Forums Discussions is there something wrong with me?

  • Adriibabii

    March 10, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    hey i decided tonight im gunna put up some vids of me practicing (trust me it'll make you feel so much better when you see me struggling lol ) it's really embarrassing but I decided why not we're all here to support each other so maybe I'll even get some good pointers from some of the more experienced polers 🙂 and also so that any other beginners who think they are "alone" in this beginners struggle lol you can see you are definately not!!!!

  • Jamof3

    March 10, 2011 at 11:37 pm

    If you can, I would strongly recommend Veena’s lessons. They’re so thorough and are taught in an order to build the right strength from one move to the next. I had taken lessons in a studio for a couple months about 2yrs ago and just started poleing again on my own a few months ago. The instruction I got off Veena’s lessons made me realize how many moves I was doing wrong, and suddenly my strength & moves all improved sooo much w/her instruction.

  • monica kay

    March 12, 2011 at 1:42 am

    lol- at one of my first classes, my instructor did a simple pull up on the pole and told me to try.  I just stood there holding the pole- my muscles did nothing!  She kept saying, "it's just a pull up! you can do that!".  Well, I could not!  But after repeatedly trying to climb the pole, and now successfully climbing the pole- i can finally do that pull up =)

    You'll get it, keep trying!

  • daisyheadmayzie

    October 30, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    I am soooo glad that I typed in "discouraged" into the Search box in the Forum section.  I feel exactly like some of you other beginner ladies.  Not only do I have a really week upper body but I'm also a) not flexible b) my lower back is really stiff – can barely arch it and c) my hands sweat like crazy! Dr. said it's called  'palmar hyperhidrosis'.  So how many strikes is that against me?  Oh and did I mention that I'm 39 years old???  Ha, but I feel so much better now after reading every ones encouraging replies.  I refuse to give up, thank you for your positive thoughts!

  • daisyheadmayzie

    October 30, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    I am soooo glad that I typed in "discouraged" into the Search box in the Forum section.  I feel exactly like some of you other beginner ladies.  Not only do I have a really week upper body but I'm also a) not flexible b) my lower back is really stiff – can barely arch it and c) my hands sweat like crazy! Dr. said it's called  'palmar hyperhidrosis'.  So how many strikes is that against me?  Oh and did I mention that I'm 39 years old???  Ha, but I feel so much better now after reading every ones encouraging replies.  I refuse to give up, thank you for your positive thoughts!

  • Lyme Lyte

    October 30, 2011 at 10:11 pm

    Started at 43 and my pole just sat there for one month because i couldnt do anything on it! Then started w Veenas lessons, she taught me the pole hold and ive been going 7 months now. Slow progress, but i am proud of me. Also b sure to buy a big mirror to watch ur correct form….helped me a lot!

  • Dancing Paws

    October 31, 2011 at 9:33 am

    Yup, that was me. I had just spent many years sitting on my butt in college, so I had lost ALL my muscles. Don't worry, you'll get it!

  • Platinum Stages

    October 31, 2011 at 12:33 pm

    Aw! Don't get discouraged. You can do it! 🙂

    – Erica @Platinum Stages

  • staygold

    November 1, 2011 at 8:30 am

    There is NOTHING wrong with you! For one thing pole is incredibly challenging. Its amazes me how when I finally get something it just "clicks" — like when you are a kid and ride your bicyle solo for the first time. It seems soooo hard then magically you're up. Overthinking kills it for me….also making sure you break down the move to execute: ex. inverting…hips close & slightly in front of pole, ribs behind pole, low strong arm grip, tilt back, pull down on pole to elevate -not just throwing yourself into it. Having a plan helps remove that paralysis of not being able to do it & then you won't need the steps – you'll just do it magically. You'll get it!!

  • daisyheadmayzie

    November 1, 2011 at 8:43 am

    thanks all for the encouragement!  Keep it coming!

  • RoseMay

    November 1, 2011 at 9:18 am

    Okay you asked for it

    It's definately NOT normal to do crazy stuff on the pole in the beginning. I have a weightlifting background and holding my own weight was no problem for me at the beginning …. but it still took me 4 practice sessions until I was able to do a fireman spin and for a normal pole climb I needed 12 practice sessions!

    It's not only about the strength, but also about coordination, knowing what to do with your hands and feet etc.

    If you just keep practicing you will be stronger in no time. And the flexibility also takes times and practice. Just commit to your training and you will soon see some results

    For the sweaty hands you can try grip aids (e.g. Tite Grip).

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