Forums Discussions help w/posting?

  • pole-twista

    March 27, 2009 at 8:38 pm

    ok i am sooooo frustrated!!! i went to best buy numerous times only to waste $$/time on things that have not owrked in getting me to be able to post finally they just tell me to go to sony webpage and order from them i do and have been very anxiously awaiting the arrival of the usb cable the page said works for handycams ok comes today i was super excited guess what doesnt fit!!! i am soo pissed my bf’s brother is suppouse to come over later to see what he can do ( even though he’s tried before) i dont know just so eagar to post and feel more involved and seems like an impossible feat talk about choosing the wrong camera ok well guess eventually will have a video up

  • pole-twista

    April 3, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    ok so finallllly have videos on comp they are in my documents under videos ok so thats good problem is w getting the vids here it was uploaded as 1 lonnng continuous video i played around and now have a bunch of clips w diffrent dates like mini folders of dances but went to view my 80’s challenge dance and it plays like 10sseconds and than repeats the 1 dance got broken into 2 or 3 folders dont know how to either link those together so plays as 1 uncut dance the way it was taped or i can view the whole 80min tape at once in a folder but dont know how to extract the 1 song out of that 80 mins worth i am so eager to post esp now that vids are on comp friend said monday night he will prob be able to come by to help but really dont want to wait any longer should be in chat tonight around 6-7p est any help with this either through forum or through chat would be much appreciated

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