Forums Discussions listening to the body…

  • listening to the body…

    Posted by Stefana of Light on April 1, 2015 at 8:27 am

    So I fear I’ve gone most of my life being completely out of touch with my physical voice. Something hurts, feels uncomfortable well cover that baby up slap some fix it up on it and move on to distracting myself from the discomfort. I have also failed horribly at eating in General and am now dealing with some gut issues. That is such a shocking lesson.. I feed everyone around me energetically, but don’t do the same for myself in the forms of what will turn to energy.. Well after 32 years I’m finally able to start existing while in pain. I’m not sure yet what my physical pain is all about. Since I started poling my mental, physical and emotional health have really taken off if a healthy direction.. However I have been in more pain physically because I woke up so many things that lay dormant prior. I’ll take the pain!!! I’ve been working on accepting my pain vs trying to blame myself or dismiss it by covering it up with outwardly things.. Whatever those may be at the time to get the mind away from the pain. I’m reading The Power of Now as well as a book on chakras and journaling my pain, emotions, ad well as all the things that make me feel good through out the day, positive thoughts about life and just really trying to be real with who I am and why it’s ok to be me. I think it’s so important to be in tune with myself, I’ve realized strength comes from within… Without that my muscular strength doesn’t have much backing. Needless to say I am taking another break. I have been neglecting yoga since the pole went up and how I feel the change. After 4 straight months of daily yoga this non yoga life is not for me. I mean I’ve been doing yoga once or twice a week but that just doesn’t cut it for me. Something deep happens to my entire being when I let myself connect and work with my breath and body without thought. That’s where I’ll be for the next few months. Thank you lovely Veeners for all the love And support you give. Means a ton!!!!

    Stefana of Light replied 9 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Runemist34

    April 1, 2015 at 8:34 am

    Hey Shoog!
    I can completely relate to this one! I’ve also been pretty bad about hearing physical problems- anything from hunger to pain. In many ways this is, I think, why I have so many tendinitis problems, and why I’m finding it so difficult to eat enough “good food” now. I know I need to, but getting myself there is not easy, especially so suddenly.
    I’m glad to hear you’re taking the time and the steps to hear yourself from all aspects, and that you’re recognizing what you need! It’s a big step, and it’s one of the most important ones for my own journey as well. Without knowing that there’s a problem, you can’t move on to fix it!
    I hope that once you regain a consistent yoga practice, you’ll be able to add pole as well πŸ™‚ I’ve been trying to get into yoga, but… it’s difficult without classes! I’ve got them in mind, though.
    Best of luck!

  • Lucca Valentine

    April 1, 2015 at 4:01 pm

    The Power of Now is good stuff πŸ™‚ highly recommend A New Earth as well. Eckhart Tolle rules. And Iyengar’s book Light on Yoga is an asset to any yogis library πŸ™‚ but specifically emphasizes the gentleness and breath that yoga is intended for and gives pretty detailed instructions of a lot of poses. He talks about bandhas and kriyas, which are SO important but often overlooked. Really an excellent way to deepen your practice. Proud of you for listening to your body and excited to see what the future holds for this little
    yogini πŸ™‚

  • ambience24z9338

    April 1, 2015 at 4:30 pm

    I would like to learn yoga. I have tried a class or 2 before but I couldn’t relax enough to enjoy it because I was constantly trying to watch the instructor to get in each position. I would have to learn each name so I won’t be breaking my neck trying to watch and do it at the same time. Lol.. I definitely think yoga is awesome and good for stress. It’s kinda like ballet to me. I also love ballet because it’s beautiful and relaxing but I can’t do ballet either. πŸ˜‰

  • Stefana of Light

    April 1, 2015 at 7:59 pm

    Thanks for the support ladies πŸ™‚ Runemist- you said it hunger to pain… And absolutely any emotion that wasn’t joy basically. I’m glad I’m not alone. I think a lot of the pain I’m feeling is told energy leaving me finally becauses i am working diligently at changing my mind which is changing my joy. Or I guess redefining what joy really is! Meditation is bringing me deep dreams as well as In sights in my day that are helping me reform what my day and life look like.
    Lucca- I added that book to my watch list on eBay and will get it for sure. I recently got a reference guide to chakras.. A ton of breath work, related chakra yoga poses, as well as journaling questions … Really the book is teeeny but packed with awesomeness (the essential guide to chakras by swami saradananda) I also recently dove into a book/ mediation adventure guide called Boundary Adventure , body mind boundaries for beginners. It’s sensory medcitations that develope that home base that we need to stay calm and to respond vs react, also to help gain self support where needed so emotions don’t run life. Big deal for
    me. Thanks for the suggestion Lucca it sounds like something lovely to have .. I love my gaiam but technology and yoga seem not overly appealing at inward times πŸ˜‰ I feel shocked that yoga is teaching me so much… About everything in my life.
    Ambience- I can totally understand I think that’s what took me so long to fall in love with yoga was being frustrated while doing it. So just keep trying.. Its mostly breath connection so when I was a smoker it was super frustrating… But I kept coming back every couple months and then eventually I decided I wanted to do one week of yoga practice not Just a few poses everyday. And it changed so many things for me and my mind and body. It gave me clarity and oeace duri g breath body connection and that to me is bliss!! I think in time you will find the right instructor or DVD. I do my yoga online at . it’s an awesome site and affordable considering each yoga class I take is aan entire months fee on gaiam.. And I Can do it whenever is good for me vs trying to catch a class and actually be on Time πŸ˜‰
    Thanks again for all the love ladies!:)

  • Veena

    April 1, 2015 at 8:49 pm

    Have you read “where ever you go there you are”?

  • Stefana of Light

    April 1, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    Veena I haven’t. I just googled it and it sounds very similar to exactly where I’m at.. Or going ahhh both!! Thank you so much for the recommend. Assuming that’s a book you have enjoyed ? Books books. So yummy. Internet has been losing lately when I have paperbound info:) Mindfulness has been the absolute best gift I have given myself. Allowing me to enjoy moments that would normally be empty from a racing not present mind. Meditation seems to be my next gift and I will gladly take it:)

  • Lucca Valentine

    April 1, 2015 at 10:30 pm

    Ohh that boundary adventure sounds interesting! I’ll have to check that one out πŸ™‚

  • Veena

    April 1, 2015 at 10:53 pm

    I did enjoy it!! I only knew “where ever you go, there you are” as a saying my dad ALWAYS said lol. Then after his passing, A fb friend of mine shared a snap shot of the book cover. I didn’t know it was a book when I saw the photo, then I looked closer, googled it and bought it right away! I feel my dad wanted me to read it!

  • Stefana of Light

    April 2, 2015 at 8:19 am

    Veena. ðŸ’ő synchronicity… thanks again for the suggestion! My dad introduced me to the celestite prophecy when I was younger.. Way to heavy for me back then. But when I got older It stated my spiritual and conscious awakening. I feel children choose there parents to teach them. I know my kiddos did for sure:)

  • Tamarinda

    April 2, 2015 at 11:34 am

    I read most of the Celestine prophecy as it was recommended to me in another forum on Veena. I stopped at the part when it began talking about parents. I’m not ready for that yet and didn’t feel I would derive anything from it, yet. I still need to swallow the other chapters before I need to move on. Sometimes I read something and it doesn’t mean something to me but later it means a big deal. I’m not ready. The energy chapters were very useful and the way people give, take, and try to steal. I think I need to work on things before the rest of the book will be beneficial to me. Veena thank you for your book recommendation, I will check it out.

  • zoilife6233

    April 2, 2015 at 6:36 pm

    Hi Shoogstandley
    I practice yoga too. I do my set of poses everyday. Depends where Im if I have uninterrupted 20 minutes plus I just roll out my mat and quietly and do it. I do Bikhrams yoga but without heat. If im at home I crank up the heat in the house or wear warm clothes to sweat more. I do it along with pole exercises too before or as a stretch after. I just like the sequence and it always allows me to identify where Im standing with my inner and outer self. In some way I don’t treat it as exercise any more but my lively tune up.
    I am the pharmacist as well but studied some Ayurveda and Buddhist Healing Touch.
    Will say one thing I was introduced to Yoga by my parents when I was 16 and practiced different styles and sequences of poses all my life. And it is very individual how you come to choose what style or sequence of poses suites you and gives you the most healing benefit.
    So yes, love Yoga, practice it every day and it will take you where you suppose to be in the most gentle way.

  • Stefana of Light

    April 4, 2015 at 7:23 pm

    Zoilife- thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I am seeing what you mean about the inner and outer standing:) it is integrating it’s way into my being, it’s way beyond a form if exercise for me , really after my first steady month I was certain yoga was showing me something. I didn’t know what at the time and still it’s revealed to me in pieces:) so far as styles go I have found comfort with kundalini as far as walking away from my mat with that fire to take with me. I have been doing a lot of hatha since I started back in Oct. I really appreciate how you said it would gently take me where I need to be πŸ˜‰ yoga is so special. It is one gift I am thankful for everyday!

  • Stefana of Light

    April 21, 2015 at 11:09 am

    Well after being in A strange energy depleted state for the last 3 days because of no yoga because I literally couldn’t let go there for I just would quit and move on to more busy bodying no conscious connected breath that could be returned to, just maddening cleaning and organizing as well as large amounts of sugar consumption and scattered thoughts… I decided last night to be consciously active in making empowering decisions and reaffirm to myself that I am peace always:) … i decided to put my pole up and just move around it. Didn’t do anything trick heavy just felt my body and spirit swirling around in bliss… that was a great choice … Something about granting the body permission to move like the creature she is is so freeing. I’m feeling much more alive today and grateful for every second of my day! Seems like when I give my self boundaries that are unfair ( taking down the pole for a set amount of time πŸ˜‰ I rebel from within and just get down. Even the things that may seem mundane or repetive on my disconnected days are enjoyable and take on a new light when I’m fed properly. Fed in every way, from every direction. Balance. Just wanted to share my gratitude for this beautiful universe that we have together. that was a pretty rambley ramble haha! Hope everyone’s day is full of Peace.

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