Forums Discussions handspring question

  • handspring question

    Posted by smokinangel on December 22, 2011 at 9:21 pm

    I've been working on the handspring lately and finally got it today (knock on wood). Yay! Super excited! 

    Question for you, though. I have my right hand down, so my left leg is the swinging leg. My right leg (the one planted) has been getting tweaked in the hip flexor/inner groin area and I only feel it when I handspring. Then it aches for awhile after, but whatever 'cause I did the handspring =)  Just wondering what would cause that? Is it an overuse in a new way thing? Or perhaps I'm twisting into it funny?  Thoughts? Suggestions? 

    Any help is appreciated! 

    smokinangel replied 13 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • trickivix

    December 23, 2011 at 7:02 pm

    At a guess, I'd say tight hip flexors. As you swing, you're opening up your hips suddenly which can easily pull something if you are not warmed up enough. I know people who have this issue and they generally do a lot of hip/leg movement exercises before they do any handsprings. Try doing circular leg exercises which covers the range of motion in your leg socket, almost like you are drawing 'O' shapes with your knee on an imaginary wall (clockwise, anti-clockwise and try figure 8 movements too)  plus some light stretching beforehand, and make sure you give it a good stretch afterwards too. Hope that helps 🙂 p.s.. congrats on the handspring!

  • smokinangel

    December 23, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    That makes sense. I'll try getting hip flexors extra warm first next time. Thanks for the advice!  Off to stretch them now… lol

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