Forums Discussions creative ways of getting from Pole A to Pole B???

  • creative ways of getting from Pole A to Pole B???

    Posted by HollySatine on September 11, 2011 at 10:03 am

    So I am trying to finalize choreography (that uses two poles) for a recital and it's nearly finished, but one thing about my routine that feels really awkward is when I try to move from one pole to the next.  The song is slow and I'll be wearing platforms, so if I walk I have to do so rather slowly (which feels awkward) unless I add a move or two somewhere to fill up the extra time.  It's not a sexy song so it wouldn't work with the theme to play up the movement with the basic sexy floor work/caressing/etc.  I have 12 seconds to get to the other pole, and at the start I am on my back to the right of the pole (having just slid down from a scorpio on my left leg).  I'm trying to get to the pole on my right.

    I already do a fish roll (if you don't know what that is, see here: earlier in the song, so that's out.  I thought about doing a regular shoulder roll (, but I haven't found a smooth way to move around so that I'm facing the other pole in order to start the move (since I'm starting perpendicular from the position I'd need to be in).

    Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

    JeHanne replied 13 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Fallen Angel

    September 11, 2011 at 11:22 pm

    if you dont want to do a slow walk, what about crawling?

  • JeHanne

    September 12, 2011 at 12:12 am

    I was going to suggest some crawls too! The shoulder roll and a few crawls would be pretty. Also to position for the shoulder roll how about a large fan legs motion that you could use to twist your body into position? You could also fill the time/space up with some flexibility moves… splits etc.

    The right moves will come to you! Be sure to stay with things that feel right for you and for the music. You will do amazing! 

  • Laura KittyCat

    September 12, 2011 at 9:55 am

    How about a shoulder stand then roll out. With a little practice you could roll toward the pole. Try it on different shoulders to see which way the roll out takes you. If you have a middle split you can do a straddle in the stand and roll through to a straddle split. This could also work with either side split with a twist of the hips.

    Also try out some split roll/ leg kick combos to get you there.

    If you werent wearing heels I would suggest a backward roll to a handstand or a back walkover- but im a gymnast and i wouldnt try those in heels (i cant walk in them yet though-lol)

    Good luck!

  • HollySatine

    September 12, 2011 at 10:41 am

    I do crawl earlier in the routine, so I was hoping to stay away from that.  and I can't do splits 🙁 and my shoulder stand needs some work – especially to get it to the point where my shoulder doesn't bruise terribly each time I try it – which is why I was just planning on doing a roll.

    JeHanne – I like the fan legs idea, I didn't even think about that.

    KittyCat86 – what do you mean by "split roll/leg kick combos"?

    (and it's funny you mention doing a back walkover – I don't know how to do it yet but I was already planning on getting one of my friends to teach me eventually!  I love the look of it and my back is pretty flexible so I can't wait to try it – I just don't want to try it without a spotter.  it won't be ready for the recital though)

  • Laura KittyCat

    September 12, 2011 at 11:26 am

    Its difficult to explain. You start in a side split, roll toward the middle onto your stomach then to your back and fan kick as you roll into the split landing with the same leg in front. I will try to have someone video it for me so I can post it.

    As far as the back walkover goes, start working on the kick over by pushing up to a bridge, pressing your shoulders over your hands, lifting a leg, then kicking over by pushing off the leg on the floor and pulling the lifted leg over your head to the floor.

    To practice the backbend (goin down part) you can start with your back facing the wall and reach over your head to touch the wall then walk yourself down into a bridge.

    Have fun! I love the back walkover.

  • HollySatine

    September 12, 2011 at 11:35 am

    yes, please post a video! I can't do the splits but I'd love to see what that move looks like!

  • reenie aka Mysfit

    September 12, 2011 at 3:31 pm

    Here is a tutorial I found really quick for what you guys are talking about. They are split rolls.



  • JeHanne

    September 12, 2011 at 7:06 pm

    The split roll video is cool! Thanks for sharing! HollySatine, let us know what you decide on. Your recital sounds like a blast! 

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