chipped knee cap
Well, I decided I probably should let a doctor look at my knee so I went in. It turns out I chipped off a small part of my knee cap. (The doctor said it's kind of like a drinking glass that has a chip in it). – Right now, the doctor just wants to let it be. He said – in theory – that the rough part should smooth down. If over time it doesn't smooth down, then they will have to go in using a scope and 'file' it down. The good news is that he told me if I feel ok to pole, then go ahead! I will absolutely have to take it easy since it hurts when I bend my knee but I am thrilled I don't have to stop poling! YEAH!!! I will also absolutely have to be more careful and not have that pole jump in front of me again! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_eek.gif
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