Forums Discussions inverting with heels?

  • inverting with heels?

    Posted by Poleluver on January 26, 2011 at 11:01 am

    I really want to start inverting with heels. I've tried a few times. It's usually at the end of class which is probably not a bright idea but I find I cannot complete the movement.  Does it cause you to use different muscles? Could anyone explain this and/or give advise and help?


    vamp79 replied 14 years, 1 month ago 10 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • inkyfingers

    January 26, 2011 at 11:12 am

    I have exactly the same problem as you.  I can do it fine in bare feet, but not with heels on.  Truth be told, I think I may have a fear of piercing my hand with my heel.  Does that make any sense?  What if I invert with my heels on, and poke the heel right through my hand? 

    At the very least, that would hurt.

    This may not be your issue, but it's mine.  I'm working on it, though.

  • polergirl

    January 26, 2011 at 11:14 am

    What usually happens is that you can't push off the ground as easily with heels–so even though you may not have realized it, you're probably still giving a little hop to get into inverts. I struggled a little bit with this and noticed it was exactly that. Now heels=no problemo because I continued conditioning myself until I could just pull up with my core.  You shouldn't be using different muscles per se.

  • glitterhips

    January 26, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    I think it gives people trouble because a, you have a little bit of added weight, a b you are positioned a little bit differently in heels so you might have to adjust the way you get into an invert and it's harder to cheat it if you have heels on (not saying you're cheating but I have seen it happen before) I would suggest doing the monkey hang Amber has in one of her videos with the heels on so you can prep your body to get used to inverting, like the person before me said it most likely is you just need a little bit more conditioning to get it, but I have had this problem many times before and I don't consider myself to "master" a move unless I can do it in heels 🙂

  • polergirl

    January 26, 2011 at 1:35 pm

    I just thought of something else–when you invert, where are you aiming to catch the pole when you go up? If you aim to just get your foot/ankle onto the pole, and now your foot is technically however many inches longer, you will need to adjust accordingly until it gets into your muscle memory.

    Also, echo what glitterhips says–you do now have a little extra weight at the ends of your feet, and that may also be making a difference.

  • chemgoddess1

    January 26, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    Yep….pretty much what everyone else has said.  I have a little bit of balance issues when wearing heels…I am already 5'8" without them…add another 6" and I am all sorts of messed up.  Really work on pulling the knees up, then tilting the hips then extending the legs to the pole.  Pantera had us pause at the tilted hips portion and scream out a cuss word or something totally dirty before coming back to the floor.

  • lucifairy

    January 26, 2011 at 3:50 pm

    Thank god im not the only one!

    I love my 6 inch pleaser platforms but as soon as i put them on by Inverts are impossible   Im 5'7 without them so like chemgoddess says, Im messed up

    I keep trying but…It feels like ill never manage to get my legs up with them on :(My heel touches, well, bangs the pole and i crash to the floor 🙁

  • Veena

    January 26, 2011 at 3:55 pm

    Try inverting from tippy toes with no momentum this wll help.

  • lucifairy

    January 26, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    Ooo Ill try that tomorrow

    Thankyou 😀

  • minicoopergrl

    January 26, 2011 at 5:12 pm

    Ditto to what everyone else has said.  I also have a hard time inverting with shoes.  For me I think its an extra weight issue.  I think if I lost a few lb's I would have it.  I havent tried it with heels in awhile but ive been working on conditioning for inverting to help.

  • Poleluver

    January 26, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    A lot of GREAT help and advice. I have been working out and gotten stronger but not really conditioned for inverting up probably the best way.  I bought lower heels to try some time ago but put it off, but I realize first I should get even more core involved and try what Veena said.  I will try starting from tip toes. That makes complete sense!!!


  • vamp79

    January 27, 2011 at 6:40 am

    I finally was able to invert with heels last night!!! I have been inverting barefoot for about six months :o. After a while I decided to stop trying with heels and instead focused on starting on tippy toes and no momentum. I think it has alot to do with getting used to the foot position and also being able to do it without kicking up.

  • lucifairy

    January 27, 2011 at 8:47 am

    Congragulations 😀

    How did you manage it after? I tried again today and..well   epic fail lol

  • Evie Bloom

    January 27, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    Our main pole instructor has us learn all moves in heals… as she says we would only have to learn them all over again if we start off barefoot so it probably is quite different

    I must admit I had to take them off for iguana (mostly for landing when I didn't get it right) but if she sees us do a new trick without, she always says 'now do it in heals'


    When I got my pleaser shoes I spent ages walking about the house to get used to them, I could do stuff on the pole in them but couldn't walk round it… I think just get used to wearing them and it will be easier?

    some moves you can do a teenie jump then the proper jump, or swing your leg to get momentum?

  • Poleluver

    January 27, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    so i intervted with toes last night but forgot about no momentum- but on the other hand my  legs got a lot higher! Gonna work on no momentum !

  • polergirl

    January 27, 2011 at 1:56 pm

    Lainey, I'm a little surprised about that….IME, trying new moves with heels on is a quick way to a rolled ankle! Plus a lot of dancers dance barefoot anyway. Jenyne Butterfly has some of the most lovely routines out there and in many of them she's not wearing shoes.

    But I digress, lol. Jennasmom, keep doing tucks and other conditioning while holding the pole and keeping  your shoulders back/down/engaged, and one day you'll surprise yourself with how easy it is to lift your hips over your hands and BAM you'll be upside down!

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