Forums Discussions adrenal fatigue

  • Veena

    August 7, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    I was wondering how everything was going, wishing you speedy health. 💜💜

  • Stefana of Light

    August 8, 2015 at 7:44 am

    Thanks Veena! Everything is as it should be, I just have to keep my head cleared out so my tummy can do the same, meditation and more meditation. Every hour I am forcing myself to look at What I need. What a crazy connection between emotions and the tummy. I also am in the 424th week of healing fatigue and overwhelm .. This week are we working with our sugar monsters ! Wow. Big eye opener about feeling, sugar (whether it be chocolate or potato chips its all sugar) and then guilt and shame. Cycle has been very evident in my life. So just really focusing on mantras to help positive notations take hold so the mind doesn’t get to tell me I’m a bad person any more. The ego has his place, but really it’s myvspirirts turn to shine. I feel this illness has been a gift in a way, my children are learning compassion in a new light and the bond they have developed while mom has been down has been so special. They remind me nothing is ever wrong with NOW. 🙂 thanks again for the love Veena!

  • Stefana of Light

    August 8, 2015 at 7:45 am

    42424th… Hah let’s try 4th week 😉

  • bigkitty1

    August 9, 2015 at 12:28 pm

    I hope this next course of treatment is effective. Do you notice any difference yet? Any of the symptoms resolving? Please get better quickly.😊

  • Stefana of Light

    August 11, 2015 at 7:54 am

    Bigkitty.. I am feeling better surely! I am starting to have more energy and I haven’t had an episode that takes me down for several weeks, for that I am very grateful, curious if it’s the adrenal supplement that cured that hiccup. Only time will tell! I have a really good feeling about this 2nd treatment:) I had an xray yesterday for some other lower tummy issues so I am waiting on that now. I appreciate your support and love lady!

  • Lindz1980

    August 13, 2015 at 1:13 pm

    You may have already tried this, but I was recently recommended EFT (emotional freedom technique) for dealing with sugar issues- not had chance to try yet but hear lots of good things! There are YouTube how to clips and it’s easy to do…I also found cranial sacral therapy hugely helpful for releasing anxiety / trauma from the body- so powerful but gentle and can also be great for tummy issues….wishing you strength on your healing journey xx

  • Stefana of Light

    August 14, 2015 at 8:24 am

    Lindz– thank you for your response ! I did a short tapping meditation this am… Wow. expressing worry or anxiety and then positively affirming my glory after… I liked this. Clearing and creating. I’ve been curious about meridian work. Thank you so much ! I will return to this practice , another tool in The bag for leading a calm life. I really appreciate YOU Lindz! As far as cranial sacral, that was my first stop on my journey to get myself settled… I had 3 visits 0 benefit , several hundred dollars out and she closed down a month later. Maybe in the future I will find someone legit in that area. I love in a small town, about 10 years in The past 😉

  • Lindz1980

    August 21, 2015 at 6:35 pm

    Ah, so pleased you found the tapping helpful 🙂 What a shame about your cranial experience – I too live in a small town about ten years in the past, so totally get that! All blessings on your day xx

  • Stefana of Light

    September 25, 2015 at 7:44 am

    Just wanted to update in case others were wondering or if anyone goes through this I hope this thread will help. So a few doctors later here I am , yesterday I seen an amazing naturopath:):) My spleen and liver are suffering. All the energy in my body is being used to fight this bacteria, no wonder I had h. Pylori which is now under control. 80% of my body is being affected by this bacteria, she said I have been fighting this for 11 months. I know I also have candida overgrowth but right now the bacteria is So heavy that’s all she is worried about, until it’s under control. So yes I was RIGHT my Adrenals are absolutely causing my fatigue. They are taxed. Which I why I get sick after 5 minutes of cardio. Yes 5 min!! It’s been rough. The last dance I posted, I was terribly sick the next day. Now I see the pattern and heart pumping exercise has been making me sick since March, I just did not want to believe it !! I have new herbs and 1 week to feel considerably better or else I am on to man made antibiotics. Which is ok, not what I want but I don’t want to die either! So after my treatment this week I will post what I did. All natural of course and I can feel it in my heart… This is going to be good for me. I have given myself some pats on The back because this has been a huge growing period for me, learning how to function with pain. The Power of Now has transformed how much I allow myself to suffer. This book showed me how to move out of the past and future and into the present. True gift. to just be, and for me mindfullness pulled me heavy into attention when the sysmptoms would arise as to not be overcome but drawn into the present moment. It has been a true blessing. And yoga. Oh my without yoga and meditation… I’m not so sure I’d be handling all this , and no pole. That’s been hard. But it is all the way it should be and thank YOU for taking the time to read this. We are all brothers and sisters and as we heal ourselves we heal our brothers and sisters, as well as the past and future and this planet!!✌💕

  • Phoenix Hunter

    September 25, 2015 at 7:50 pm

    Don’t feel bad for having to take man made medication if you have to. I don’t believe one should have to suffer for endless months , putting there body through more harm if just a few weeks of traditional antibiotics could actually completely get rid of the infection. H pylori can literally be cured within a few weeks of antibiotic treatment. It’s not a failure to have to go that route. I completely understand wanting to go a natural route before synthetic medications. You tried very hard and for a very long time . I hope you get to feeling better soon! Sometime we need a combination of alternative and traditional medications and there is nothing wrong with healing your body that way if that’s what it takes. Take care and heal well

  • poleisnewtome

    September 25, 2015 at 7:59 pm

    I don’t understand the idea that just because something is natural that it is better for you. There are plenty of things that are natural that can wreak havoc on the body. Either way, one is attempting to change their body chemistry, whether the medications are synthetic or natural. The difference is, synthetic medications have been through rigorous testing, whereas natural medications have not.

  • Veena

    September 25, 2015 at 11:35 pm

    Thank you for updating us, I was wondering how everything was going 💜

    I agree with the comments above and I also see your goal and point of trying to honor your body through natural methods. I’m always looking for the least invasive and at times non medical way of dealing with pain or sickness. However, there is a time to find healing in medicine so never feel bad for taking s path of traditional medicine as well. 💊

  • Stefana of Light

    September 26, 2015 at 7:48 am

    Phoenix and Veena thank you for your support. I won’t feel bad if I end up taking what I’ve been avoiding. And all the people around me can say I told ya so. But for me it’s about the journey not about being right. Its about learning that mother earth has a plethora of herbs to heal us, we have just wandered so far away. I’m currently still in my course for healing fatigue and overwhelm. Its helping me on a deeper level. Stress is the worst food! I am not into a quick fix it it does not get to the root. Others may be. I have learned I am seprate from my pain and have gained beautiful insights and life lessons by giving myself the chance to heal instead of letting the world shove their crap at me , like I always have. Again thank you ladies. I am proof that anything is possible, so are you all.

  • Stefana of Light

    September 26, 2015 at 7:57 am

    I wanted to mention I did take care of the h Pylori with mastic gum, and a 102 count probiotic, manuka honey and boswellia. That was my last treatment and when I saw my new doctor the other day it was not a problem. this will be here to help the next guy or gal that looks for an answer here. The thing listed here were things I chose to try after doing research and speaking with 2 naturalists in my town. Honestly. where there is a will there is a way:)

  • Stefana of Light

    September 26, 2015 at 8:01 am

    Poleisnewtome. Its hard to accept something we don’t understand. Maybe that’s where your disconnect is. Either way no one way is right for everyone. I may be deathly ill had I have taken an antibiotic for something when there is a bigger picture happening. So thanks for chiming in but that wasnt very supportive ! I some here for support and I accept whatever may be. Do you feel that was a helpful thing to say to me ? I really am not looking for your response. I also need to remember not everyone thinks like me and not everyone talks with a heart at their tongue. I will understand natural and man made medicine more as I live. I am the experiment for me. Not the other statistics.

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