› Forums › Discussions › You know your a pole dancer when…………
Yes, me too, Ginger 78 on working out at the gym and thinking, "This should improve my pole fitness! I lift weights. I used to just count my reps. Wanted to get it over with. Now I count and move more slowly as I lift and lower because I now think, "Fluid slow reps will make your arms and upper body stronger so you will be able to move your body around the pole better 🙂
One to add: you know you are a pole dancer when you start referring to tiny booty shorts and sexy platform stilettos as “cute” : )
You’re up at 12:50 and your boyfriend is drunkenly getting excited with you when a song comes on that has the right key changes for a great pole performance!! And when he spends 2 hours with his dad fixing your pole because you can’t afford to get a new one. And yes-like other people have said, concentrating on strength at the gym as opposed to caring about fat loss!!
Just happen today
… you find a pretty sport bra at 7$ and don't buy it because the strap is right on the spot for you shoulder mount…lol yes i really did that!
Ooh I have one,”you’d love to do some street poling on a lamp post,pole,etc…but realize that the weather is just not warm enough to do that yet,so you just do some dance moves on it,walk away from it and visualize when you will be able to do an invert on them
Soo true! I've been eyeing our basketball hoop pole for awhile now, just bidding my time until it's warm enough to do stuff on.
your moisturizer budget becomes your grip aid budget.
you tan on your "days off" off the pole cause it would burn the sh** out lol
copied from the original post
– you walk past your husband in platform heeled black boots a bra and teeny shorts and he glances at you and then goes back to whatever he was doing.
“you get ceiling height envy” So true. Every building I walk into, friends rooms, every house on TV I see, I automatically check if it has enough height for a pole. haha
* You spend 90% of your time on the internet watching pole dancing videos on youtube.
* You have almost as many "friends" on facebook who you've never met before but simply share your love of pole as you do actual friends.
You finally start making those healthy goals (eat more fruits and workout) you set four years ago, because you really want to be your best poling.
Someone prob used this already… But whereever u go, outside of your home, u always wanna hop on anything that looks like a pole lmao. Even if u KNOW u cant climb it. You sure as hell wanna try LMAO!
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