Don’t want my friends & family to watch me perform
So in a month and a half I will be doing my first pole performance. It’s a showcase that my studio have organised and it is being held in a club in my city.
My friends and family all know that I’ve been training for this and have expressed wanting to come. However the tickets have just gone on sale and I’m finding myself hesitant to tell them because I’m starting to have second thoughts about having anyone who isn’t a friend from my pole studio there.
With my family the reasons are more obvious – they’ve always made jokes about me training to become a stripper (which btw, I have nothing against strippers as I know they created this art form, but it’s more to do with the derogatory intent behind their words as if they’re making fun of it).
However with my friends it’s a bit more nuanced. I just feel like I won’t be able to perform my best if I have non-pole people in my life watching. I don’t think I’d be able to commit to the performance the same way and that I’d feel self-conscious and embarrassed performing certain dance moves. The whole thing makes me feel like a kid having their parents come watch a school performance which feels a bit infantilising.
I casually mentioned not asking people in my life to come watch me perform today after class and the instructor and some of the students looked at me in horror, with some of their words being “are you fucking kidding me?” And “you should let them come support you, only you will know if anything goes wrong and they’ll just enjoy being at a show”. Which is why I have come to this forum as my mind was made up until I saw their reactions. My boyfriend has said that if I wanted him to come he would, but if I didn’t want him there he would also respect my wishes.
So what should I do? The thought of having closer people in my life in the audience is really putting me off, but I also know if I sneakily went and did the show and they found out later they’d be disappointed.
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