Forums Discussions adrenal fatigue

  • adrenal fatigue

    Posted by Stefana of Light on June 18, 2015 at 5:37 pm

    Anyone been through this !? I’ve been sick for the last 6 months on and off. doc says I’m perfectly healthy, according to blood work and ultrasound. I cha gee my eating habits pretty severely I. January and soon started to feel New discomfot in my opening of ribs and stomach . Doc said I had a gall bladder attack back In March when this originated I had pole danced that day and 2 hours later was unable to function as a mom. In and out of the bath, heat packs, Aleve which I don’t like to take unless it’s been going for several days. every other week or so I get stressed out and boom I’m down again. Like down. Can barely take care of my kids good thing they take such good care of me 🙂 I have been eating more regualary and exercising less and it is still haunting me. I believe my entire liquid system of my body us off because of this. I’m not diagnosing myself because clearly I’m “healthy” according to modern medicine. However I am more I. Touch with my body now than ever, that could be why I’m dealing with it now, because I’m ready. Maybe It’s always been and I’ve been self medicating through drugs when I was younger to avoid The uncomfortable feeling and the cigarettes .. Glad I quit those moment stealers , coffee.. Gah sounds so weird. The stuff we do to get by until we learn better. I had my reiki lady tell me at my first session all of my liquids were unbalanced. I wish I would have done something then but I was just learning to trust her as it was our first meeting. And honestly back then change was something I knew little of so not much thought was given until I got sick. I have thought this was adrenal related since the beginning but no one seems to agree. I suppose a supplement could help me. I will be heading to my local health store tonight, I am hoping I can get something to help as to not make myself suffer if not needed. I understand fixing a lifelong problem takes time And I will allow that. As I am eating drinking meditating and being as aware of my needs as possible. My circle is fuller and more beautiful now that I am taking care of myself, however I don’t want to wait this out any longer. Any advice suggestions are kindly accepted. Thought this may help anyone else who is experiencing similar symptoms and also to complete a bit more of my full journey this last year. Nothing is one sided. Pole didn’t injure me. My balance is key.

    bigkitty1 replied 9 years, 3 months ago 11 Members · 74 Replies
  • 74 Replies
  • Tamarinda

    June 18, 2015 at 7:40 pm

    I swear I had adrenal fatigue at one point too. As you say I can’t self diagnose but it seemed that way. I don’t have medical insurance or can afford any holistic medicine atm. I can’t wait till I have my degree, medical insurance, and some cash for holisitcs. I plan on getting so much stuff done to take care of myself but right now I just have to take care of myself the best I can and then later I can go to doctors and have then help me out. I have no tips for you but keep us updated if you figure anything out 😀

  • Stefana of Light

    June 18, 2015 at 8:38 pm

    Ok so I ended up getting Adrenaplex. Very excited to feel better !!! Will update as the days roll by in case others want to know or are expericeing something similar. The adrenals affect so much. Like a lot. So here’s to me following my Intuition instead of having more tests done… Just So they can tell me to take some over the counter jazz. No thanks 😉

  • Stefana of Light

    June 18, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    Or rather some prescription Full of not natural ingredients. Kind of a snob with what I put in my body if I’m trying to heal it;)

  • Lucca Valentine

    June 18, 2015 at 11:41 pm

    This sounds crazy maybe but get checked for h. Pylori….I’ve known a couple people recently with really rough digestive issues that ended up having this and since its “rare” it’s not usually tested for, but I’ve talked to multiple health care providers that mean more holistically and say that h pylori is often the culprit for stomach/digestive issues that can’t be explained. It’s supposed to be hella painful :/

  • Lucca Valentine

    June 18, 2015 at 11:42 pm

    Antibiotics are usually used but sometimes don’t do the trick and you kind of have to kill it through just REALLY clean eating/a really specific diet

  • Phoenix Hunter

    June 19, 2015 at 2:56 am

    you mentioned something about your gallbladder. I’ve had a few issues with my gallbladder in the past, usually brought on by drastic weight loss, or stress. every now and then I would take artichoke extract because it is supposed to help clean the gallbladder. I think it activates the bile production. this really worked for me. however it is not recommended if you have inflammation of your gall bladder or stones cause it could make things worse. I noticed my gall bladder issues would show up if I went long hours without eating, then when I would eat, it would flare up. that is from my bile getting stagnant, and thick and sludgey. I dont know if you were still having issues with your gallbladder or not…but gallbladder issues can get serious, so if you do still have issues with that and have serious pain, vomiting, get it checked out. But I dont know anything about treating adrenal fatique.

  • Stefana of Light

    June 19, 2015 at 8:05 am

    I ended up in the ER back in March because the pain was so severe in my gall bladder. That’s when they did the ultra sound, no stones…So my doc ordered another ultrasound and this time the lady asked me if I was vegan because she had never seen inside so clean and pretty;) weird but awesome !! I haven’t had an episode since and oh my how thankful I am because the gnawing sensation affects my breath horribly then the anxiety comes then it worsens etc. After that episode the pain did move around in my body, it hung out on the left for a bit then strangely enough down to my ovaries, they did a pelvic exam at the ER and then I had my doc do a full pap.. Completly healthy. However it qickly changed to These symptoms, once those were gone, and in My eyes all of that seemed to be my body adjusting from a 400-800 calorie a day diet to a 1200+ a day .. Something I started to work on in January , Pretty big deal after living that ways for years. So I think my guts were massively confused. Like what no coffee but all this food to process, stuff slowed way down for me all together. And now this, what I believe is the final stage of this fatigue. And yes I have been checked for h pylori through blood work, that just check for the antibodies though so I will call my doc this am and see what the test is. A biopsy NO way!! A scope def not!! I do take Probiotics ( a mixture of chewable, drinkable and capsules… So many different strains) Also the adrenals aren’t something checked through blood work, so that I will take care of with this supplement, My gut says I’m right on this but only time will tell. I started having these issues short after starting kundalini, in kundalini we do a lot of work with the adrenals. Makes so much sense to Me that someone who has lived their entire life in fight or flight because of anxiety and stress would have adrenal fatigue and it would show up once said person learned to slow the effff down!! I believe I can heal myself through rest, relaxation techniques, positive thinking, present living.. Really anything that keeps me grounded. And this supplement hopefully!! Thanks for the advice ladies !

  • Tamarinda

    June 19, 2015 at 3:28 pm

    Lol that Vegan comment was very interesting to me I hear Vegans are very healthy. I read somewhere that Kundalini does affect the adrenals quite a bit. I stopped doing it for for right now cuz it was making me feel tired and drained. I probably need to do it and I may start again one day and see I can eventually get used to it and get passed to the point where I don’t feel like that anymore.

  • Stefana of Light

    June 19, 2015 at 4:08 pm

    I think she was mostly referring to the fact that things were clean and not saturated with whatever normal humans eat ? Idk even though I haven’t eaten much in my life my family has been mostly organic , gmo conscious for the last few years so maybe that’s why;) I agree with you however I also like the feeling of pounding out the old which can be draining but inviting in the new at the same time. I always quit. Get distracted. Until yoga. Now I know I am the holder of the experience and or shift in energy. If I don’t want to let fo I won’t and it typically will end up in more than after the session than I was in before from my mental resistance.. Have you tried Any Indian dance type yoga ? I really like it when I want an energy boost but don’t want to risk being drained. It’s fun , upbeat but still yoga so you staying very body breath aware. You may like it! And buti yoga. Oh my that is whew. Sore for 3 days after my first and only session I week ago or so 😉 but sure wakes up those sleeping hips that have so much to say !

  • Milena Stoyanova

    June 19, 2015 at 5:17 pm

    Shoogstangley@ Sorry to hear you are suffering…

    From what I’ve heard and have read, the adrenal fatigue can not be detected by the doctors until the adrenal glands are almost or completely taxed, that’s why
    often the doctors have difficulties to find what’s wrong with the “general fatigue” and the “being exhausted” complaints of the patients….

    some insights from this video:

    Emotional release can also cause adrenal fatigue, as the body needs to adjust to the new energy…

    For the adrenal fatigue, the very best solutions are:
    – resting and sleeping a lot: not compromising the body’s needs
    – yoga, stretching
    – meditating is calming the brain waves and it’s the best way to calm the nervous system
    and they cost nothing:-)

    As for the gallbladder issues, please check this method:
    I have done many times the liver cleanse (gallblader flush) with a very similar method to this one.

    Part 1

    part 2
    part 3

    Lot of people find this method challenging, but there is another way which is “softer”:
    every morning before breakfast take 1 table spoon of lemon juice with 1 table spoon olive oil. In order to have some results, you need to drink this mixture for at least few months….

    As for the Pylori, probably antibiothics work but as I am totally against taking them, I fasted for 2 weeks and it helped, but I do not recommend it in your state of fatigue.

    Be kind, gentle and patient with yourself:-)

  • Stefana of Light

    June 19, 2015 at 6:08 pm

    Sunshine. Wow. So that sensitive video made me cry several times… That is me drop by drop word for word. Not missing a beat. Suppose that explains my New found love for yoga and meditation and why this release is happening ! I appreciate this greatly. Really from my light to yours, I value you and the kind words from your spirit. As for the cleanses I didn’t check them out yet, I will for sure. I have been learning a lot about energy work this last year, I’m actually going to be going through my reiki 1 course this summer. Joy is all we are, everything seems So loud though. This really resonated deeply. 💗💜

  • Veena

    June 19, 2015 at 7:55 pm

    Omg! The fatigue video, much of it fits my mom and myself! Only my mom had not learned how to focus on how to turn this into a positive. I’m learning……

  • Milena Stoyanova

    June 20, 2015 at 12:56 am

    Ladies, I am very happy that you found the video helpful:-))

    I am part of Heidi’s circle since 1 year and a half. Thanks to her on-going support (2 per month: webinar & group healing session) & weekly meditation (for only +/-10 GBP per month) I feel emotionnally much more stable with a great sense of inner growth, better understanding of who I am and self-acceptance.
    This is not a selling pitch, just wanted to share the tremendous support I get from being in touch with Heidi.


    if you wish I can send you the invitation for the next event (you can attend for free as a guest) and decide if you want to join the group.

    Ladies, have a beautiful week end:-)

  • Stefana of Light

    June 20, 2015 at 8:08 am

    Yes !! Please do! I am so glad to hear that, I could use some guidance for sure. Thank you deeply again💌

  • Stefana of Light

    June 26, 2015 at 10:48 am

    So the test is in and yes I do have H. Pylori. Thank you Lucca! So I feel an bit frustrated that when I originally went to my doctor and said something is wrong with my stomach… He just kinda smiled and nodded.. Told me I was fine And should quit worrying (which I know now, has it’s own effects of the body) He did a cbc and also an ultrasound for gall stones, then decided I was healthy as a whistle. But I have never felt worse. This last year has been brutal. So I am so glad I asked around here ! Its a floundering feeling to be in pain and not now where to start to fix it !! I’ve been changing so many things slowly I know things take time, instant gratification just doesn’t win with me anymore. Now to take the antibiotics to help this balance out and then on to controlling it with Probiotics and whatever other diet changes may need be. Gah. Let the research begin 😉 feels good to finally know though, ya know !? Its Like all my life people have underestimated me and my words. I decided when I got sick this year I would be heard it has been very hard standing up for myself for what I feel on the inside and then trying to relay that to the outside world and smash it into words. Insanity!! Thanks for the support and a advice ladies, truly means a whole ton to me !❤💜💙

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