Forums Discussions buying an xpole – chrome or titanium gold?

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 14, 2009 at 6:59 pm

    Wow! Sweaty hands slip but sweaty thighs stick? It sounds like some sick joke from the gods or something haha Im so sorry. I wish I knew how to help you. That’s a tough one. I’ve never heard of that before but I’m new at poling so I don’t have any experience with it. Only what I’ve read. I hope someone reads the post and can help you out soon love. Maybe you could try a little lotion or oil on just your thighs? I’m stumped!

  • Veena

    March 14, 2009 at 8:30 pm

    Hey guys I’m I chrome lover…..I feel if you can dance on what some consider "difficult" pole…like a chrome or 50mm than you will be able to dance on ANY type of pole. The biggest issues I feel as far as grip goes…….. body temperature and pole temperature and humidity.

    My first pole was a Platinum Stages stainless steel… not my grip preference but once I was warm and the pole finally warmed it was usable. When winter came around it was darn near impossible to use because my pole room was cooler and the air was dry. Once I moved up to a Chrome X the grip was so much better! Both in the summer and winter. I still love the grip of the Chrome X and I know Tara Karina has both the TG and Chrome X and she has told me the difference isn’t huge and she will probably go back to her Chrome when she’s able to put her pole up again. I look at the TG as a fun splurge for a pole dancer….its gold so its different looking but I’m just so happy with the chrome I have no desire to switch to a TG.

  • Veena

    March 14, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    Maybe you could try a little lotion or oil on just your thighs? I’m stumped!

    never use lotion or oil on your body anywhere before using your pole!!!!!!!

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 14, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    Sorry Veena!! I shouldn’t be given out information or advice on something that I have no experience with. I was just trying to help but that is no excuse. Listen to the experts!!! No lotions or oils. I will never make that suggestion to anybody ever again! That was my screw up!

  • rubberstarlet

    March 14, 2009 at 10:56 pm

    hmmmm will for now ill stay with he 50mm chrome xpole, since that’s what Ive only used. I have a full month to decide. maybe i shouldn’t dance so fast? I live in the los angles area were the weather is always hot/warm. only cold 4 months out of the year or less haha. ill keep trying asking around the about TG pole. thanks for all your help guys!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    March 15, 2009 at 7:20 am

    Titanium x-pole are in either silver or gold.
    Wait a minute!! Just to avoid confusion. X pole has 2 options as far as finishes go. Titanium which is gold coated. Chrome is silver in color. There is not a silver titanium pole… least not that we can get in the US. Do you really have a silver Titanium pole Rouge???IF you do I want to know why we don’t have that option here! Oh now I’m really curious let me know Rouge

    Yup down here in little old New Zealand, we can get titanium in either gold or silver.
    We have 2 x 45mm, one in gold and one in silver and a 50mm in silver, all titanium.

    Chrome is also an option, which some of our students have. is the site

    Maybe you’ll just have to come visit us then and take home a silver one.
    polegirlsonia is who we get ours from as she is an authorised reseller.

    Clear as mud??

  • Rouge_LAmour

    March 15, 2009 at 7:42 am

    now as to the other questions re grip on the titanium poles, silver is less grippy than the gold.

    I’ve used chrome once and didn’t like it that much, far too slippy for me.

    As an eczema sufferer, my skin is really dry, which means I need the titanium to "assist" when climbing.
    Along with PVC boots, until I’m sweaty, then I can clamber up like a ungraceful, clumsy thing.
    (Don’t get me started on the creams, lotions, dietary stuff. I’m allergic to fowl and parabens mainly).

    Rosin is great as a grip aid, but is pretty noisy / sticky on static poles. Keep it for spinning and strength holds.

  • Buterflii

    March 31, 2009 at 3:38 am

    For sweaty hands–

    i haven’t used this on my hands, but i have a feeling i might in the summer (now with my pole, my feet get so sweaty i would use these when i wear boots or whatever.

    you put it on before you go to bed. doesn’t stop all the sweat but does work." onclick=";return false;


  • angelx33

    March 31, 2009 at 6:37 am

    im not sure this is the correct p;lace to be discussing this issue… but lis : For sweaty hands–

    i haven’t used this on my hands, but i have a feeling i might in the summer, my feet get so sweaty i would use these when i wear boots or whatever.

    you put it on before you go to bed. doesn’t stop all the sweat but does work." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;


    so on a scale, how well would you rate this product? because my mom has that same issue. her feet sweat non stop and weve tried everything from creams to sprays. cept botox lol shes totally against it. but if it really does work well then i want to buy it for her. get back to me please. thx

  • Buterflii

    March 31, 2009 at 6:46 am

    oh, i tht it was because:

    all posted under:
    Re: buying an xpole – chrome or titanium gold?

    haha really? im a naturally sweaty person in general, but i keep hearing sweaty hands need grip aids on chrome. and when my thighs got sweaty i had trouble sliding down the pole or climbing.

    i want to learn spins on static mode but with the extra grip on gold wont that be taken away slightly? none of my instructors ever used a gold pole, and i have little upper body strength, and sweaty hands.

    But if you have very sweaty hands then the titanium would be better. Just on a personal perspective, I have very sweaty hands and I can cope fine on a chrome (if I’m having a bad day out comes the grip aid) I have used titanium and it’s great initially, but I find once it gets a bit dirty it goes very very slippery (just personal experience – other people don’t seem to have that problem).
    i’d rate it pretty good
    its not expensive, easy to try it yourself

  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    March 31, 2009 at 5:13 pm

    TG follow up…

    Well I have been poling about 2 weeks now. TG is the only pole I’ve ever had and never had a chance to try any other. I am also a beginner too. Now that that’s out the way, my opinion of the TG…

    I must say that I really like it!!! I think it’s beautiful to look at. The majority of the time I feel that my grip is very stable. I don’t have to wipe the pole down as often as I did at first (some days I don’t even have to wipe it down at all). Not sure if it’s my body sweat, the humidity in the air, or the oils from my hair. The weather these last 2 weeks have fluctuated between 40-70 degrees. So I really haven’t been sweating too much. I don’t sweat much naturally but I don’t really have enough pole experience to know how that will translate to summer months.

    I do want to state that I don’t like to do spins on static mode. It may just be that I have poor technique and inadequate upper body strength. I’m not a huge fan of spins that much anyway. Perhaps because mine don’t look beautiful like you lovely ladies’ spins but I do continue to put them in my workouts to build strength. I don’t like to do spin on static because it hurts my hands. Iono why I’m being a big baby about it no pain no gain right? I mostly practice spins on spinny mode, which technically probably really isn’t a spin, it’s moreso me holding poses and just sliding down the pole while it spins. Hmmm

    I’ve actually been toying with the idea of ordering a chrome pole aswell to practice spins on which is probably a bit redundant and over indulgant giving the state of the economy and the collection of lint in my wallet I actually don’t even have a wallet. I’ll shell out 400 bucks for a pole but to cheap to cough up a few bucks to get a wallet Some priorities huh?

    Jungle Cat

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