Forums Discussions how do I make a start on learning the splits

  • how do I make a start on learning the splits

    Posted by unicorn on February 22, 2011 at 4:32 pm

    Hi everyone

    I fairly new to poling,I was wondering where you make a start at learning to do the splits. Im no spring chicken I am 41 years old and never as much as stretched a muscle in my life! 

    Bad I know, not since starting Poling anyhow. I am trying to stretch and strength. Im not sure how I am meant to doing it, At the moment I am doing alternate days …when I remember.. shocking huh! 

    Just need to get in to a routine with it..Just dont feel I am doing enough really..

    Anyway the splits.. eek at my age!!   How do you start on these, is it best to learn the front splits first or side?  how do you stretch for them, any one recommend a good dvd to help. As I need to follow something  while doing stretches fro them.. memory is not good enough, hee hee  ;0)

    Veena replied 14 years ago 6 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • spinnygirl

    February 22, 2011 at 4:52 pm

    I'm into my second month of stretching/splits training and I found that there a few great threads on here under the strength and training section. 

    There are some great links to webpages that show specific stretches that will help you with attain the splits. 

    From personal experience, I haven't done the splits since I did martial arts as a kid and back then I could easily oversplit!  I've had to ease into it and I am on month two of stretching pretty much every day.  I spend anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour stretching and I also do the P90X Stretch X and Yoga X series, they've helped me jumpstart my flexibility.

    The most important thing is to keep at it every day, try to push yourself a little further when you feel like you're not making progress and don't give up!  By the end of the first month I felt like I wasn't progressing and started getting discouraged and then when I danced around my pole after getting warmed up, I was suddenly MUCH closer than ever to the splits.

  • unicorn

    February 22, 2011 at 5:12 pm

    wow thanks.. everyday?? how on earth to you motivate yourself to doing this daily

    I just wondered what this was…P90X Stretch X  ?

    I will check these links out..

    I have been trying to look on the internet but its like stretch. strenght  bla bla ba overload!!

    too much to take in, even stretches im not sure what I am meant to be doing…

  • kat pole princess

    February 22, 2011 at 5:15 pm

    def check out the links spinnygirl suggested and the maxifex thread.

    @spinnygirl.  power 90x has yoga and stretching.  please do tell more!

  • spinnygirl

    February 22, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    P90X is a workout series, its supposed to get your butt into amazing shape in ninety days.  Of course, I don't follow it exactly and I do the videos in whatever order I like.  Its extremely intense so don't worry if you can't do it right away.  It took me about a month before I could do the yoga X dvd without a problem.

    I've been trying not to overdo the exercising so I just do the yoga and stretch dvd's from the P90X series, they're about an hour and half long but they stretch just about every muscle you have in your body and when you finish, you feel amazing.  The stretch is pretty easy but the yoga is killer.

    @katpole- I'm in love with those pole platforms!  I have them on order since my size is out, I want the 5.75 inch platforms!

  • spinnygirl

    February 22, 2011 at 7:27 pm

    I know what you mean about information overload!!!  I spent a solid week reading about all the kinds of exercises to do but once you find a good routine, you will get used to it quickly.  Fifteen minutes in the morning as soon as you get out of bed will help and then try to fit in another stretching session before bed or if you're watching tv, you can sit in the splits.

    What motivates me is Felix Cane and watching all the other pros! 

  • ShellyBelly

    February 23, 2011 at 11:17 pm

    Achieving the splits is very difficult but so sexy and graceful when you finally get it down! 🙂 I could have sworn Veena posted a splits how to on YouTube. If you happen to visit YouTube just type in “splits” and you should find done neat and helpful videos.

    The way I learned is a bit painful and requires a lot of patience and commitment. Find a nice long wall. 2 ways to practice here. 1. (less effective) sit down, facing the wall with legs spread open. At this point both feet should be a nice length apart from each other and both touching on opposite ends of the wall. Now comes the hard part. Push! Try pushing your butt closer to the wall while keeping your feet touching the wall. (sorry if that’s difficult to understand)
    2. Similar to 1. This time though, find a wall and lay on your belly facing away from the wall. Position each foot on opposite ends on the wall and push yourself back to the wall. If anythings unclear, let me know! I’d be glad to help! 🙂

  • heathalynne

    February 24, 2011 at 12:13 am

    Tried a lot of techniques but the combination that helped me the most was the quad stretch from Dara Torres Resistance Stretching youtube vid and hot yoga 3 times per week. My body opened up so much more and is a lot more flexible on the pole. Closer to splits but not fully there yet.

    otter recommended getting the Resistance Stretching DVD. I've been meaning to get it.

  • kat pole princess

    February 24, 2011 at 6:56 am

    @spinnygirl.  i love them too.  have em in yellow as well.  i have to admit, im a shoe-aholic!!!  lol

  • Veena

    February 24, 2011 at 7:40 am

    Here is an OLD Tutorial I did for a friend. Its not very in depth but it will give you a few positions and tips for working on the splits. Once my foot is healed I'll be adding more stretches to the lessons.

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