Forums Discussions first time pole buyer

  • first time pole buyer

    Posted by nathaniel83 on December 9, 2011 at 11:57 pm

    SoI'm getting ready to purchase my first pole. I'm going with Lil Minx and I'm thinking of a rotating powder coated pole. Is this a good pick for a first time pole dancer? or would I be better off getting a removable chrome pole? I'm interested in everything from tricks to climbing. I just want to make sure that first time out I get a good pole.

    Dancing Paws replied 12 years, 8 months ago 11 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Runemist34

    December 10, 2011 at 12:30 am

    Personally, I really enjoy my Lil' Mynx- I don't have a rotator, and I wish I'd known more about dancing and the varieties of poles out there, so I could have gotten one! The availability is really nice, I think, though I'd be wary of doing spin-mode right at the beginning of your dance journey.

    Powder coated, in my experience, is SUPER grippy! My best friend has one because she gets extra-sweaty hands- she can't dance on anything else, she'd just slip off. For me, however (mostly-dry hands), it's VERY sticky, especially when cold, so it's a lot harder to achieve things like spins on it. I imagine it would be amazing for climbing and poses, though!

    Mine is "removable" in that you can take it down, and put it up, very quickly, but it's all in one piece. I likely would have a hard time trusting a pole (personally) that came in many pieces. I've heard unfortunat stories! However, I'm sure there are some here that just love their multi-piece poles, so… to each their own!

    Hope your pole turns out to be everything you want it to be… whatever pole you choose!

  • Lyme Lyte

    December 10, 2011 at 11:56 am

    I have a 45 chrome and a 50 lil mynx. I like them both.  BUT if I had to buy ONE pole, I would combine the two…….a 45 rotator Lil Mynx (plus you can pick diffrent colors).   And in my expeirence the Lil Mynx is much easier to set up and take down. 

  • Dancing Paws

    December 10, 2011 at 5:57 pm

    Either of the lilmynx poles should be fine for a beginner. The power coated poles will have more grip tham the stainless steel poles. I love the lilmynx stainless steel poles. That is what I learned on.

  • Koi2302

    December 15, 2011 at 11:21 pm

    Hello All,

    I am looking to get advice on the best extension for my new Xpert Xpole. My ceiling height is 9ft, and my pole stands 8ft 6in. I am so confused on what size extension to buy; a sales associate over the phone from Xpole said I should buy the 200mm, the official video for installation says I should buy the smallest, and the website says 500mm. I've been itching to get on my pole already, PLEASE HELP!!!


  • stacey2707

    December 16, 2011 at 10:17 am

    Hi If your pole is 9ft then you will not need an additional extensions as the pole goes from 7ft 4 to 9ft

    So you will need all the extensions and a 100mm in thread which is covered by the cover.

    Please contact me if you need any further help thanks 🙂

  • jade s

    December 16, 2011 at 10:34 pm

    I have the Lil Mynx red coated pole. I wish I would’ve gotten the rotator, but that will be my birthday gift to myself this year. I have super dry hands, and the coated pole has great grip. I don’t have a problem doing spins on it, but I’ve heard that some people do. I would advise keeping it on static mode at first. You want to learn how to perform spins without having to rely on the pole to turn you. I know a couple of people who learned on a spinning pole from the very beginning, and the first time they tried a static pole, the couldn’t do a basic spin. Take your time and have FUN!

  • PoleFitMom

    December 16, 2011 at 11:33 pm

    What sold me on an xpole was the fact that if my ceiling height ever changed I could always get an extention to move up to what it could be! THANK GOODNESS! It did  :o) I went from an 8 foot basement ceiling to a 12 foot vaulted in 1 year!

    Good Luck in your pole buying experience!


  • PixiLouBell

    December 17, 2011 at 12:20 am

    I hav a powder coated lilmynx rotator and I LOVE it. It is my first pole and I feel I made a great choice! The grip is pretty good, I hav heard steel and chrome r more slick but I’ve never tried one so can’t say from experience. Good luck! I think u’ll b happy with the lilmynx

  • PixiLouBell

    December 17, 2011 at 12:22 am

    Also the lilmynx is removable! The anker stays in the ceiling but the pole can go up and down

  • PixiLouBell

    December 17, 2011 at 12:23 am

    One more thing.. Lol u may already kno but the rotator is a two in one pole, spinning and it locks in place for non spin

  • dancing in the gray

    January 1, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    I am also a first time pole buyer and am getting a LM, probably the powder coated one. I am starting to do inverts and such soon, but also really enjoy doing spins. We use SS LM poles in our studio, and I do usually need to use a grip aid to get a good spin, but those are also 50mm poles and i’m getting a 45mm. Any other thoughts/advice on getting stainless vs. powder coated with spins?

  • JeHanne

    January 2, 2012 at 1:12 am

    Pole finish is very different for each person. The order of finishes that I prefer are Stainless Steel, Brass then Chrome. I discovered this by dancing on each finish.

    I would definitely invest in the rotator (spinning) option if I was bying a LM. This way you can easily experience spin and static options with one pole investment.

    I have not used a LM pole but many forum members here seem happy with theirs. 

    Wishing you the best of luck and happiness with whichever pole you invest in. 

  • Dancing Paws

    January 2, 2012 at 10:28 am

    Abonavo2 – You could always get the 45mm powder coated one for home use, then use the stainless ones in the studio, that way you have expsure to 2 different diameters and grip types. I think it is good to have exposure to as many pole types as possible IMO. If you need grip aides on the stainless, you will need then at home too, so the powder coated might help with that. If you practice on the powder coated at home, it will help strengthen your hands, and build your confidence in your other moves, helping you progress further, possibly faster than you would with a stainless. I know I am progressing much faster on my brass 45 than I was on my TG 50.

  • dancing in the gray

    January 2, 2012 at 11:03 am

    Thanks so much for your help. I really liked the platinum stages pole, but with my ceiling height now, the same pole won’t work on an 8ft ceiling. And I really don’t want to spend $350-450 on a pole that might work for 6 months. Once i get to a place with 8 ft ceilings, I’ll invest in either a PS brass 1 piece or multi piece.

    I think for now I will be getting a 45 mm powder coated since I am still working on SS 50mm in the studio 3x a week.

    Your input has been so helpful!!

  • JeHanne

    January 2, 2012 at 11:08 am

    I am very happy with my one piece Platinum Stage pole. Keep in mind when you are ready to buy from them that they offer a 10% discount for StudioVeena members! 

    Let us know how it goes and enjoy your new pole, its so exciting to buy the first, and second, and  third and fourth pole… lol!


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