Forums Discussions getting implants

  • getting implants

    Posted by Poleluver on August 25, 2011 at 1:10 pm

    K, I know there are a lot of people against this but whatever, I have become very active , gained some muscle, lost some weight and a lot of it from my breasts.  I was a D and now I'm a B. I still have hips and have always been curvy  so I could go back to D which would be fun since I'm smaller.  I like the idea of not going to big because I consider myself atheletic. I like to jog, I do Muay Thai kickboxing, pole, ect. But I've been doing some research and looking into the idea of DD.  I read that DD is the most common US size, that often people wish they had gone a little bigger after the surgery is healed and I have been considering switching up.  I found some pics of a pre surgery size to a specific size after surgery- there was a lot of variations to look at that considered type of implant, where , and insertion site.  I also found a site discussing the great idea of feeling it out for a while with varying sizes of homemade rice fillers. The site had directions and all LOL.


    I guess I just would like to hear about people's experiences in going bigger.  I am a confident person and am excited about this while I understand there are some gals here who would love to speak out about this negatively- to those of you…. know that I already know what you would say and thanks for realizing that this is not that type of thread.

    opielee replied 13 years, 6 months ago 11 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • OopseyDaisey

    August 25, 2011 at 1:31 pm

    I haven't had it done, but of my friends in pole & aerial who have, they all said they tried to fit their body (love the rice boob idea).  I do know that my larger friends (natural & implant) say that certain moves are much harder for them like the flag.  They make adjustments, but say the squeezing isn't comfy.  One of my friends just had hers redone because one was deflating and  they redid them part over and part under the muscle if that makes any sense.  She said it gave her a more natural look and more mobility.  I hope that helps…

  • chemgoddess1

    August 25, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    I cannot help you on the size, the only thing I can tell you is to really research the doctor and whether your frame can handle the size you are looking at getting.  I know LOTS of women who have implants and there are maybe three out of the ones I know that look natural and are not totally screwed up in one way or another (too high, too low, nipples in weird places, etc).  All three ladies paid top dollar, massaged their breasts during recovery and carry a little extra weight.


    I would also make sure that the doctor knows that you jog as this can cause all sorts of issues if the implants are not secured properly and may cause additional scarring leading to "brick breast".  You also may not be able to jog for an extended period of time after the surgery…just be prepared for that.  If you are an avid runner that may be torture!

  • nymphdancer

    August 25, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    I agree with Chem, research Dr's carefully I have seen way too many botched jobs by supposedly "good" drs. I tend to like the look of ones implanted under the muscle and for an active person slightly smaller is going to be more comfortable then larger. My niece actually had a very good set (lol) they were done under the muscle and actually look pretty darn natural. they move nicely with her and are right for her frame. She is 5'11 over 200lbs and a D. she had them done at 21 because she was a c on one side and a A on the other.  I have a friend who had hers done and they are not the same size and one is too far to the outside of her body and the other to far into the middle of her body and one nipple points up and one down. and she paid for the "pleasure" of having them look like that. 

  • Poleluver

    August 25, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    Wow, I love all the responses! All very helpful. Appreciating the info!

  • Polecat88

    August 25, 2011 at 3:15 pm

    I had 300cc partial unders in 2009, taking me from a saggy B to a full DD. I have larger hips and a small ribcage and I also jog regularly (around 10k most times). I have thus far had very few problems with mine, none at all with pole except they got inflamed a little once. I would say that they do not look 100% natural, but no messed up nipples or owt like that. They're just a little rounder than naturals, but that was needed to achieve the 'lifting' of my boobs without uplift surgery.


    I am totally happy with my decision and would do it again, but as everyone has said research, time and common sense are important in your own, personal decision.

  • PhnixxRed

    August 26, 2011 at 1:03 am

    I haven’t had mine done, but pre-pregnancy I was a 38D. Now I’m a 40DD and I wish I were smaller again. Bra shopping is hard, shirts fit funny, and one-size fits most clothing doesn’t apply anywhere near me. I would personally go to a D (I’m begging my husband for a reduction as I type this) but if there’s any way for you to practice wearing a dd (fat suit boobs or etc) please try before you buy. My back hurts often and I dread running even though I’m military. I wish you the best and I hope you find what you like!!!!!!!!

  • TinyDancer04

    August 26, 2011 at 2:01 am

    We have a bit in common haha-
    I train in muay Thai & pole dance and have a one year old.
    I had my boobs done about 3 years ago but I’m not happy with them so I’ll hopefully get them redone again this year or early next year 🙂

  • litlbit

    August 26, 2011 at 7:56 am

    Here's the best resource I know of out there….I've known Nicole for many years, she started this site when she was trying to find informatuon before her augmentation.  It is a wonderful forum chalk full of everything you need!

  • anna2422

    August 26, 2011 at 8:24 am

    For lots of support, a wonderful site is

    I am Anna C (TT/mr 7-22-10) on there, you have to use a member's id to get in, it is by invitation.  It used to be free, but I think there is a $10 donation now to get in.  It is very private, and there are lots of before and after pics for breast augs too. VERY GRAPHIC, if I may add, even in the surgeons office, you cannot see pics of what scars look like, etc, but on there you can see it all, even surgery videos.  It is a support network, and you can literally ask any questions to other women whom have had surgery.  Get opinions on size, over vs. under, saline vs gel.  You get the idea….   Good luck!


  • Poleluver

    August 26, 2011 at 4:27 pm

    Aleshia it's great to meet another. I know I've always thought there were some who did MT with boobs but never saw them for myself and MT is actally what made them disappear the most and I love MT and was worried it would be a problem.


    Anna- I heard about that place and have been awaiting my approval. I used someone who was Video blogging on it on You Tube and am worried that is why It wasn't approved yet? I've heard a lot of good things and will try yours too, thanks so much.


    Phoenix- thanks about the running DD advice. It seems to make since. I am going to make my rice fillers tonight,  D and DD to at least get a visual.  D implant with the lift may be enough 🙂


    thanks everyone!

  • PaulettePoles

    August 27, 2011 at 8:11 am

    I had augmentation myself- before pregnancy I was a size B, during breastfeeding went to DD +, then deflated but I still had to wear a DD. They were saggy, horrible!! I had a lift / augmentation 350cc,  but all the elasticity was gone form my skin, after they were STILL SAGGY. My surgeon redid again for free with a larger implant 550cc. I now wear a size 32E. I have mixed feelings as well. I love them- when Im not being active. I too run, pole etc.. and it is a hindrance to working out. I dont deal w any pain but they definitely do get in the way! ALso, buying bras is impossible- I have to special order online. I cant buy any from Victorias Secret etc.. (sighs) ALso shirts are a nightmare! If it fits on top, it looks like  bag on the bottom and they tend with "normal" clothes on to make me look heavier than I am. However, at home w my tanks, or boating in a swimsuit, etc, I love them! Its been 7 years now and I  ind myself thinking of a reduction more frequentkly because I have become so much more active, but am torn if I want to let go or not. They look, move feel natural- I wasnt ever able to achieve the perky "fake" look w no skin elasticity ( would have liked a bit more) symatry etc is good.. no back pain, the only issue mainly is bra / clothing fitting for me. I feel like Ive never learned to "dress" to compliment. Hope that makes any sense or is any help to you. Being that youve lost weight, your skin elasticity or lack of will make a big differencce in how your surgery results.

  • opielee

    August 27, 2011 at 11:48 am

    Not sure if my advice might help you any,but I knew someone years ago from when I worked in the clubs whose implants looked so natural,I couldn’t tell they were fake to begin with,turns out,her plastic surgeon is a woman,I think that should be taken into consideration as they’re more in tune to the female body than male docs would be

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