Forums Discussions does anyone know about pilonidal cysts

  • does anyone know about pilonidal cysts

    Posted by polebunny on November 28, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    i’m gonna talk about a medical problem here so if you are faint of heart please do not read as i’ll have to get a little graphic.

    i have a pilonidal cyst which is a cyst right at your tailbone above your glutes. it can flare up and go away. the first time i had it was nov 08 at which point i went to urgent care and they lanced and drained it. after that it was fine but this past summer in jun 10 it flared up again. i think it flared up bc of the stress of having a miscarriage a month before. had it lanced again and the er nurse said i’d need surgery and to follow up with a doc. but i don’t have insurance so i have not been able to go and see a doc. my only treatment options right now are the er or urgent care place. i can feel it flaring up again like its gonna burst—thanks hubby for kneeing me right there when you crawled into bed last night!

    so im wondering if anyone else had this and what you did about it. its a really sucky thing for a poledancer, i don’t wanna hit it when doing car, ckr, stuff like that and also my hubby always loved my butt and it was his favorite part about me now i don’t want him looking back there and i don’t wanna wear thongs or anything. part of this is bc of having acne down there too! i’m just full of skin issues and need some advice bad! i have a terrible fear of surgery (three years ago they put me out to get my wisdom teeth removed and they couldn’t do it bc i HAD A PANIC ATTACK WHILE UNDER ANESTHESIA.) my fear of this is so bad i don’t wanna get pregnant again for fear of a c section which sounds like something that would make me want to kill myself immediately.

    so thanks for reading on this and if u have any advice about the cyst or body acne please let me know. i will hopefully have insurance through my work soon.

    polebunny replied 14 years, 3 months ago 7 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • upandover

    November 29, 2010 at 1:00 am


    I had a pilonidal cyst a few years back, it would flare up, go away and then just flair up again. I had surgery for it and have never had a problem since. sorry to say that surgery is the only way to 100% get rid of them, if not it will just keep reoccurring over and over again. I know your not keen on surgery but once its over you never have to worry about it coming back to haunt you.

    hope this helps

  • PoleSkivvies

    November 29, 2010 at 2:13 am

    I don’t know anything about the cysts, but I have had similar fears about doctors, especially gynecologists, due to some sexual abuse in my past. I’d feel absolutely panicky at the thought of gynecological surgeries and was always terrified I’d get pregnant and need an episiotomy.

    So I really just want to say, I totally hear you – it’s not unreasonable at all to have a fear of doctors, for whatever reason. And a bad experience going under anesthesia can be really frightening.

    What I’d recommend though is to talk to different doctors and anesthesiologists. You might find there are different kinds of anesthetics than what you were given previously. And you might find that the right doctor with the right personality is all you need to feel safe enough to take care of yourself. That’s what helped me, in the end, finding a doctor who was kind and patient enough that I trusted him (a guy, even, so it does show that the right person can make all the difference).

    Hope you feel better soon!


  • Darby

    November 29, 2010 at 3:15 am

    On the cyst – sorry but having it removed surgically is only way to get rid of it permanently. But I’d talk to doctor about local anesthesia of some sort – that way you wouldn’t need full anesthesia. On the other acne, make try light dermabrasion daily. I use a small buff pad withhibclens soap (can buy at Walmart – find it on the aisle with other antibiotic creams, etc.). If you are shaving you might consider changing to waxing. Yes, OUCH! but you can get some pretty effective numbing lotion or spray at Sally’s.

    Good luck.

  • polebunny

    November 29, 2010 at 3:28 am

    thank you everyone for your advice and support. i did end up going to the er per my hubbys demand and it was quite awful! ha! but they are helping me get to a regular doctor, and quickly. thank you all so much again!

  • Pythia

    November 29, 2010 at 6:25 pm You poor thing! Sounds like you’ve already gotten some good advice, but I just thought I’d chime in and let you know that I had the same horrible painful experience in my early 20’s and ended up having to have surgery. I’m SO THANKFUL I did it! I only wish I had done it sooner and avoided those uncomfortable, painful years! My surgeon said that you can’t do this surgery under local anesthesia because it distorts the tissues and makes it so they aren’t sure if they are getting it all (these cysts tend to have fingers/tentacles…. nice, huh? yuck!). So he required general anesthesia. But I agree with earlier post. Find a doc that will listen to you and that you feel comfortable with.

    On the body acne…. I recommend Neutrogena Acne Stress Control body wash in the shower and the Acne Stress Control 3-in-1 Hydrating Acne Treatment once or twice a day.

    Best of luck to you!

  • kklove

    November 29, 2010 at 8:09 pm

    oh yes…i know your pain on those cyst. I had one a few years back and i literally thought I was going to die…the pressure was unbearable. i dont know how i ended up dealing with it for so long but i did have it lanced….they didnt tell me of a surgical option because i definately would have went that route the first time. I felt the whole procedure…even with local drugs…it wasnt enough. so i was screaming in the dr’s office that day….and i didnt care it was their fault for not givin me strong narcotics lol. I wanted to be sleep but they told me they needed to lance it sooner than later and i obliged. I havent had problems since but i still keep a close eye on that area….just in case it does get bad i can catch it before it hinders me driving :/ As far as your fear of going under, I had a similar situation but when they put me under they couldnt bring me out of it apparently and still let me go home even though i wasnt fully concious. I was pissed to say the least because nothing was ever said to me until a week later when i came in for a followup. i would be scared too but just make sure you go over your concerns with your dr and anestesiologist if you ever have to go under again…they may need to adjust your meds so your body wont go into attack mode. good luck with that chica…stay positive.

  • MissKitty83

    November 29, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    I work in an OR.
    1) do you remember this panic attack? Lots of people wake up from the anesthesia scared or worse, violent. But it’s not usually something that is remembered.
    2) Sorry, surgery really is the only way to truly get rid of it permanently.
    3) As for the acne back there, just keep the area very clean. Wash daily with very warm water and soap. Most any kind of soap will do, but something specially made for acne or oily skin will probably work best. You can also get Tea Tree essential oil from the drug store and rub that on when you finish cleaning the area – it helps prevent acne, and even though it says ‘oil’ it’s an essential oil, and so will not clog your pores. Just make sure you get one that says something like 100% pure Tea Tree essential oil, and that it’s not diluted in Almond/Jojoba/Olive/any other kind of oil. You can apply it directly to the area without diluting it – it will not harm your skin. (you cannot do this with all essential oils, though.) You can also, at the end of this process or even in the middle of the day, wipe the area with rubbing alcohol. This will remove any excess oil, contaminants from your skin and close the pores.

    I agree with what every one else has said though – find a doctor you like and trust. He/she is out there. You may also want to find out if it was it an anesthesiologist (MD) that did your anesthesia, or a Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). Get a copy of your medical record from when you had your wisdom teeth out, and find out what kind of drugs they used to put you to sleep. They may have just given you something you had a bad reaction to. Talk to the doctor you trust about this. S/He’ll understand. There are lots of drug options to put someone to sleep. Also, make sure to tell them EVERYTHING you take – even vitamin and herbal supplements, BCs, the occasional sleep-aid, aspirin or NSAID… everything. All of this can affect how the drugs effect you.
    Arm yourself with knowledge. Find a doctor you like, and arm them with your past experience and what you know about it. TALK TO THE DOCTOR. The more you can tell him/her about what happened to you in the past and how apprehensive you are about it happening again, the better able they will be to soothe your fears and prevent your past from repeating itself. Any good doctor WILL take the time to listen, respond, and find an option that’s best for you.

    Good luck!!

  • polebunny

    November 30, 2010 at 2:05 pm

    thanks for all the advice and support once again! i go into the doc today to get the packing removed and i’m hoping this doc will be nice bc there aren’t many to choose from.

    i do actually remember having the panic attack, but i never thought to contact them to see what kind of drugs it was. also when i was "out" they removed my eyebrow ring and did an xray but didn’t put it back or tell me so i didn’t notice till i got home…..and that was my only ring for it. grrrrr lol

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