Forums Discussions how often do you stretch for splits?

  • how often do you stretch for splits?

    Posted by vamp79 on May 31, 2011 at 9:08 am

    Hi ladies. I had been making great progress for a few months stretching everyday. Then my progress stopped so I decided to stretch 3 to 4 times a week only. Well….I don’t see any improvement after changing my schedule. I m wondering what every one else on here is doing. I would love to finally achieve being able to get my hands off the floor at least on my good side!

    Enigma Poledancer replied 13 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • ATXpolerina

    May 31, 2011 at 9:23 am

    I too have been striving for the splits for quite some time. Ive been stretching somewhat regularly for about 7-8 months now and I have been seeing improvment but its very slow and steady.  I stretch the back of my legs in the shower. The hot water gets the muscles warm and its really benificial to me. However what has helped me the most is my most recent purchace of a foam roller. I highly recommend it! Its benifiting me in ways that simply stretching can not. Plus, Veena has mentioned back and splits lessons coming soon, im so excited!

  • BACE16

    May 31, 2011 at 9:36 am

    Sounds like how often might not be the problem, but what your doing when you stretch.

    When I was working on improving flexibility years ago, I only did it once a week because it was such intense stretching.  The once a week sessions really paid off and I could flat splits on both sides and almost in the middle.  I never really paid attention to my progress when I was only doing mild/medium stretching a few times a week, but it was nowhere near what I could do after the once a week stretching.

  • ATXpolerina

    May 31, 2011 at 9:40 am

    BASE- could you explain/describe the stretches that worked for you just once weekly! Thanks 🙂

  • vamp79

    May 31, 2011 at 9:51 am

    Please share your stretches with us : )
    I am so close in my right! My left is a different story because I have had injuries that have set me back.

  • BACE16

    May 31, 2011 at 11:32 am

    I'd feel bad posting the stretches because its been so long and I don't remember enough details to do them correctly.

    I used to do karate and the owner of the dojo was friends with the "worlds most flexible super heavyweight" or whatever his title was.  He did a free workshop and $5 VHS tapes.  (I told you it was a long time ago lol)  I still have the tape somewhere, but no VCR.  It wasn't really a workout tape and really low production budget style, but it went through the exercises in detail with the science of why it works and how to stretch without injury.

    Its available in DVD now.  You can pick it up for about $25.

    Its all about stretching the muscles not the connective tissues.  It involves stretching to find the pain point, backing off the pain point into the comfort zone, and then flexing the muscle to expand the comfort zone.  So by the time you get into the splits it doesn't even feel like a stretch because its now your comfort zone.

  • Veena

    May 31, 2011 at 12:05 pm

    There is stretching to Maintain and stretching to Gain! If your stretching to maintain flexibility do this after every workout session. This does not need to take long, and is not the time to go for extreme stretching.

    To Gain or increase flexibility try starting with 2 times a week. If your taking the lessons I explain in greater deatail how to stretch for both maintaining and gaining.

  • vamp79

    May 31, 2011 at 12:29 pm

    Bace- I went to the website and it looks like something I might enjoy trying. Thanks for the link.

    Thanks veena,I have the lessons but haven’t been able to use my computer at home lately : ( will be checking them out as soon as school is out and my kid stops using it.

  • Enigma Poledancer

    June 1, 2011 at 6:28 am

    Well, I'm doing the six week program and BeSpun's Stretching For Pole Dancers DVD i plan on stretching at least 3 times a day to speed up the process. I'm actually looking into the foam roller dvds and stuff too. And I'm starting yoga and pilates again 🙂 the hot showers do work. Me personally i prefer a nice hot epsom salt bath with wintergreen alcohol to soothe your muscles and loosen you up a bit. After the bath stretch again and you should be able to stretch further and better.

     Good Luck!

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