Forums Discussions finally found a used x pole….need yalls help!

  • finally found a used x pole….need yalls help!

    Posted by c0urtneyleighh on March 3, 2011 at 10:45 am

    okay so I found this girl online who has an x pole for sale. She def doesn't seem like a scammer but I just want yalls input to be sure. I'm so paranoid about spending this kind of money on something that may be fake. I've been on here for seriously like 3 three hours going thru all of the older threads and posts that have anything to do with fake x poles and ways to tell if it's fake etc…so I hope this isn't too repetitive for you guys! 

    Everything seems really legit about this pole but some things that worry me about it is in the pic I got of the pole the base looks bigger than other xpole bases I've seen in pics/videos. Is this a known characteristic of a fake xpole… if the base is bigger than a real xpole's base? It may not be bigger it may just be the pic or the angle but it seems bigger to me.

    Another thing is she's not sure if its an xpert or the original xpole? I just kind of assumed it was an xpert because its only 2 years old but when I asked her if it has the xjoints or if its threaded she said she doesn't really know and that one end screws into the other end. The last thing Im not sure of is when I asked her it was 45mm or 50mm she said she thinks it 50mm. I just feel like anyone who spends the money on an Xpole would know if its 50mm or if its the xpert or the original? Dont you think?

    She also has all the of the carrying cases that come with it (one case for the poles, one for the dome) that have the x pole logo on them. And she has all the tools..the hex to change it from static to spin, and the screw drivers to tighten or loosen the pole for assembly (thats how she described them, does that sound right?)

    She lives pretty close to me so Im going to check it out either way because if it is real then its a good deal! What do you guys think??

    Aly77 replied 14 years ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Dancing Paws

    March 3, 2011 at 11:52 am

    She sould know what she has in the way of diameter and style. It's not hard to figure out if it's an xpert or sport pole. Honestly, if I were you, I'd just save up the extra money and buy one from X-pole themselves. That's what I did. I have had some technical problems with some of my pole pieces, and x-pole has been really awesome about sending me replacement parts for free. You wouldn't be able to do that if you got a used one.


  • Sarahb69

    March 3, 2011 at 11:59 am

    I have 2 poles, both are X-poles and both are the new type with the x-joints, but my studio has the old type.

    The base on my X-pert at home is smaller than the X-sport I also have at home. The sport has a base comparable in size to the original spinny X-pole that my studio has. Also, if she describes the tools to tighten the pole, it would no doubt be the original pole because the studio where I take my lessons uses cup-like tighteners to screw their poles together. The new x-jointed poles only come with 2 different size hex keys.

    I think when you go and see her pole, if you look at the base, the real x-pole should have the "x" on the base that you use to line the pole and base up.

    Certainly someone more familiar with the original X-pole should be able to offer you better insight than me, and I'm sure you will get lots of help in determining what she's got.


  • chemgoddess1

    March 3, 2011 at 11:59 am

    I don't think the XPert has been out for more than a year. 


    Sounds as if she maybe got the pole as a fad and then just did not use it.  Not everyone researches like true junkies do.


    Main difference between the Xpert and original is bottom loading or top loading.


    As far as replacememnt parts, XPole seems like a pretty upstanding company and even if you were not the original owner they would back anything that was defective.  I don't know this for sure, just making comment on XPole's perceived customer service.

  • poledanceromance

    March 3, 2011 at 12:00 pm

    She’s describing an original x-pole. I bought mine used as well. Nothing to worry about at all if you know what to look for. The “bigger base” is the standard plate. Many people elect to purchase the smaller base and use it instead, which is probably what you’re used to seeing. If you want to make sure it’s real, ask her to take a few pictures for you. You definitely want to see the little “X” marks on the base and the inside part of the top dome to make sure it’s metal. If she can give you those, it’s almost definitely real. Because this is an original xpole, I would also suggest that when you see the pole in person–and before you buy it–inspect the holes on the A and B sections where you insert your chopsticks. If the pole has been badly installed/removed without the removal tools, the edges of the holes will be rough and could cut you. Also inspect the threads on each end in addition to the chopsick holes and make sure the chrome isn’t peeling off anywhere as that cannot be repaired. And of course check for any deep scratches or swirl marks from heels or rings. Lastly, roll each segment on a flat surface to make sure none of the pieces are bent. If that all checks out, you’ve got yourself a great pole! It couldn’t be an x-pert btw as those just came out in the past year.

  • Sair

    March 3, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    Definitely see it in person before making a descision!

    Take it from a person who bought a used "Xpert" only to realize that it totally was NOT an Xpert.. nor an Xpole at all.

    Just taking a peek can save you from making an expensive mistake.

    If it's the real deal, i'm sure she won't mind you investigating it first 😉

  • c0urtneyleighh

    March 5, 2011 at 1:49 pm

    thanks for all the info! I was hoping I would get a few responses to make me feel a lil better about being able to tell on my own if this pole is good or not. Im def going to check for the x's and the rubber around the dome. It did occur to me that maybe the base was bigger because its an orignal xpole so hopefully thats the case.

    @poledanceromance-thanks for the great info about inspecting the pole…Im not familiar with the term chopsticks…is that just the name of the tool that is used to tighten/loosen the pole? And when inspecting the holes on A and B do you mean the inside edges of the holes or like if i was holding that section of the pole in my hand i would be able to feel rough edges around the holes where I was holding it? If that makes sense? Just wanna make sure Im checking out the right part!

    Thanks again ladies! Im going to see it this weekend so hopefully this time tomorrow Ill be bringing it home 🙂

  • Aly77

    March 5, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    The "chopsticks" or "rods" are used to loosen to tighten the pole.  There should be two of them. 

    As far as the holes being rough, you should feel the outer edges.   If the person used something other than the rods to loosen or tighten the pieces, it could have warped, made dents, or made the holes jagged. 

    If she got this pole 2 years ago new, she should only have the 2 rods, and hex key as tools. 

    I have 2 of the threaded poles….a 45mm and a 50mm.  Here is a pic of my 45mm (without the adjuster cover on the top) 

    Just make sure that all of the pole pieces are there too!!!

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