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Posted by sexymechanic on May 22, 2012 at 3:39 amhi!im a new name is 23 years old.this is the first time i write from very happy that i found this website and also because there are other person in the world like me that love pole dancing.the problem is that i dont have pole and i want your opinion.i love brass polles but i dont know if they are good. buy an x- pole brass or buy a brass pussycat pole or sth else?????my work dont give my a lot of money,i study mechanic car and moto engineer but i have to work in a pizzeria for now for the i have to buy something good snd stableto put in my house and use it for one and maybe 2 desperate what to buy.please help and thanks a lot for hearing me (sorry for my english)!
sexymechanic replied 12 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
Hi 🙂 Welcome to this wonderful site. You are going to love it 😀 I dont know much about brass poles, but I do know, that xpole has been the best for me. Mine has never caused any trouble and still after a year it works wonderfully 🙂
Brass is a fussy metal. First, you need to think about whether you have dry skin or tacky skin during exercise. If you get tacky, the brass pole can grip you too much causing a lot of pain, possibly skin tearing. In that case, a titanium, chrome, or stainless pole would be better. If you have dry skin, the hand grip on a brass is really nice, but you'll probably need a grip aid to grip with your body. Titanium is also good in this case as it has a nice grip. If you have dry skin, I would avoid stainless (not sure about chrome though.)
Brass is good for *most* people but may not be the best for you – if you have sweaty hands you might want to think about getting a chrome pole – I find that my hands lsip and slide on brass.
I also have very sweaty hands, actually my whole body drips with sweat too, I'm the sweaty pig monster. And I also find brass almost impossible to work with when I'm warm and sweating. The body sticks painfully yet I can't even do a fireman spin-no hand grip at all.
I find the best finish for me to be stainless steel. When pole and I are both warm, I stick like glue to the point where the skin on my hands starts to peel. Of course I still get to that point of sweatyness where I have to just wipe down with a cool wet towel and cool off for a minute. But when I'm on stainless, I can pole for longer, wipe the pole fewer times, and apply much less grip aid.
I'm torn on stainless because on one hand it's get so warm so quickly in the spring and summer but body doesn't like it in the winter. It's probably the best material I've poled on though.
Welcome to the site!! If you have a brand of brass pole you have used before, and you like it. Maybe see if you can buy that brand.
thank you to all of you very much.truly now i am a little more confused for the material.i start to think about brass pole when i saw some of you write that you love them, they are awersome and they are maybe the best of all the other materials….so i think its best to conclude to the brand first and after to the material.if you can tell me your opinion about the brand Pussycat pole or X-pole?????????? I dont find any reviews for pussycat pole!some people on the other hand love x -pole and dont change it with any other. thank you all! you help a lot!you are awersome!
Shellectra has a brass pussycat pole. I believe she also had a brass x pole prior to getting that one. You might want to message her and ask how she likes hers.
This thread also talks about pussycat poles…
hi gays !thank you so much for your answers.i think that i try one pussycat pole brass 50.8.i spoke with the person that sale this in australia.they are very helpful.the problem is that the shipping is 483au dollars and the pole with stationary lock 955au dollars AOUCH and i dont know if there is any other shop in europe that sale pussycat poles , please if you know anyone let me know.!! I read very good reviews about x pole gold.what do you think about it?
thanks again
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