anyone had weird leg swellings, maybe from janeiro?
so this is a weird question. I have been working on my janeiro for the past year and lately it’s getting pretty good – i am not very bendy, but if i’m warm and push myself i can get into it and hold it for awhile now. i can feel the stretch in my back but it doesn’t hurt at all and the rest of me feels pretty secure and comfortable.
The last two times i’ve done this move, last week and then again last night, about ten minutes later i noticed a big swelling on my calf. It would be my top leg when i’m in the janeiro position. the first time it was HUGE, and looked like i had a haematoma under my skin. it was a perfectly-edged bulge on the side of my calf (so not a bruise-type swelling) which was squishy and palpable, like it was filled with fluid. most importantly it didnt hurt at all! i only noticed because i glanced at my leg! and it wasn’t red or purple or anything. It looked and felt like a whoopie cushion lol.
I put an ice pack on because even though it didnt hurt it obviously isn’t normal, and my friends and i all had a poke into it and it was like we could push the fluid back into my tissue, because it subsided pretty quickly. it left a slight bruise and that night it hurt a bit but not that badly.
i was willing to forget about it until it happened again last night. this time, i had cramps in my legs after janeiro and i was stretching my calves and realised it was starting to swell up again. i squished it about and circled my feet and stretched a bit and it subsided pretty quickly once more. this time it’s left more of a bruise in the exact same place.
Now the area isn’t swollen at all but it’s sore to touch and there’s a small hard lump in the centre, my friends think it might be a broken vein and that somehow i had trapped/pinched a vein and so the swelling was buildup of blood, which then got released when i stretched and wiggled my feet. Also, the fact that it’s happened twice after janeiro could just be a coincidence but i hadn’t done anything new and i hadn’t hit my calf knocked myself in any other way.
Any advice?!?!?! Anyone else had weird vein issues?!?!!!
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