Forums Discussions handstands/elbowstands/iguana – flexibility issue?

  • handstands/elbowstands/iguana – flexibility issue?

    Posted by Polecat88 on September 3, 2011 at 2:32 pm

    Hi all,


    I've been moving on to slightly more advanced moves lately and I'm close to getting my ayesha (hit and miss atm), I have my extended butterfly down etc….

    However, I have a problem when it comes to getting into handstands and elbowstands, I can hold them from an invert off the pole even for a while, but I find it scarey/awkward to get into them from the floor. I feel uncomfortable in the position to get into them and tend to have to jump as I can't get my shoulders comfortably under my hips.

    I really want to learn the iguana mount but I'm scared to as the fear/discomfort makes my hands hugely sweaty  (= slippery pole) and I really struggle to get into the position to try it.

    I believe this is a flexibility and not as much a strength issue (I could be entirely wrong) but I would like some feedback to see if anyone else has this problem and how it is best addressed?



    Laura KittyCat replied 13 years, 5 months ago 13 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Scarlet Thunder

    September 3, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    I think you are right, flexibility does matter in an iguana mount, like you say the closer you can get your hips to the pole the easier it is to lift. I can do the iguana mount with ease along with headstands and elbow stands but not i have started to work on my handstand lifts i find i need to be able to fold in half more to get my hips in the right position so am struggleing. Keep working on them and this too will overtime help increase your flexibility and make the move easier. Good luck. x

  • Veena

    September 3, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    Yep you guys are right! To easily find a balance point you need to have the flexibility to get your butt and hips over your head. This goes for elbow forearm and handstands too.  Strength in the shoulders, back and abs do play a part as well when your lifting up.

  • Krista Bocko

    September 3, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    I have this issue too. I canNOT fold my body up and get my butt over my shoulders.  I need to figure out the best way to get the flexibilty…I'm stretching for the splits but maybe there's something else I need to be doing.

  • Cocoa0

    September 3, 2011 at 6:04 pm

    There is a yoga pose called prasarita padottanasana that is perfect for gaining the flexibility to do handstand presses. Here is a link with pics explaining the pose

  • Veena

    September 3, 2011 at 6:49 pm

    Sparrow, Remember flexibility takes time if your see improvement then your doing things right. If your not seeing any then its time to take a look at it. There are a few different stretches for the hamstrings in the lessons they are all in a row. Also be sure to stretch the quads as well.

    Until your hams become nice a flexy you can just bend the knees as you walk your hips over head.

  • Polecat88

    September 4, 2011 at 3:03 am

    Thanks for all the replies,

    Yes, I have lost a lot of flexibility lately, I'm surely going to just work hard on that more often and more consistantly. I will post to show my progress, perhaps some of the others who have this issue will join me?


  • HannahElizabeth

    September 4, 2011 at 4:24 am

    Remember for iguana mount you need some flexibility in your shoulders to enable you to manouver you hips around to find the right position to go up. Are you trying to deadlift into an iguana? If so, I found getting into the arm position, then having your feet fairly wide apart and not too close to the your head was a bit easier for me as oppose to having my legs together and then trying to lift either with straight legs or in a crunch…. If that makes sense!

    Basically I can nearly put my chest on the floor in straddle position and can go no where near as far down in pike position. If you think about, this is effectively the same position you’ll be doing but upside down and standing up & with your arms back 🙂

    Also I can’t deadlift into a handstand or really into a headstand either but I can deadloft iguana everytime. As you say if your worried about it, your hands will sweat. I also think I look down at the floor when I iguana
    Mount, this seems to make me feel more in control as I know where I’m going, where as looking back at my feet makes me feel like if I fall, I won’t see it coming!

  • polergirl

    September 4, 2011 at 9:50 am

    It's definitely a question of flexibility–I can do elbowstand presses easily but handstands, no way until I gain some hip and shoulder flexibility. 

    I would LOVE to see your progress and will post, sure!

  • Miraine

    September 4, 2011 at 3:54 pm

    I'm having the same troubles Polecat.  I lack hamstring flexibility so I can't get my hips high enough to press up into stands, and I also have problems with my shoulders: whilst they're flexible enough for me to be in an elbowstand position, they're pretty weak whilst at that angle.  If I try to get my back to the pole as per Veena's lesson, my shoulders just slump and my head ends up on the floor.

    I've not tried iguana yet.  Something tells me I'll have less trouble with that than with stands though, because my arms are perfectly happy in the position they'll be for that.  Just a matter of having enough strength and bravery to try, hehe.

    I will happily join you in making some kind of record of my progress on these, I look forward to seeing how you get on and working with you (remotely, hehe) on it!

  • Veena

    September 4, 2011 at 4:44 pm
  • Laura KittyCat

    September 5, 2011 at 1:39 pm

    In gymnastisc we call the lift a press handstand. You may find some tutorials on it on youtube that would help. I teach this move against a wall, which may help you feel a bit more comfy than trying it against a pole. The key things are 1- get your straddle position as open as possible, 2- get the hips over the head before lifting the legs to parallel with the floor and 3- rotating the hips as you lift the legs up then bring them together. Resting your back against the wall as you practice will help you develop muscle strength and flexibility while giving you a nice, flat, stable place to rest against.

  • Kira

    September 5, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    ohhh elbowstands are my enemy!! I can do a headstand and a handstand but elbowstand feels so difficult, I can't find the balance… and when it comes to elbowstand where the head is lifted up/chest pushed out, I find it really difficult…. even when I use the pole to lean against. What stretches or beginner moves can I do to improve it (aside from practising over and over)

    with the iguana I was told to have the back/spine against the pole and roll up and you get to a point where you are on your tip toes. From there I used to do little baby hops to try and get the feeling of having the weight in my arms and get used to a new grip and then I left it for a few months and worked on different inversions like improving my handstands etc. and I found when I went back to that move after a few months I was less nervous and could control the invert better. I agree it's a scary move!!

  • heathalynne

    September 6, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    All of them take practice and knowing what parts of your body and core to engage.

    Handstands – It’s mainly core integration. Ribs in so your stomach and ribs are engaged, tilt your tailbone in, shoulder blades trying to kiss, hands in line with your shoulders. For me, I cannot control lift a straddle into it, but the easiest/sexiest way I can is split kick into it. The more your forward folded, the better.

    Elbowstands – It’s important to have your elbows directly under your shoulders, so biceps are straight down. Try either having your hands barely touching making a triangle shape or parallel/staight forward, whichever is more comfortable for you. Then keep walking forward towards your face until you can’t anymore, hold it for a bit to get the feeling, move your weight into your arms, and kick up. When you’re up, stick out your chest and arch back.

    Iguana mount – Def shoulder flexibility. I still have trouble with this and maybe did it twice in my life. Lol! I prefer the half iguana mount where one hand is holding the pole and the other is in a handstand. I can straddle into that but it actually requires more core to mount into it.

  • amy

    September 6, 2011 at 1:44 pm

    it's not just hamstrings and shoulders– you will notice that people who have a straddle split can do a press much more easily– because they can bring their legs OUT and in line with their core, even before they their legs up!

    i would note that iguana mounts are indeed shoulder flexibility, but if you have the shoulder flex and not the hamstring flex, you can "cheat" it by using your upper body and core to lift your feet off the ground (from however close to the pole you can walk them) and pull your butt to the pole before you rotate through the hips to lift your legs. 

    to practice handstands without the hamstring flexibility, put your feet on yoga blocks =) having the increased height can make up for not being able to walk your feet all the way in. i find that this helps a lot! 

  • chemgoddess1

    September 6, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    I can iguana lift using the technique that Amy states as I have limited shoulder and hamstring flexibility.  Pantera really helped me with this one….basically I go over, lock the hands in place and then use my upper body to lift my toes just off the ground.  At this point I concentrated on bringing my hips to the pole and then lifting my legs.


    I have JUST been able to do a head stand lift on the wall (this is after 2-3 years of trying to get this) but shoulder stand and handstand lifts are not coming any time soon.

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