Forums Discussions frustration

  • Poledancefan

    January 9, 2009 at 6:28 am


    Rotate your workouts and don’t do the pole every single day. That will allow different parts of the body to rest while you work on another kind of exercise. I practice the pole every third day. I do treadmill one day, weight machines the next day, pole the third day. You could try changing emphasis WITHIN the pole workout. Spins one practice, aerial work the next, inverts the one after that.

    If you are pole dancing for 20 minutes, then that is a good twenty minutes of pole. Are you documenting your practices with a video camera?–because maybe if you had old videos of yourself in earlier practices and your improvement would be more obvious to you. I look at some of my old videos and they are hilariously bad. I look at my videos from last week and they are just…well, bad!

    Keep a sense of humour about it. Enjoy the process and go as slow as you need to. You will pick up the moves and you will get better. If you are feeling discouraged, go watch some of my awful videos and have a good laugh because I bet you have passed me up already. You are going to be an absolutely fabulous pole dancer one day–I am absolutely confident of that!


  • LittleMissLola

    January 9, 2009 at 10:11 am

    How long have you been doing pole for?

    Joel is right, it’s best not to overdo it, I know there are times when it feels like you should be on the pole every single waking moment in order to get better, but if poling is hurting too much it is always best to have a break.

  • Flosqito

    January 10, 2009 at 1:59 am

    Thanks guys. I agree I think I’m over working myself ever time I have extra time I spend it working out and my hands and legs just need a rest I think. I’m so happy there’s this website to help out otherwise I would be alone haha. Thanks again and I’ll keep ur advice in mind! Happy poling

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