Forums Discussions adrenal fatigue

  • Stefana of Light

    June 26, 2015 at 3:07 pm

    I am such a creature of reaction. Ok so. Had some time to talk to a few people whose opinions I value highly. I am not going to do the antibiotics at the point. Its a triple dose deal and I have a better feeling about this alternate route. I an going to take mastic gum for the next 3 weeks as well as some immune system support.. I let my doctor know my decision , which he gladly accepted and said when the period of time was over he would have the lab do a breath test and that will let us know if I nailed it down 😉 or if I need to try a different route. A herbal mixture called Matula also caught my eye. If I need back up that would be my next choice. I guess I finally decided I’m going to listen to myself this time instead of others. That is so hard!!! But I feel like I am doing myself a pretty big disjustuce by valuing others thoughts over mine. Anyone been successful treating h. pylori here ? I know my diet is going to be key with this. That’s got me all worried. Another food change. Back to eating Paleo 🙂

  • Lucca Valentine

    June 26, 2015 at 5:31 pm

    A guy I work with used some (kind of expensive) tea to get rid of h pylori, but if it doesn’t work the first time they give you a second round for free (that’s how confident they are in it!), his worked the first time though and he’s been doing well ever since 🙂 I’ll find out what it is on Monday!

  • Lucca Valentine

    June 26, 2015 at 5:31 pm

    It’s from South Africa if you want to try and find it through Google maybe?

  • Lucca Valentine

    June 26, 2015 at 5:32 pm

    So glad you at least have an answer and know he direction to move towards!

  • Lucca Valentine

    June 26, 2015 at 5:38 pm

    I know while he was on it he couldn’t have any dairy, soy, artificial/refined sugars, or gluten. Basically they ate a lot of really clean meats and veggies/fruits

  • Stefana of Light

    June 26, 2015 at 5:55 pm

    Yes ! Matula! It’s tea or a supplement from what I know. Thank you so much again!!

  • bigkitty1

    June 26, 2015 at 6:58 pm

    I had H. Pylori back in 2005. I was so sick also for months. Stomach pain that bought me to my knees. Finally, I was diagnosed and treated with the Prev pack which was a Prevacid and 2 or 3 antibiotics twice a day. I was working 12 hr shifts as a nurse and felt very nauseous from the antibiotics but knew I had to finish the treatment. After 2 weeks I was perfect. It completely resolved and it never returned. I was also reluctant to taking all those antibiotics but it was very effective and was thankful that nightmare ended. I also stared to regain my appetite, went back to my proper weight.

  • Lucca Valentine

    June 26, 2015 at 7:40 pm

    Nice! This guy tried antibiotics too but after 2 rounds of $600 antibiotics didn’t work they tried the Matula and that worked for them 🙂 my cousin used just the antibiotics and they seemed to have worked for her, so it seems like your mileage may vary but at least if it doesn’t work the first time you can try again for free ^_^

  • Stefana of Light

    June 26, 2015 at 8:02 pm

    Bigkitty- I’m so glad you healed!!! Crazy pain has had more control than I’d like to admit. I am hoping for the same results with this mastic gum method and diet change starting now. Been stressing out about the wheat gluten change. I guess I didn’t realize how much of it I do eat. Did you change parts of your diet also !? Just curious if food changes happened for you as well.
    Lucca- thank you lady:) well I see I have options and that is nice!! Thanks for your ongoing support!

  • bigkitty1

    June 26, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    I am so disgusted that you are going through this, I remember that abdominal pain so well. I feel better knowing you were diagnosed and now you get on the right path to healing. As far as diet goes, I remember only being able to eat easy but healthy foods. I could not tolerate anything rough or raw. It was too abrasive, my intestines felt like open wounds being scraped. Little by little the appetite came back. No special diet. I ate very well all food groups, plenty of fluids. I remember starting with alot of sweet potato, avocado, eggs, homemade soups. Banana milkshakes with honey, nothing abrasive. Just easy things. Eat several small meals a day to entice your appetite. Dont worry, You will get better, see what those teas are about, and always consult the md first even with tea Lucca, I’m going to research that one now.

  • bigkitty1

    June 26, 2015 at 9:03 pm

    Oh!! I do remember I went to several md’s they all thought it was stress , Anxiety!! It was frustrating bc they all had that same puzzled look on their face. And here I was suffering week after week. I could barely take care of myself. Finally one doc suggested to be tested for h pylori. She thought I might have drank bad water. It all came about after a very bad hurricane in south fl 2005. Who knows?

  • Stefana of Light

    June 26, 2015 at 9:51 pm

    It’s really not that rare considering anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 the population is affected by it.. Depending on which study you read;) and yes the doctor did think the pain was anxiety related! My anxiety is more managed now than ever so I knew that couldn’t be the sole cause. Interesting to hear your story Bigkitty!! Love and light and peace to you. Glad you recovered and are here to share with me now!

  • Stefana of Light

    July 18, 2015 at 8:12 am

    Just wanted to update this in case anyone was curious or in the future maybe this could help someone. Yesterday I finished my last day of my H. Pylori treatment. 3 weeks of mastic gum increasing slowly by the week. I wait 3 weeks before I get tested to see if it’s under control. If not next I will try either Matilda tea or Manuka honey. Hoping for the best bit keeping my options open. However I just say I feel so much better !!! Little to no processes sugar, minimal gluten and wheat, no processes meat. Lots o veggies, fruit, nuts , smoothies, protein shakes. I haven’t gained any weight yet, I would really like my5 lbs back that went away in March. 🙂 I’m still taking the Adrenaplex until this course is done. Hopefully when all is said and done I’ll be a bit heavier on the scale because that what I want mentally and in my soul I want peace from pain that neglect has caused. Either way life is great! I also just started a course for healing empathetic fatigue and overwhelm that was suggested to me by another lovely SV member. We will be working I. The 524th week on sugar monsters, that really stood out to me as far as how I comfort myself. I am blessed to have that opportunity to heal myself 🙂 thanks for the space to share all. Peace and happiness SV

  • Stefana of Light

    July 18, 2015 at 8:15 am

    Matula tea not Matilda and 5th week – 524th;) chubby fingers here

  • Stefana of Light

    August 7, 2015 at 12:49 pm

    Sigh. So the H. Pylori is still troubling me. I start my 2nd course today. Mastic gum, manuka honey and a 102 billion count probiotic. I also recently started taking curcumin for inflammation and boswellia to heal my tummy. Being your own experiment can be stressful and validating at the same time. I am determined to heal myself with out harmful things being put into my body. Much of my family disagrees with my choice, my husband is supporting me through this and that feels great!! It’s easy to trun to quick fixes when we get scared. I refuse to get instant gratification and not solve the real problem. More diet changes and this new set of tools to help my body heal. I see sugar is such a huge trigger for me, it leads to the worse self neglect in every way! Lucky to be healing my body and mind so the soul has a clean playground:)

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