Forums Discussions ill for 4weeks & Feels like av lost all my strength :(

  • ill for 4weeks & Feels like av lost all my strength :(

    Posted by Pole gal on February 13, 2013 at 8:05 pm

    I have never felt so weak in my entire pole journey thn what I do now 🙁 I’ve been in my bed ill for the past 4weeks with a really bad viral & chest infection and now on my 3rd lot of antibiotics and still not feelin better. I Dont even have the strength to do a simple spin on the pole anymore 🙁 feel like totally givin up on pole since this bein ill has just totally wiped me right out. Any1 else ever felt like this after bein ill for so long. x

    Pole gal replied 12 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Pole gal

    February 13, 2013 at 8:05 pm

    I have never felt so weak in my entire pole journey thn what I do now 🙁 I’ve been in my bed ill for the past 4weeks with a really bad viral & chest infection and now on my 3rd lot of antibiotics and still not feelin better. I Dont even have the strength to do a simple spin on the pole anymore 🙁 feel like totally givin up on pole since this bein ill has just totally wiped me right out. Any1 else ever felt like this after bein ill for so long. x

  • Legs4Days

    February 13, 2013 at 8:13 pm

    I have only had 3 pole classes but I have had a stubborn virus before. It will get better but it does take a little while to feel 100 %. There are many stubborn viruses out there but keep resting and drinking fluids and you will start to improve. Don't give up! Remember, it's temporary.


  • Aly77

    February 13, 2013 at 8:22 pm

    Yes.  It has been right at a year since I started having sinus problems.  I've had infections, been on antibiotics, and had two sinus surgeries since May 2012.  I've lost a lot of strength, but I know I can get back to where I was once I get better.  

    I've been poling since 2009 and I've been through illnesses, surgeries, and injuries……you've got to give yourself time to feel better.  I know you want to pole, but pole is probably not going to make you feel better.  Use this time to do some stretching, yoga or something else which will be a bit easier on you and your recovery.  It might take you a while to get back on the pole and get your strength back, but you'll get there.  Hope you feel better soon!!!!

  • Pole gal

    February 13, 2013 at 8:48 pm

    Thanks guys. Was doin really well aswel, Was just gtn ready to finish completing my level 4 and feel like this virus is a major setback 🙁 I don’t have the energy to even do yoga or light stretches, I’ve tried a few times and within 5mins I was reachin for my inhaler which I only have thanx to this bloody virus and chest infection. 🙁 just feel totally drained of all my energy at the moment. xx

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