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foam rollers 4 glutes and hamstrings
Posted by PixiLouBell on December 17, 2012 at 1:33 pmany of u have luck with foam rollers? my hamstrings and glute muscles are so easy to pull, i have been resting my right hamstring/glute because i swear its been pulled forever but its hard to baby it while poling!! so was wondering if rolling wud help. im trying to rest it as well as i can. thnx!
PixiLouBell replied 12 years, 2 months ago 11 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
GET A FOAM ROLLER, You will NOT regret it. Its the best thing ever, and it always helps my muscles loosen up for deep stretching. Once you use it on a regular basis, you will know what areas you need to roll out more. They really help. I bought mine from walmart and they sell them at target. Or you can order hundreds of different ones online 😉
Foam rollers are great, but they will not Heal an injury. It may help to use one before poling or stretching though.
thnx guys! i took a few weeks completely off the pole to try to heal it but when i got back on the pole a simple hellicopter invert made it pull a little again..ugh
Pulled hamstrings take a long time to heal, sometimes months. My pulled hamstring took 9 weeks, and it was fairly minor. Just treat it gently. Gentle stretching, massage, anti-inflammatories. If poling bothers it, keep off. i was able to go back to pole after about 2 weeks, but still had to avoid deep flexibiloty training for a lot longer.
i have heard those hamstrings are stubborn!! looks like ill be staying away from leg flex moves on the pole..jade..jallegra etc. :/ i guess i can focus more on back, hips, and shoulder flexibility tho! at least all is not lost lol thnx for ur response!!
Hey! You be careful with your hammy
My understanding is it is really easy to go from a slight injury to severe if you aren't careful. I don't want you to be out any longer than you have to <3
lmao ty PA 🙂 im pretty sure ive passed the slight mark since ive been ingnoring it for some time, its gotten slightly better in the few weeks ive been off tho so gonna continue resting it for much longer. im glad there are other things i can focus on in the meantime!
- my foam roller! Mine really helps my shoulderblades and calves. Since doing Insanity, my calves are really tight so I try to roll them out before I start the exercise which does a world of difference.
Also use Veenas roller lessons, Ive gotten some good insight on using mine on different parts of my body.
I pulled my gracillus (little hamstring muscle) a few months back, stupid muscle, it’s never been right since 🙁 I can’t do any box split style stretching and I was nearly there when it happened too!!! I feel your irritation xx
I would think that if it's pulling that easily, you may either not be utilising the right muscles when you're doing some things or the muscles have got shortened for whatever reason (cycling? running? genetics?). I find hammies can be a particularly fussy area but maybe, once you've healed, it might be a good idea to do light stretching and strengthening of the hammies to try and stop it from happening again. Maybe getting a teacher to look at your technique for the moves that are particularly causing you grief could help? Or making sure you're really warm before you do things? Having said this though, I know people with well stretched hammies who just through one random wrong move, tweaked it painfully. Re the foam rollers, I think they're good for working on knotty muscles, which is not really what happens when you strain things. Although maybe, if you're particularly knotty in one area, you may compensate through another area and cause strain? Sorry, this has turned into a bit of a brain storm about the issue but hopefully you can get it sorted 'cos a stretched hammie is annoying!
ty sassafrassle!! im pretty sure its pulled from pushing it too far, when i first started poling it never hurt, i tried a really flexy trick i wasnt ready for and pulled it (aka charlees move lol) ever since then its hurt, but i continued to do jades, jallegras, etc with it…bad move i know!! lol i think i really need to rest it for a long time, i was just hoping a foam roller wud help loosen up both my hammies down the road because they are both rather stubborn and tight!! ty for ur thoughts 🙂
omg please take care of your glutes. your butt is loved by many.
I relied on my foam roller for splits stretching. So many uses for them.
With a pulled muscle you want light superficial message and no deep tissue massage because you might interrupt the healing process. So if you roll go easy on the injured muscle.
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