Forums Discussions X-Pole X-pert at max height

  • X-Pole X-pert at max height

    Posted by Queenie426 on August 29, 2012 at 10:22 am

    Hey guys,

    I recently moved to an older house with higher ceilings. I measured and they came about an inch shy of 9 ft. It could be possible that I didnt do a good job measuring and they are 9ft exactly. I looked on the X-Pole website and it said the pole fits ceilings up to 9ft so I was just wondering if having the pole at its highest would be safe or if I should go ahead and buy the extension anyways. I currently dont have the pole here so I can't try it.



    aerial orchid replied 12 years, 3 months ago 10 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • Queenie426

    August 29, 2012 at 8:45 pm

    Anybody?! Lol this is the first time I’ve never gotten answer!

  • Runemist34

    August 29, 2012 at 8:51 pm

    My guess would be that, if Xpole is saying that they are able to extend to 9ft, that they are also safe to that height. I couldn't see them advertising "Goes to 9 feet! But don't use it at 9 feet. That's dangerous." lol

  • Anonyma

    August 29, 2012 at 9:24 pm

    i would buy a small extension 

  • X Pole Tech

    August 30, 2012 at 6:48 am

    X-Poles are safe at 9' (2745mm). However, that is with the adjuster fully out at 5" (125mm).

    a) This takes time to extended and contract if the X-Pole is being removed regularly and packed away and…

    b) it is better to keep the adjuster to the minimum.

    One other point is that at 9' (2745mm) an addiational 2x extensions and 2x Xoints are being used. We also recommend, if posisble, to limit the number of extensions on any pole – this decreases flex and speeds up installation and limits the adjuster length.

    So, our advice would always be at 9' ("745mm) to use a 19.5" (500mm) extension.

    This will limit your extensions to 1, joints to 2 and adjuster to 3/4"~1" (15~25mm).

    Hope this helps

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • X Pole Tech

    August 30, 2012 at 6:49 am

    Apologies fo the terrible spelling!

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • X Pole Tech

    August 30, 2012 at 6:50 am

    And again !! Must learn to type and spell.

  • HyperHorsegirl

    August 30, 2012 at 6:52 am

    I actually started a thread about this exact topic back in May.

    My ceilings are exactly 9 ft. I did not purchase an extension (though I would have, if I had gotten a quicker response before I purchased it) and my pole is very sturdy and safe. I would certainly consider X Pole Tech's advice, but my pole has performed well since June, even at this height.

  • X Pole Tech

    August 30, 2012 at 7:04 am

    Our apologies for not having replied sooner to your request.

    X-Pole Tech Team

  • HyperHorsegirl

    August 30, 2012 at 8:05 am

    Oh no worries! I wasn't complaining. I was in a hurry because I thought the Free Shipping offer on SV would end soon.

  • Queenie426

    August 30, 2012 at 9:41 am

    Thanks so much! I measured again and it is one inch under 9 ft. I think I’ll order the extension since its only 20 bucks and while I’m waiting for that put it up without. Thanks everyone! Very helpful as always.

  • kasanya

    August 30, 2012 at 12:37 pm

    Hm, odd. My ceiling in the new place is 9' and 1/4 inch and I couldn't get my pole up with the 500mm extension. It was just barely too tall. I had to order the 200mm extension and use it with the 250mm that comes with the pole.

  • Queenie426

    August 30, 2012 at 1:37 pm

    Kasanya I had that thought too after my last post. The x-pole sight says the 500 mm extension is for 9ft 1 in and up and my ceiling is 1 inch short of that so wouldn’t it be too tall?

  • X Pole Tech

    August 31, 2012 at 8:53 am

    Due to his thread we are currently re-checking all our calculations and doing a physical check on the Pole lengths. We will report back after the weekend.

    However, our current production drawings to hand show that an X-Pole XX045 Xpert Pole, assembled with a fully closed adjuster and using the Base + A-Pole + B Pole + Insert + Upper Dome  = 2230mm (87.8"). No extensions used.

    Now add a 500mm (19.7") Extension and the total length of the pole = 2230mm + 500mm = 2730mm (107.48")

    A ceiling height of 9' = 108" = 2743mm.

    So, the calculations for a pole being used with a with a 9' (2743mm) ceiling are;

    Metric …….. ..2743mm – 2730mm = 13mm

    Imperial …… 108" – 107.48" = 0.52" (1/2").

    So, any Xpert pole should be 13mm (1/2") short of a 9' or 108" or 2743mm ceiling.

    Admittedly 1/2" or 13mm is tight but we did  test with these dimensions and it was fine.

    We are double checking our figures and doing a physical check as well (no ones perfect!) and will reply again as soon as possible.

    Our thanks for your patience.

    X-Pole Tech Team





  • Charley

    August 31, 2012 at 1:07 pm

    I love you X-pole!  My garage is about 9ft and the adjustor rod actually fell out – I needed an extension – which I have – to put it up in the garage.  I roughly estimate 9 – it's could be a little taller.

    Less pieces are always better especially if you plan to use spin mode and the extensions are extremely reasonably priced.  ðŸ™‚

  • kasanya

    August 31, 2012 at 1:49 pm

    I'm sure the pole fits when it's fully assembled… the problem is getting it that way. Once you have the base + A pole + B pole + 500mm extension all put together, you only have half an inch clearance at the top. That's not enough space to put the top dome on! Doesn't matter if the pole is upright or tilted to the side, you just can't get the top dome on in the amount of space you have to work with.

    I bet if you had an original X-Pole you could probably do it though. You could just put the top dome directly on the 500mm extension and then screw the extension onto the assembled base + A pole + B pole. There's no way to do something like that with the X-Joint style poles though. =/

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