Forums Discussions asthma and weight loss

  • Dancing Paws

    August 24, 2011 at 9:29 pm

    I went wheat free for a little over a month in addition to eating a vegan, no soy diet. I am not allergic to wheat. I take surged every morning. My allergies are very well controlled. I only get asthma when exercising at higher intensities, when laughing too hard, if there is smoke around, or if there is a cat around.

  • Ava macKenzie

    August 28, 2011 at 10:35 am

    Muscle burns fat. Do some strength training to build muscle. I love TRX, whoever mention that, god job! lol

    Also your metabolism might be slow. How often do you eat? What is caloric intake per meal, per day? Are you drinking at least half your weight in water? Do you walk daily?How often do you workout weekly?

  • Dancing Paws

    August 28, 2011 at 11:49 am

    O think it might be my metabolism. I drink over 64 oz of water a day. I rarely drink soda, juice, etc. I have my morning coffee and will sometimes have unsweetened ice tea? But I usually use stevia as a sweetener. I am starting to think my seizure meds are a cause. I just got put on another one that has caused weight loss for me in the past, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. At my peak, I was working out every other day, with this heat going on, I am only making it to a dance class once a week.

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