Forums Discussions love this site! few questions

  • love this site! few questions

    Posted by Eilens on November 8, 2011 at 11:55 am

    OMG! I absolutely love this site.! as a newbie I am learning so much and it is lovely to see how you all help each other and are so extremely supportive.

    okay so I do not own a pole at home. I go to a pole fitness studio in between my full time job and full time school , so it is not as often as I would like.

    My questions for you ladies:

    are there any exercises that do not require a pole that I can do at home other then the obvious pushups and situps that will help me get stronger for my inverted V and other pole tricks I am having trouble with. I live in a full house and have really no space for any machines or things of that sort.


    Do any of you know of some sort of moisturizer or whatever that i can apply without it making my skin  too slippery for pole class but will help my extra dry legs and elbows?

    thank you so much for everything.! keep up the great work:)

    polediva129 replied 13 years, 3 months ago 9 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    November 8, 2011 at 12:50 pm

    In moisturizers look for ones that use a glycerine base instread of a petroleum base.  I use the Vaseline Intensive Care Aloe Fresh without any issues at all.  I know of a few girls who also swear by the Aveno line.  Stay away from any of the highly scented ones (Bath and Body works and the like) and ones with shea butter or cocoa butter.


    I would suggest looking into a door mount chin up bar.  You can get them for under $30 and they just use your door frame to stay up.  This one is a really good deal as it comes with ab straps:


    On top of this, look into what is called a plow in yoga and learn how to control that up and down.

  • Runemist34

    November 8, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    My favourite exercises for pole are things like planks (they're tough though!), situps of various kinds…I'm sure you can find lots of exercises online that don't require equipment!

    As for moisturizers, I actually prefer the "Dream Cream" from Lush- I don't know if you guys have them in the US? They're a great company, and they have all natural products. Not really more expensive than normal stuff, either! I find it absorbs really well, and I'm not slippery.

    That said, you could always switch up the routine for days you know you're going to the studio. I really like moisturizing for the night, or on my "non pole" days, so that there's no chance of slippery problems!

    And, I highly recommend drinking more water. I've found that, by drinking more water, I've cut down my need to moisturize by half!

    Also, welcome to the Forums!

  • Lyme Lyte

    November 8, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Some people have talked about a piece of equipment that goes /hangs in the doorway?  Think its about $25.00, don't know the name of it but it works from what I read……

  • chemgoddess1

    November 8, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    Lyme…it is what I have a link to I believe.

  • Lyme Lyte

    November 8, 2011 at 4:46 pm

    Yes Chemgoddess, I think that is it!  I don't have one, but hear they are great.

  • Danielle Tillie

    November 8, 2011 at 10:39 pm

    Floor moves are always a fun thing to practice when you don't have a pole. I like to work on my shoulder rolls, elbow stands, handstands (against a wall), shoulder stands, and back bends. This is also an excellent time to do flexibility stretching. As for lotions, I have heard of some ladies who have had excellent results from Pole Physics lotion, a non-slip body lotion.  However, if something that chemmie recommended works for you, it'll probably be the more economical option.

  • jade s

    November 9, 2011 at 2:03 am

    Hi bambielove! Welcome! On days I know I’ll be on the pole, I use Pole Physics. It’s a little pricey, but I have extremely dry skin so I really hate to have to go without some kind of moisturizer. Also, I moisturize in the morning so by the time I get to class in the evening, it’s usually worn off.

    As for exercises at home… Here are a couple I use to help with your core for inverting.

    1) sit on the very, very edge of a chair with your hands bracing each side of your hips and arms slightly bent. Pull your knees up towards your chest and open to a straddle. Make sure you’re engaging your abs when you pull your knees up. This will also help you with your straddle twirl.
    2) lie flat on tour back with your arms straight down at your sides, palms down and toes pointed . Thrust your legs up towards the ceiling so that you’re resting on your upper back (kind of on your back shoulders). Hold it for a second then keeping your legs straight, roll down one vertebrae at a time as you bring your legs down towards your face and then straight back down to starting position. This will strengthen your abs and also get you used to the thrusting motion you will need to bring your hips up when inverting.

    I like planks for arm strength because ei can’t do a push up to save my life, but here’s another good one to try…
    Stand behind a chair. I like to use a folding chair because the back is a little lower than say a dining chair would be. Legs on each side of the chair, toes pointed slightly outdated, and about 3-5 inches away from each side of the chair. You’re basically going to do a push up with your upper body leaning slightly forwrd into the chair while lowering your into a squat position. Put your weight into the back of the chair while lowering. Straighten legs and arms as you push back up. Try it flat footed first and then try it up on your toes. This will help with both arm and leg strength as well as balance.
    Have fun & keep poling!!!

  • PaulettePoles

    November 9, 2011 at 4:57 am

    I LOVE Aveeno oatmeal!

    For equipment I have to second or third the chin up / pull up bar-

    But my by far absolute favorite for home is the TRX- you can hang it on a door frame-

    You can literally do your entire body and make it quite challenging using your body weight and all of your stabilization muscles. You can take the yoga plow position to new levels as well as advanced stretching. I wouldnt part w it for the world!   Look on youtube for all the workouts, stretching etc you can do w it!

  • chemgoddess1

    November 9, 2011 at 7:28 am

    The TRX is the BOMB…I just have not been able to part with the cash to get one.

  • glitterhips

    November 9, 2011 at 8:38 am

    I have an iron gym and I love it although my bf is the one that uses it the most, my winter goal is add it to my training so this thread was a good reminder for that, totally worth the $20-25 it costs. Chem the gym I teach at has TRX so I am gonna have to look into doing it!

  • polediva129

    November 10, 2011 at 11:45 am

    A door frame pull up bar is the best…I bought one from a Walmart for about 30.00 and it helped me to learn to pull up my body weight. I also used it for chin ups and ab work- hang from the bar and tuck your knees, sort of like a Roman Chair in the gym.

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