Forums Discussions at home laser hair removal

  • at home laser hair removal

    Posted by JennyBacardi on March 30, 2012 at 3:48 pm

    Ive heard of 2 at home hair laser removal(no no and tria) that Ive seen on the show ''the doctors'' and wanted to know if anyone has tried it and if you would recommend it


    jenifer123 replied 12 years, 9 months ago 17 Members · 28 Replies
  • 28 Replies
  • Dwiizie

    March 30, 2012 at 3:55 pm

    I remember my mom had some tweezers that were supposed to shock and kill follicles when you plucked a hair. It didn't work very well if at all. And legs would take forever, a pluck at a time. I don't know these brands or how they work, but if its similar, I'd say pass.


    March 30, 2012 at 4:05 pm

    the reviews for them sucked, so I never looked further with them.(google no no reviews and not the ones from their own site!)

  • SexyRockStarsWifeNowWidow

    March 30, 2012 at 4:11 pm

    The reviews for NO!NO! on amazon are terrible when I looked into awhile back. Haven't heard of the other brand you mentioned, Tria.

  • Lana Lee

    March 30, 2012 at 7:02 pm

    I went to for the review on Tria, apparently it works but it hurts like craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzyyy.  There are (if I recall correctly) 5 settings and you're supposed to go ahead and start with lowest setting and then eventually work your way up to the highest for best results.  Anyway people said it works but the pain was just unbearable.  Also, the tip of the Tria is itty bitty and would take you five hundred years to do 1 leg.

    I also read up some reviews on the No No thing and they said that there are certain parts of your body that you just cannot do….  Like your armpits.  Because the hair there grows in every which way and your armpits naturally have folds, it's hard to get the tip of the No No into your armpit to get every single hair.  So doing your armpits with the No No is pointless.  It's also really easy to burn yourself if you do not do it right…  They reccomend not doing a full Brazilian because well…  After you go over your parts with the device, you need to use a fine sanding paper (which comes with it) to remove all the burnt hair…  So sanding your lady parts would really suck.  And it's not like you can't just not sand…  You need to sand for it to work as well.  This device is also not a permanent hair removal system, if you stop using it the hair just grows back.

  • tiggertail

    March 30, 2012 at 9:13 pm

    For my legs i was using Silk-epil, that's not a permenent machine but even if i haven't use it for a few years i have patch hairless on my legs. I don't use it often mostly because i'm lazy and when hair get longer it doesn't work as well. But i should give it a try again before the summer.

    As for trying it on your armpit and lady part it could be more sensitive but if you can get that gel that numb, it probably help. And after a while using it, it's not that bad.

  • betsyevil

    March 31, 2012 at 8:27 am

    I would recommend just being waxed.

  • DeniseL

    March 31, 2012 at 11:41 am

    I have gotten lots laser hair removal in salons/treatment center style places and I found having dark coarse hair it hurts like hell but it is totally worth it.  I dont know about in the states but in Canada we have a bunch of online deals offered by groupon, deal finder, deal ticker etc. and they offer things like one year unlimited (which means every six weeks) for say $200 which is amazingly cheap.  I keep buyin them and soon I'll have no hair left lol.

    I did my underarms for full price six years ago ($75 time 6 sessions) and I have yet to regret it.  You will find that a few hairs grow back so if you are super picky you may want to go once a year from then on but even now I have yet to get it done in the past two years and I have maybe ten hairs that grown back under each arm so I only have to shave maybe every week if I can remember to!

    Having spoke to the ladies who preform these services they have all said dont bother with the home remedys if you want perm hair removal also if it doesn't involve any pain than it also doesn't really work.  The pain from laser hair removal should hurt a bit but not screaming pain as it is a laser burning your folicles and if cranked to high by someone who does not know what they are doing it can burn and scar your skin.  So if anyone decides to go this way if it hurts super bad tell them to back down the intensity but I have yet to come across that issue in the three different places I have been to.

    Good Luck!


  • JennyBacardi

    March 31, 2012 at 3:31 pm

    thank you everyone for all your replies! 🙂

  • polefairy

    March 31, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    I would be very sceptical of this at home device. Laser Hair removal is expensive in salons and if these devices really worked I'd imagine there'd be far more than two brands out there. We'd all be snapping them up! If it helps at all, I have just one more session of laser hair removal left on my underarms and bikini and it hurts A LOT. Each session has hurt more and more. And I've gotten superficial burns twice. It's serious business so I would deffo recommend having a professional do it for you.


    Good luck with whatever you decide

  • michaelaarghh

    April 1, 2012 at 4:35 am

    Like polefairy said, I'd be very sceptical of any laser home removal. 


    @polefairy, superficial burns!?! Ouch! I just booked in for 8 sessions at a specialised salon near where I live (and they're proper medical grade lasers not just IPL), I have my first appt tomorrow afternoon, but now I'm even more nervous that I've read that!!


    I guess it'll be worth it though in the long run though – cheaper and less painful? Hopefully anyway…

  • DeniseL

    April 1, 2012 at 11:03 am

    Laser hair removal in a salon should never really burn you but will hurt…I am not sure what is considered a superficial burn (first degree burn?) but at most you should get some red skin, tenderness of course, and MAYBE some brown spotting that goes away shortly…If you have superficial burns ask them to turn the intensity down next time cause its destroying your skin. Don't want to end up with scars  .In canada there is numbing cream/patches called emla and it works ok, cream you put on an hour in advance and have to wrap it with saranwrap or the patch which just sticks on (much easier and cleaner!}.  You should always do a test patch at a new place to determine the laser setting that is ok for your skin type and do it without the numbing cream. 

    A girl went to one of the big salons here in Edmonton and got a brazilian done with the cream…she either didnt feel that much pain due to the cream or she thought it was normal to hurt so badly and she burned so badly she is scarred down there and suing for 5 million…pretty serious

  • michaelaarghh

    April 1, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    omg that sounds so serious!! that poor woman!!


    so does the salon  (here they call them clinics?) put the cream on? i think i'll refuse to have it. i'd rather be able to feel the pain and know it's not too intense than end up with scarring!! (same sort of reason i won't go under general anesthetic for teeth removal!!) A uni friend had it done and she said it hardlyhurt at all, just felt like a pinch. 


    eek i hope it goes okay this arvo. i'm a bit nervous now …

  • polefairy

    April 1, 2012 at 4:48 pm

    that numbing cream is not available here but laser is so quick I guess it's not really that nescessary! I don't think it's too uncommon to get mild burns irregularly while undergoing treatment. Of course, if they're strong enough to scar or take a while to fully heal, then there is something wrong!

  • PippiParnasse

    April 1, 2012 at 11:32 pm

    A friend of mine (from the music world but coincidentally also a poler) bought a laser hair removal system and made a hilarious video of herself trying it out:

    I dunno what her final verdict was, but it's pretty funny to watch!

  • Lyme Lyte

    April 2, 2012 at 8:38 am

    PP, that video was so fun to watch!

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