with a beam because a 2×4 isn't really that wide and the adapter is bigger. I had a carpenter (my handy neighbor) install a piece of wood as a brace between two trusses and installed the bracket to the truss and the extra support piece. Solid as a rock. 🙂
P.S. the support was installed in the attic where the exposed trusses are accessible of course. From the inside of the house the bracket simply looks like it's installed onto the ceiling.
@JeHanne – I put my 2×4 on the living room side because there was not a way for me to put it in an attic space. We used 2 screws on each side to secure it into the joists. They were prob 2 1/2 to 3 inch screws. As far as the mount goes, 4 of the 6 screws are in the 2×4. I have never had any problems and have definitely felt 100% safe.
@UTPoler, sounds great! My attic is not really navigateable on that part of the house but your setup sounds sweet!
@PoleFitMom, thank you for your reply. need to repaint the ceiling soon so I could just paint the 2×4 as well. Options… options!!! I want to get my ceiling mount up soon! Procrastinating because I'm nervous about drilling into joists. Once I work up the nerve… its on!
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