Forums Discussions depression and other s***

  • MommaBear

    July 23, 2011 at 9:05 am

    I can relate to much of what you have posted.  As for the sex drive thing, no matter what meds your are on (or not on), your not going to be horny when you have depression and anxiety in the mix.  How turned on can you be when you have all that crap circling in your head?!  They say that the biggest sex organ for women is the brain and I believe it, penises don't care about trivial things like depression and anxiety, they just need a good breeze and it's game on.    

    Add to that your seizure medication.  That is something you cannot compromise on, so learning to deal with and function around a low or non-existent sex drive may be more important than worrying and stressing about it.  I have about two or three days a month (oddly enough, when I'm ovulating – that baby making gene must run strong) that I have a glimmer of a sex drive, so I've learned to capitalize on those days in an attempt to keep a semi-normal sex life going.    

    Instead of worrying about birth control could you possibly do a Mirena type non-hormonal insert?  That would be one less medication and set of side effects to deal with. 

    As for how to deal with the depression and anxiety – I really, really try to stay away from meds.  Cognitive Behavorial Therapy is what I have used (after years of failed attempts with meds).  There is a book by David Burns called Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy.  It uses CBT to help with depression.  

    There was a study where they divided depressed people into two groups – the groups had to wait 4 weeks to see a doc.  One group was given the book, the other was not.  Guess which group did not request to see a doc and felt better at the end of those four weeks?  Yup, the group with the book.  They then gave the book to the other group, and the outcome was the same.  The success that these groups achieved was not short term, they maintained these gains for up to three years.  

    Learning tools and techniques for changing the thinking patterns that keep you locked in this cycle are far more beneficial then meds, IMO.  He also has a book for anxiety called When Panic Attacks:  The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life.  Same principle, CBT.

    I realize everyone's journey and battle is unique and there will be different strokes for different folks, but I thought I would mention what I had found helpful.  

    I wish you all the best, it sure does suck getting dealt these cards, but that doesn't mean you can't change your hand to get ahead of the game.


  • Dancing Paws

    July 23, 2011 at 9:37 am

    I wish I could stop the birth control but I 1) am taking it for debilitating cramps that are still tolerable even with the lessened efficacy of the pill ( I am talking so bad I would be up all night on the tub popping pulls at the age of 12. My mom put me on the pill, I did not pick it.) 2) I still use condoms, but if it fails, I need that backup since anti epileptic drugs can be severly deforming to a fetus, especially the one k am on. I researched it last night and I guess a new study came out on my new med about it being a pretty bad tetragogen. I am going to consult a nurse soon about the possibility of an iud or a stronger birth control. I am hoping that getting my vitamin d up will help.

    With regards to the mj, I never take more than two vapor hits, since I am a lightweight. 😉 I had 1/4 of a prescription strength brownie once and I was so gone for 6 hours! I did not like that at all! They said 1/2 a brownie was a full dose, so I took a 1/2 dose!!!

    I have a psyc appointment on the 4th nut it is getting to thf point where I am sick of medication. I have a pharmacy in my house. I addition to all this crap, I also suffer from weekly debilitating headaches. No more pills!

    I try my best to keep my mood up by dancing, reading, playing with my crazy pooches, etc, but oye it is not as easy as it seems. Now these drugs are making it hard for me to stay awake throughout the day.

  • MrsNaughtywed

    July 24, 2011 at 8:00 am

    I also suffer from anxiety (really bad) and depression. I have a prescription for Prozac and Lorazapam (for emergencies) but I choose not to take them. I used to be on Zoloft, then Luvox a decade ago for a few years but had nothing but bad luck and bad side effects. I try my best to treat my mental health in a natural way but it's hard. I'm very against meds only because I had such a bad experience. They are also very dangerous meds with dangerous side effects too. I honestly think antidepressants have an opposite effect on me causing me to get even more depressed. Funny someone mentioned the green herb. I sometimes use it to treat my illness. It's the only thing I have found to work to stop general anxiety or stop a panic attack. I would have just a little and suddenly all my worries are GONE and I'm happy dancing around listening to music and then I can finally FOCUS! Sleeping pills suck and don't work on me but herb helps me have the best sleep and rest of my life. My brother has a legal license to use that herb. I'm considering trying to get it only because I wouldn't want to be busted in a legal matter. I've done my research on the plant. I used to be very against herb over a decade ago until I did my own research. My doctor even told me it's safe. 🙂

  • Dancing Paws

    July 24, 2011 at 10:52 am

    When I got my medical mj card I got it mainly for chronic debilitating headaches. I had waited for years, pushing the idea to the side in the hopes that inwould find something by going to my regular doctor. After trying massage, chiropractors, acupuncture, Botox injections, muscle relaxers, hard narcotics, migraine pls, barbiturates, you name it, i’ve done it, I woke one morning crying not wanting to go to the hospitals so cuz I was on so much pain and on the verge of vomiting, so I called a clinic and made an appointment. I took them some records showing I suffered from headaches of unknown origin, epilepsy, and a back inkury . All 3 qualified me. Now depression is added to the mix. I miss being in California where I could go to acdispensary and pick out the type I want. Where I live, I could lose my lease for growing it, soni have to get it from others therefore I cannot control what I get. The problem is, I need an indica bc it is the high cbd content in indica is what stops seizures, whereas, the high thc, low cbd content in sativas can trigger seizures. The ONE thing I miss about CA.

  • tarah

    July 24, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    Yeah, CA is the best as far as access to all kinds of herb.  i recently watched a good documentary on netflix (called – "the union – the business behind getting high).   hopefully people will become more educated about the medical benefits this herb has to offer, and it will become more available to people who are suffering needlessly.  Just want to wish you good luck with finding what you need…. and thanks for posting, MrsNaughtywed 🙂

  • PoleNerd

    July 24, 2011 at 6:51 pm

    Another poler who suffers from depression and anxiety here. I really don't want to use drugs to help me unless I'm completely desperate (haven't been for a few years). That includes weed and alcohol. Poling and physical activity DEFINITELY helps, but unfortunately we can't spend 24 hours poling 😀

    Feeling like birth control will always have something to do with it. Been dying to go off of it, but it has a bunch of other benefits as well (making periods regular and less horrible, preventing pregnancy). So I've continued for now.

    It's so nice to be on here and know that there are others who suffer – no one in my life is open about their depression or anxiety or simply doesn't have it, so I'm tired of feeling like a complete Debbie Downer. The positive, outgoing personality is definitely revered in our culture, and it gets very frustrating for people who are depressed/anxious. Most of us our actively seeking remedies but it's not something you can just get rid of overnight. People who have never been anxious or depressed will never understand.

    I've never been on meds, but my depression/anx definitely comes and goes in cycles. It's mild/moderate at most but it still blows and it makes it worse to feel like no one else in your life is going through the same thing.

    But overall…YAY for poling!

  • Dancing Paws

    July 24, 2011 at 7:29 pm

    I just got done watcing "The Union" and I LOVED IT! It was really well put together. 

  • Dancing Paws

    July 24, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    Pole Nerd – 

    What kind of cyclical type is yours? Is it by season? The doc told me my vitamin D levels are definately contributing to my problem an gave me a scolding. She said the 800 units I was taking per day wasn't enough and told me that I would be fine taking 2,800 per day if I had to.


  • tarah

    July 24, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    hi sensualscimitar  so glad you liked the movie!!  you can def take up to 2,800 mg of vitD per day, just make sure its D3 (most of them are).  luckily, it's cheap!! 

  • Dancing Paws

    July 31, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    So I went back and looked at my old seizure calendars. Now mind you, these were all recorded before I started medication, and I clearly remember having them as early as 12. I cannot remember them sooner then that. I found a pattern. They hovered mostly right around my periods, sometimes during ovulation. I guess that is when estrogen levels are highest. I did some googling a found this to be rather common in females with epilepsy. I found an article saying estrogen aggravates seizures, while progesterone can help suppress them. One study showed the depo-provera shot helping some girls get some relief. DUDE!!!!!!!!! I have a consult with a nurse soon. I am going in with that article and a bunch of others, with butt load of questions in hopes that the depo shot can help me.

    *fingers crossed*

  • tarah

    August 1, 2011 at 12:42 am

    hey, sounds like you might have the answer!  when you see your nurse or doctor, also ask about natural progesterone cream, if that could help.  i started using it after menopause.  the cream i just love is called Natpro and can be found at, it is all organic.  🙂

  • FreeTheSun

    August 1, 2011 at 5:10 pm

    I was on depo for a few years. I will say it did help my extreme hormone mood swings (I have PMDD, I'm fine almost all the time until right before my period and then all hell breaks loose), but after a while it made me feel flat. I wasn't ever sad or depressed, but I wasn't ever happy either. Sorta like an emotional Zombie. My reaction isn't common, so you most likely will be fine. It was very convienent not having to take a pill every morning and I loved only having my period at maximum 4 times a year. I'll cross my fingers that it works for you!

    Vit D does help a lot too. I grew up in the desert and now am in Western WA. My Vit D levels are almost none now unless I take supplements and it is a big difference when I do and don't. I also got some daylight blubs (like the kind you use for plants) and that seemed to help. Not sure if that part is just phycological or what, but I like em.

  • Sparklie

    August 2, 2011 at 1:10 am

    I have been on depo for 3-4 years now and prior to that was on tri-cyclin low for 2 years. It helped a lot with really bad cramps (yes, I completely understand where you are coming from there) and balanced out my hormones a bit. The first week of my injection is what myself and those I live with refer to as typhod mary week. I'm a bit all over the place emotionally but after that I am pretty normal. For me, it has increesed my libido. Hope all goes well talking to the nurse.

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