Forums Discussions breaking out…any suggestions?

  • breaking out…any suggestions?

    Posted by MadisonsWorld on February 7, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    Ok…so I am breaking out and can’t find anything that help…I am getting little blackheads on my face and breaking out around my hairline…and my chest and back are breaking out..I feel like a teenager..has anyone tried proactiv? Any suggestions…

    eburk22 replied 12 years, 5 months ago 15 Members · 39 Replies
  • 39 Replies
  • poledanceromance

    February 7, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    Proactiv does work for me for the prevention and treatment of pimples, but the system can be harsh and drying. It actually can leave me without pimples, but with clogged pores. This is because if you strip off the oil on your skin with cleaning and lotions, your skin will produce even more oils to make up for the dryness. So you can be dry but oily and clogged at the same time. So when my skin really gets bad, I use the oil cleansing method because oil dissolves oil but doesn’t dry the skin. So I take coconut or jojoba oil because they’re similar to your skin’s oils, and add a bit of sugar if I want to exfoliate. But rub it all over your face with firm, massage kind of motions not scrubby motions. It can work all that gunk out of your pores. Then I remove the oil by taking a clean wash rag with hot water and pressing it to my face and GENTLY wiping the oil away. Then I apply the proactive lotion so it gets to my pores and I get the medication of the lotion without the drying effects of the face scrub and toner.

  • TrixieLovett

    February 7, 2012 at 3:20 pm

    Jeez I can't tell you how timely this is for me! I'm 41 with two college-aged children and EEK! I feel like I'm right back there with my kids pimple-wise!  I recently moved from Las Vegas (Read:DRY) to Hilo, Hawaii (read: WETTEST CITY POSSIBLE) and my face, my chest, my back…OMG! Obviously I'm going to switch my cleansing products, but I was afraid of invest too much money in products I wasn't sure were even going to work. Thank you!!



  • MadisonsWorld

    February 7, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    And I think that is my problem…my pores are clogged….I will have to give this a do you use the cleanser and toner @ all from proactiv?

  • Dancing Paws

    February 7, 2012 at 3:48 pm

    Proactiv didn't do diddly squat for me. I am getting some results with Zia Treartments tea tree acne mask after I shower, followed by RetinA (you get it via prescription), then put cerave lotion on my face. In the morning I spot treat with benzoyl peroxide. I have alays had an acne issue.

    I was not breaking out as badly on yasmin. Yasmin is used to treat acne. Once I got a mirena I started breaking out again. I think Yasmin is the best I've found, but unfortunately I cannot take it anymore since I am a high stroke risk.

    As for face wash, I like liquid neutrogena.

  • Runemist34

    February 7, 2012 at 4:37 pm

    My suggestion would be to try moisturising your skin (I realize this isn't great for pole dance, but you can do it just before you go to bed, perhaps), refrain from harsh cleansers or from exfoliating too often, and see if you can pinpoint any specific triggers. Is it environmental? Does this happen at certain times of the month/year? Have you been under more than the usual amount of stress lately? Have your eating habits changed?

    I know that, for me, cleansing makes my skin very dry, and I can't exfoliate more than once a week (if that) lest my skin freaks out. Moisturising has actually helped clear my breakouts very quickly, and helped them to be less painful, and less noticeable. Stress is a major factor for my breakouts, too, so I tend to expect them if things are more stressful in my life.

  • Dancing Paws

    February 7, 2012 at 8:16 pm

    aong the moisturizing line: my dermatologist told me to use CeraVe lotion. It is non comedogenic and it has elements in it that are washed away when you wash your face. The lotion replaces them. You can read about the lotion on the website:

  • Babz

    February 8, 2012 at 1:12 am

    If its around your hairline and shoulders/back chances are its your hair!

    Try a different shampoo/conditioniar and keep your hair very clean!
    Also try to use a different hair spray too/

  • ahlemh2001

    February 8, 2012 at 2:00 am

    I feel your pain, I have been breaking out too, it is so ugly on me that I sometimes stay at home really depressed. if you're breaking up on ur hairline and so on:I would suggest to tie ur hair, as they do produce oil which rubs then into your face. Indulge some Zinc it helps a lot, 2 pills before sleeping and 2h30 at least away from your dinner. I suggest to drink more (do help a lot to get remove of toxins) and wash ur face with a gentle soap, I use tea tree cleanser, and dont skip the MOISTURIZING part, people think as they have oily skin they should get rif of the oil, big big mistake.

  • Dancing Paws

    February 8, 2012 at 10:16 am

    ahlemh – Don't let yourself get down. It's not worth it. If it's any consolation, I did 2 rounds of accutance and my acne came back a year after each round. I lost a lot of hair during the second round of accutane. I am not allowed to take it again. Everyone else I know who took it had their acne cured. My acne tends to scar, so I have a ton of scars all over my face.

  • ahlemh2001

    February 8, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    me too!!!for real it totally depresses me, i stay 3 to 4 days in row at home because I just hate so much the way I look, I have people saying oh it funny I can't tell ur age coz you have breakouts but have gray hairs (I always had them!lol) accutane is a step I did not take so far but will do if my new medication does not work. everytime I get people asking me for a date " am like oooh in 3months I'll be ready (it usually takes 3/4 months to know if the treatment is working or not) !lol

  • PixiLouBell

    February 8, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    proactiv never worked for me, a mix of salycilic acid and 2% NOT 10% benzoyle peroxide (10% is harsh for some an can actually cause breakouts because it overdries some skin) with a natural moisturizer like Garnier gel works great for me!

  • PixiLouBell

    February 8, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    yes also consider ur birth control the artificial hormones can either help or wreak havok on ur skin, im on the iud no hormones n love it but in highschool artificial hormones in ortho tri cycle helped because of puberty my androgen levels were raised then, sometimes u just hav to experiment alot

  • Dancing Paws

    February 8, 2012 at 12:26 pm

    alhemh – Have you tried yasmin?? It's less invasive than accutane. Antibiotics, the creams, etc never worked for me. Yasmin didn't get rid of them completely for me, but it did make my skin look better. Don't let your skin affect your life. Those people who make comments can go pound sand. I had a doctor comment on my skin once. I just rolled my eyes.

  • ahlemh2001

    February 8, 2012 at 12:39 pm

    🙂 I just quit YAz, was working sometimes but never constant on me. all the antibiotics damaged my stomach but did worse on my skin when it worked wonders on others, just started a new pill which makes me a bit nauseated (sorry am not american, my english sucks) but am so willing to give it a go. have quit my job coz I dont want to get people notice me or look at me. at one point I was so scared to just go out in the street and have people look at it takes effort and poling is the only moment I enjoy in my week, even if I have to go out to the studio, I feel like I actually HAVE AN HAND on something, if I suck I can improve but not with my skin;

  • Dancing Paws

    February 8, 2012 at 12:44 pm

    Hun, people are not looking at your face and judging it like you think. Most people could care less what your skin looks like. You are psycing yourself out, which is unhealthy. If I hid everytime I had a breakout I would never be outdoors!

    I don't think anything will be constant. Our body chemistry and hormones fluctuate so often that breakouts are inevitable. If you can find something that slightly manages it, that is a step. That's the point I am at. I just want a little fix since I know nothing will be permanent.

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