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is your family supportive of you posting pole dance videos.
Posted by vkissme on June 19, 2013 at 11:56 amHello talented women.. : )
i am new to this pole dancing world.. Im 30 yrs old and to my amazement several people are not very receptive to seeing me posting pole videos of myself even on facebook… My videos are vey conversative . more clothes on then most people at a club yet people such as family feel poling should be kept to myself..Its very upsetting and even so much more when you have a passion of poling ..where all you want to do is talk ..think POLE.. what have been your ladies expericene in this..Or maybe my family is just too conservative im not sure?????? But ill be damned if anyone burns out my fire…
vkissme replied 11 years, 8 months ago 8 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
I always THOUGHT my mom was conservative. I find she was moreso trying to make ME be conservative. Now that I'm an adult, and fairly "covered up" in my dress tone, she says she wishes she could tramp me up a bit. She was behind the camera on the first pole video I ever did, just a climb to show her I could. She was laughing about me having big feet. I don't think my dad has seen me pole, he'd probably freak out and issue a whole tirade filled with unfortunate misinformation, but he doesn't use a computer much less have Facebook. My other family members don't seem to mind. My brother thinks its funny. My cousin once had a website where she would dress up and take pictures for guys for money, so I guess my poling is mild. Growing up I was always "the wild one". Now I'm "the eccentric one" and everyone else is wild together haha.
I don't post videos on facebook, for that reason. It's not just my family, it's a lot of people. I have guys on my facebook that i've went to school with, are friends with, who are friends with my husband 😡 lol….so, I don't post videos. I know how men's minds work, and they don't see pole as a cool sport or art. If I was as advanced as some of the women on here, to where I was doing mostly awesome flips and tricks during my practice or routine, I would probably totally post some vids….but, right now I don't know much of that, which means I'm still doing a lot of spins and "sexy" stuff (I guess you could call it lol) to compensate for that, I take tons of videos for myself, and to track my progress, but definitely no posting!
I posted two pictures & man you would think that I posted naked pictures on my page lol. People don't understand the way we see pole, unfortunately!
I had this issue too! Now that I have been poling for 1 1/2 years, most my family and friends know this is who I am and what I do. Most importantly, I am secure in what I am doing. I am very active in church and my husband is in leadership, so I have a lot of church people on facebook . I try to be respectful, in my pics I wear sport bra and shorts. I figure if that is offensive to them, they can delete or hide me on facebook. Video's I upload to youtube and put the link on my facebook, that way they can decided weather to click on it and watch it. There will always be people who don't understand and judge you for what you do, don't let their ignorance squash your passion!
I am a 40 year old mother of 3. When I started pole 2 years ago my family was shocked. My husband was a bit uncomfortable and worried about what others would say or think. It has been a challenging two year journey to make those around me aware that this “pole thing” was here to stay in my life and was not just a fad. I too am also very active in my church as well as school PTA. I have friends from both on FB. So when I started to post pics or videos I was very nervous and worried about how others would view me but most of all how it would affect my children. I have had some people pass judgment or make comments but I figure if they really knew me as a person then they would never question my decision to post. I work so hard to accomplish what I have done and enjoy sharing the beauty of pole with everyone. I also feel that by posting my videos it gives people a chance to see what pole is really about. I hope to change some preconceived notions that many have. So I would say keep posting, stay strong and don’t let anyone make you doubt your choices.
wow… im not alone.. i sometimes i swear people want to stone me… but you see it in their faces and hear it in their voices that some truely want to be able to express themselves also
Even though my friends and family know I pole, most are supportive, some are not… I still keep it private for the most part and off my social media pages, not because I am ashamed of pole but because I just want to avoid the drama.
On my FB and Twitter, I don't post vids or pics of myself poling and I rarely post anything even about my pole practices. However, I do have alot of pole friends and like alot of pole related stories and vids.
What alot of pole gals do is create a separate FB, Twitter etc that is used to just strictly to talk pole, share their pole adventures, post vids, pics etc. I actually just created a whole separate CalipolePixie FB, Twitter, email yesterday but I don't plan on sharing my Calipolepixie FB or Twitter info with any family or friends, it's just strictly for my pole friends. You could always create a Vkissme FB, Twitter, email 🙂
As far as family, they are supportive of my enthusiasm. My parents haven't seen any of my videos, but they have seen photos, and they've never said anything disheartening. I'm pretty sure my family thinks it's a fad that will drop off soon, but they're rather open-minded in the meantime. My husband is very supportive, and he patiently watches all the new videos I've been making. As far as Facebook goes, I have posted a select few photos of my more impressive achievements, and I'll get a few comments on those. An interesting thing happened recently however: I decided to post a video on Facebook since I've been poling for a year and I think I've got some neat stuff. I wanted to share because I want to represent the gymnastic and artistic side of pole to the community. Normally, I'll get a few comments on photos in the first day after the post, but with this video, I've gotten no response. It seems that people are staying away from it like the plague. I guess the greater community isn't ready for it yet. Now that I've been doing pole for a while, I'm really used to the attire, and shorts and a sports bra seem quite modest. For other non-polers though, I get the feeling they're not so excited about seeing my midriff.
In the meantime, thank goodness we have Veena and her site that let's us share our accomplishments and exchange enthusiastic responses!
I post ocasionaly pole dance videos and I also have a youtube channel where I do tutorials. My parents don't get it, but my husband and my step son are very supportive.
My friends always knew I was a bit "different" so they support me too, and those who were not, they stopped being friends anyway at some point.
I am very proud that I can learn all this here and I just don't care what anyone thinks. Although it is easy for me to say, I work with my husband and I am a fashion designer, where leading a crazy and unconventional life is being expected, or even more desirable 🙂
big hug for all of you, girls 🙂
@CALILPOLEPIXIE girl if I was known to go with the norm…i would not be me… even at work I have nicknames for my i dnt give a F@## i am me personalitly.. I poled for what..barely two months and learned to do about two spins LMAO and i already posted with pride on my fb..yes i was a lil scared and now dealing with the consequences but hey thoses are skills and talents… I also play the drums and post videos of me playing at home to songs… people can critizie me on that also but oh well… i just found you on FB lol i probably should make a cute fb and add you on their and who ever else wants to be on there lol
bambi spinz is my pole world facebook page : ) add me if you like …
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