Forums Discussions forearm pain

  • forearm pain

    Posted by VanillaryPuff on January 9, 2013 at 3:51 am

    Hi guys,

    I didn't do a thing around the holidays (for about two weeks), and now that I started poling again, my forearms hurt bad. I did mostly beginner's stuff, a lot of spins and yes, a couple of split grips were included. I already know this kind of pain, I just did not expect my body to respond to "the easy stuff" that I did so quickly! But as pole dancing is my job, I have to continue doing it. And I'm actually afraid that it may get really bad when I go on to teach more advanced classes in the end of January!

    So,my question is: how can I treat my inflammed forearms right? Applying tigerbalm helps a little. But I'm wondering, should I keep my forearms warm or cool? I feel that warm would be right, but really, I don't know

    Does anyone have any home remedies or tricks or stuff for me?

    AngelVonSpin replied 11 years, 11 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • reenie aka Mysfit

    January 9, 2013 at 4:31 am

    Have you been in to have it looked at? Is it both your forearms or just your dominant side?

    In the meantime,

    Sounds like you are describing a tendonitis type pain…..If you haven't seen the dr…..go get it looked at for a proper diagnosis…

    and……REST and Ice

    I know you don't want to hear that REST word………but the inflammation will only get worse.

    I suffered a mild case myself a few months ago and I teach everyday too so resting it was tricky, but it can be done.

    I avoided demoing anything on my dominant hand. I was careful spotting, weight bearing, and iced it.

    I rushed back too fast the first time and it let me know loud and clear that it was not ready to be used. So, I gave it a few more weeks and my forearm and I—are friends again…lol



  • VanillaryPuff

    January 9, 2013 at 5:05 am

    Thank you Reenie!!

    So you recommend cooling it – I will try that! I've had it before and never went to see a doctor, it always went away after a couple of days. But perhaps you're right, sigh. I'll still go and ask the apothecary first… perhaps they can give me a nice balm or something.

    YES, I hate the R-word! lol … resting sucks! Also, in our studio we do everything on both sides – so now I have it on both my arms. I don't want to think about the pain I woud have if I'd done it on one side only

    I am concerned why it appeared now. As I said, I did nothing especially tiring, just a couple of spins and inverts … no handspring or such! I used to teach 4 classes a week before my 2 week break, and I had nothing, but now, after only 2 (as the week's just started), I have pain? I mean, what the heck? Not fair!

  • Dancing Paws

    January 9, 2013 at 10:26 am

    I had that bad once. Honestly, foam rolling them and putting pressure and heat on the muscle helped. I also get major leg aches when I ride my bike, and I find laying under my heated blanket helps it.

  • Saphyre

    January 9, 2013 at 12:01 pm

    This pain can be totally separate from tendonitis. I injured my forearm 2 months after starting pole. I had physical therapy, which included heat, electro stimulation, stretching, and massage. Mine was pretty severe though. It was basically like shin splints, but in the forearm. When you overgrip in a spin , you can cause the muscle to kind of pull away, which i turn, causes the injury. Here is my advise in addition to rest:

    Do these in order at least twice a day

    1) Heat 

    2) Stretch using Veena's forearm extensor and flexor exercises!!!!

    3) Heat 

    4) Massage

    Once you start to feel some relief, get a firm ball or a hand grip exerciser. Use as often as you can to strengthen those muscles and you'll be back to normal! xoxo



  • VanillaryPuff

    January 9, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    Thank you so much ladies! I happened to have a doctor in my class today, her advice was:

    rest (duh!), and rub with tigerbalm. There are plenty of salves and stuff on the market she said, with or without added painkillers (like voltaren), but tigerbalm is still the best (although not really "mediciny" stuff).


  • AngelVonSpin

    January 9, 2013 at 9:35 pm

    Medical advice is good, but treatment is better – consult with a physiotherpist and/or myotherapist, as pain, inflammation and swelling in the forearms would be muscle/skeletal related which the phsyio can help with, and the pain and swelling can be effectively treated by a myotherapist who can treat the fascia of the muscles and get you back to normal faster.  As the doctor recomended starting on mild pain killers and anti inflam meds is neccessary to put things right.  If you get the treatment right you will get better quick.  In the meantime use a 'demonstrator" so you can rest those arms. Good luck

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