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chopper frustration
Posted by vamp79 on February 11, 2011 at 10:59 amI’m starting to think that I will never get this move. I’ve been working on it for a long time now and nothing, can’t even do the tuck invert. My basic invert has gotten so much better, I can actually do it with heels on now and without jumping into it. Tilting back after pulling my knees to my chest is impossible for me. I truly don’t know what else to do. I will soon be buying the classes for a whole year so that I can entertain myself learning other moves but I really want to get this one already!
ShonaLancs replied 12 years, 11 months ago 16 Members · 24 Replies -
24 Replies
Hey Vamp 🙂
Hang in there! it's a toughie for sure! (i'm working on the same thing right now and have the same issue)
It's all about building that core strength and control, just trying to throw your legs out there will work occasionally, but doesn't generally look pretty haha 😉
My teacher tells me that core strengthening workouts will help (proper crunches, yoga, pilates, pole holds) and in the meantime to keep on inverting as it's a core builder too 😉
Veenas lessons will deinitely help though! Specifically the "Tuck Invert" lesson in the intermediate section 🙂
I'm right where you are, I can only do it the wrong, cheating way so far. But it is only to work those abs and do those tucks until you get there and know that you are not alone 🙂
When you tilt back, are you dropping your head back? It will help your body pivot tremendously–your head is heavy, you just don't realize it, lol!
Also, if your basic invert is solid and you can get into/out of it with control (not just sliding down once inverted, but able to tuck back into yourself and roll down with core just like you rolled up), try to go into that, then drop one leg into straddle position to get the feel for it. Try again and drop the other leg into straddle position. Then try it releasing both feet into the straddle. Sometimes it's more a case of getting a feel for the positioning/muscles used than anything else.
VinterVild &Sair – I know I should be patient since its not an easy move. More strengthening exercises are the answer I guess. This move is so usefull, it makes getting into other inversions look prettier.
Polegirl – hmm..I have never even tried tucking and rolling down out of the basic invert. I always come out of it doing inverted crucific and then slide down, or doing a handstand and then trying the bumslide. I should try that and see how it feels. -
practice makes perfect 😉 it's just hard when you want it to happen NOW haha 🙂
This is not an easy move, I have been poling for a year and a half now, and my chopper is still hit and miss. Oh, I can hit it everytime, but do I get all the way over with CONTROL? Sometimes, but other times I feel floppy and like I'm just dangling. Damn those abs… 🙂 Keep working on it, tucks, and fan kicks will help too.
Be sure your using your upper body as well…..its not only about abs.
Don't allow the arms to fully extend as you move up into position, allowing your upper body to drop. YOu don't want that!
Keep the scapula engaged and use your Lats as well (the big long muscle that runs along the sides of your back).
Work on the negative to build control. This means coming into the positing from a basic invert up on the pole…then V straddle down as slowly as you can. I think I meantion this technque in the V invert or Tuck invert.
I tried negatives yesterday since I can't get up there at all without going into a basic invert first. Coming down was not controlled at all!!! After about the 4th time it felt better but then it got worse as I got tired….. I think that my problem is upper body and back, my abs are pretty strong. I can hold a tuck forever, just can't bring my pelvis up to the pole. My arms straighten out as soon as I try leaning back which makes it impossible to use my arms correctly. Very frustrating but I will keep trying.
Hi There, This may or may not help, but I struggled with this move, and found that when I inverted it didn;t matter how far apart my hands were, but with this move, I needed to have my hands very close together, touching, so that they acted like a good, solid pivot. I found that until I repositioned my hands I just couldn't hold myself in position, i'd come crashing down and hurt my shoulders. Just a thought – sometimes it's just something soo small that stops a move from working….good luck!
thanks for the suggestion. I will check my hand placement tomorrow. You never know! I am very sore today from doing negatives yesterday. Havent been this sore from poling alone in a long time, it feels great : )
Ohh! Yay for feeling sore!!! Don't you just love that feeling that you've finally been working all the right muscles!
I got chopper today!!! I NEVER thought I would get it. Crossing "get the chopper" off of my bucket list. Yea!
Tuck invert requires a lot of strength and control but is such an amazing move to position you for other moves. I know how frustrating it is but keep working at it. I bet if you posted a video here you may get some specific pointers if the issue is form related.
Allow yourself time to recover and strengthen. Just keep in mind how sweet its gonna be when you nail it!
Cheering you on! : )
Hey Vamp79! I also struggled with this move!
Try this grip. It worked for me!
She does it in this video at about 30 seconds.
Good Luck! You will get it :o)
Just a note– using the cupped grip mentioned in that thread makes the invert more about arm strength (pushing the pole away from you with the cupped arm) and leverage rather than engaging through the core to lift the legs.
Think of working on your chopper as a strengthening exercise instaed of a trick you have to nail. It's worthwhile to keep at it, even if you don't feel progress, to keep drilling the muscles into tip top shape!
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