Forums Discussions Xpole, lil’minx or Pussycat?

  • ATXpolerina

    April 11, 2011 at 5:24 pm

    I own a 2in stainless steel X-Pert pole and I LOVE IT!!!    I live in an apt so it was important to me that the pole not do any damage to the ceiling or floor. I have it pressure mounted and im so happy to say that its never moved while I was playing on it or done anything sketchy. I trust my pole 100%. Also, my boyfriend weighs at least 180 lbs. He AND his friends have had lots of laughs on my pole and its still standing strong.  X-pole FTW!

  • VanillaryPuff

    April 11, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    What I like about the Xpole is, that they don't come in one piece. You can always order extensions to make it fit in a new home (with lil mynx and pussycat you'd have to order a new pole if the new room is higher or lower than the one you'd originally bought it for), and if you take it down, the pieces are no longer than 1m. This means, you can store it under the bed easily!

    Another big plus of Xpoles is, that you don't need to fix it to floor and/or ceiling, and that the upper piece (as well as the lower, of course) is big enough so it can't slip and crash down. The "foot" and "head" of the other poles seem less trustworthy to me. I ordered the Xpole Xpert with an even bigger upper dome, to have the least risk of my pole crashing down. (You've probably seen the pole fail videos on youtube…)

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