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foam roller… you my only friend!
Lucca Valentine replied 10 years, 2 months ago 17 Members · 53 Replies
What foam rollers do y’all have that you love? I have one but feel it might now be hard enough, or I’ve used it too much. Looking for a sturdy one. Also do y’all have the plain ones or the ones with raised shapes?
Mine is from fred Meyer, i don’t know the brand but it has a textured roller inside the big one and a smaller plastic hand held roller inside. Love! Only gripe is its not long enough, def recommended one that’s almost as tall as you if you can find one.:)
Silly question to all of you who rave about foam rollers and tennis/golf balls: do you use them just for stiffness and injury, or do you use them proactively to help with flexibility? And is it effective for that?
Both! It’s effective for proactive flexibility, in veenas splits videos she starts each segment out with foam rolling. Foam rolling can be helpful to keep your muscle and connective tissue loose which prevents injuries. I’ve heard it referred to as “pre-hab”
Both 🙂 yes, it is one of the only way i find relief for tightness in my back and leg, besides a hot bath. The roller is my anytime guy, Huge fan. Oh a tennis ball to the forearm, pecs or top of thigh, oh my!!!
Here is a little tennis ball trick I just figured out, take an old pair of tights, put two tennis balls into one foot, make it tight, twist it and push it back through so it is double layered, tie a knot and cut the tights. It makes the tennis balls more skin friendly and it is great for massaging around your spine. As for the roller, I use PVC, foam isn’t hard enough lol But yes, I love rolling out too, I haven’t used foam for three and a half years.
any tips on how to tennis ball the traps? I can’t get into it with my rumble roller and at the moment I just hold a tennis ball and roll it by hand. It’s where I am the tightest and it really bugs me I can’t get deep into it!
The only way i can do the traps and get relief is from a tennis ball against the wall, or another human is best for that awkward spot, for me anyways. Have you tried a textured roller vertically in that spot? Those are the things i find helpful;)
shoogs – yeah I’ve tried the roller vertically but still doesn’t quiiiite get it. I’ll try the tennis ball against the wall though, thanks!
A tennis ball against the pecs on the wall feels great too!
So, reading this thread has made me wonder if I need a roller.
I’ve been taking my exercise up a notch (I’m getting married in 6 weeks and my dress is a little tight over my belly) and over the last few days I’ve been suffering a lot: my back is so sore and uncomfortable pretty much all day. I’m sure it’s muscular.
Plus, I was showing off to a friend a week ago (oh, the things we do when showing off) and I managed to invert three times. The third time, I felt my rib connect with the pole and it’s been hurting ever since. I’m almost certain it’s just bruised rather than anything more serious.
Add to this, my avid breastfeeding two-year-old who likes to sleep-feed on top of me in the night, so I feel really uncomfortable half the time when I’m sleeping.
So this foam roller thing will help to massage out the soreness, is that right?
Okay, so I got one. I was a bit shocked by the price, but OMG!!! Now I know what you’re all raving about. I am in love with this thing!
I gave it a quick go on my back, mainly on one side of my spine before my two-year-old stole it from me, and by the time he was ready for a nap and I decided to have a nap with him, I realised that side was no longer sore.
I thought it was too good to be true, so I had a quick go on the other side of my spine before lying down for my own nap.
Wake up, and my back is almost completely better!!
This thing is amazing! I’ve been putting up with this aching back for days! And now it’s better!
I feel I need some more exclamation points because I’m THAT excited about this.
Hell yes …. Really is THAT amazing!!! Oh the noises you’ll make, the positions you’ll end up in. 🙂 and the relief, glad you experienced some !
I did soooo much rolling this evening, trying out so many muscle groups. My whole body feels more relaxed than it has in … gosh … maybe even months?!! I’m going to sleep so well!
I seriously don’t know I got so far through my life without knowing how awesome these are.
I may have to start a religion based on this thing, going door to door introducing people to its wonders. ‘Hi, I’m from the church of Foam Rollers and Latter Day Exercise. Can I interest you in some rolling?’
Oh good stuff. Yes i try to convert people whenever possible!!
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