Forums Discussions You Tube Posters

  • SissyBuns

    January 3, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    I’m sorry your having to deal with haters Mini I get a lot of rude emails and comments too. It seems to come in spurts. If its a video I know some may have a problem with I change the setting to comments for friends only…the problem with that is you still have to see all comments to approve them, which is still hurtful. YT is just annoying, either my music is taken away or some loser flags me or I have rude comments. I had my "Carol of the Bell" video removed for "inappropriate" content….please I have a new hooping vid I wanna post but I’m not sure if I’ll YT it or not, because I my belly skin folds up and hangs over, I’m sure some idiot will have a hay day with that.

    Your a beautiful dancer and person Mini try not to let stupid people bring you down. Don’t even bother responding to them because they are NOT worth your time!!! Your fab!

    Very classy and well stated Veena! I totally agree…BTW..what is a YT Flag? You say someone flagged you?

    If you are flagged (its just a button they push) then you must be over 18 to view the video, it blocks the vid from minors. Some moron went on a flagging spree last year on my old channel. The video I just had removed was NOT DUE to music and there was NOTHING remotely inappropriate about it I have NO clue why it was removed…it was this video that YT took down." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

    YT is an easy way for someone to target you and stay anonymous, I also had a lady sending me emails on YT when I was pregnant telling me I was no better than a drug user, because I was dancing while pregnant. She created 3 accounts just to email me, because I would block her each time. Some people are nuts-o!!

    If your gonna be on YT you better have thick skin I guess.

    That’s the video they took down? WTF for? Wow.

  • SissyBuns

    January 3, 2010 at 8:07 pm

    Yep as I said I get lots of comments about my age and my size so I only allow friends to comment without approval.

    Of course just seeing the comments can be upsetting but I’ve also noticed that the rude comments always come from people who do not pole dance, who 99% of the time never upload ANYTHING of their own but only link other’s vids, and also I don’t think I’ve ever had a rude comment from anyone over the age of 25. (though I know that many people under 25 are also repectful and nice)

    I usually go and look at their page just to put their comment in perspective. If they have mostly links to anime videos or other are obsessed with linking videos they found from others, then I realize that their opinion is worthless anyway.

    Now if Alethea made a negative comment on one of my vids, I’d feel HORRIBLE. But of course, Alethea would never do something like that to anyone because she is a good person. When you look at it that way, it makes the other’s negativity look less meaningful.

    Wanna laugh? The last negative comment I got came from someone who had this in their "about me" section of their Youtube account:

    "I am a good person, very friendly, i like help the other people"

    What was the comment? "F*ck You!"…that’s all…just that.

    This from a girl who is supposedly 12 years old…

    Nice person huh? I don’t have any videos on youtube for a lot of reasons (mainly because my husband says he doesn’t want non poling pervs looking at my ass) but if I did…..I know the comments would make me sad for at least half a second before I deleted them.

  • minicoopergrl

    January 3, 2010 at 8:54 pm

    now im mad @ YT. they wont let me publish my new video (the one I posted here) due to music. Seriuosly, Im not using the music for anything other than something to dance to. I own the damn CD, isnt that enough??/

  • amcut

    January 3, 2010 at 10:34 pm


    is a video on how to cite fair use on youtube and get your muted music back.

    It doesn’t work if you already audioswapped.

  • Runemist34

    January 3, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    Amcut, does this person mean that we should copy and paste that little paragraph in the sidebar of the video to get audio back? ‘Cause that’s what it looks like, and if that’s true, I think it’s pretty awesome!
    Are there other ways of doing it? I don’t understand, if you own the music, why can’t you have it playing in your video?
    Also, how do people like Veena keep their audio going?

  • minicoopergrl

    January 4, 2010 at 12:11 pm


    is a video on how to cite fair use on youtube and get your muted music back.

    It doesn’t work if you already audioswapped." onclick=";return false;

    OMG I LOVE YOU! Im going to do that tonight when I get home. Im considering that an early birthday present!

  • minicoopergrl

    January 4, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    Thankful for Veena as a place to show pole support!!! is there a link or a list with Veena girls youtube unser names?

    Ill start a thread on it!

  • amcut

    January 4, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    Runemist, yeah, you just copy and paste the paragraph. The last time I did it the change back to music was almost immediate.

    They always say stuff like
    "educational, non profit, or personal use" is typically fair use, so I imagine that’s why even if SV got MASSIVE and everyone and their mom was on it and all kinds of places that have music knew about it they wouldn’t mind. It’s not like youtube where half of the people there are posting direct footage from movies, or songs with just a face in the background.

    And.. as to owning cds or mp3 rights- you own the right to have it, but not the right to make money off of it. But the right to dance to it is there regardless of if you bought the cd or not. Youtube just mutes what it recognizes, and it’s up to you to dispute it if you think you’re using it the way it was meant to be used.

    …and I definitely feel that dancing to a song is the way it was meant to be used.

  • Runemist34

    January 4, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Awesome, that keeps things simple!
    Amcut, I totally agree…dancing to music is one of the best uses of it! And we could say we’re using ours for both personal (dancing to it for ourselves) and educational (everyone learning from everyone else) uses! Hah!

  • staceyann51

    January 8, 2010 at 8:50 am

    I just delete them they dont bother me once i had a right discusting one from a bloke saying’ OOOO I JUST CREAMED OVER AND OVER THIS VIDEO, i was like yak yak yak lol just laff them off

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