Forums Discussions motivation

  • motivation

    Posted by shorty stacey on January 2, 2015 at 6:53 pm

    Hi everyone, I hope everyone has had a good Christmas & new years. Iv really struggled the past few weeks, had my psychotics changed, but feeling better, im really struggling with motivation. I really want to get on the pole and have some fun, but motivation is stopping me, any idea’s or advice would be really appreciated, =[.

    catmoves2718 replied 10 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Runemist34

    January 3, 2015 at 12:05 am

    Hey there!
    Motivation is a tricky thing- for a lot of people, the subject of “motivation” seems to be of one thing over the other- would rather sit on the couch and eat chips than work hard and pole dance. It’s the instant gratification over the long-term pride.
    Changing your medication may take a while (up to a month) to settle in your system, and you may feel strangely for that time. I’m not sure how much research or information you have (or that your doctor had given you), but when it comes to medication that affects brain chemicals, they can be difficult to predict fully. Your lack of motivation may pass, or… it may not.
    In any case, the difficulty often lies in how we talk to ourselves, and how we feel about what we’re doing. If, for example, I feel happier eating chips on the couch than I do when dancing, I’ll more likely sit and eat chips. Usually the thought process is somewhere along the lines of “These chips taste so good, they’re better than dancing.” Or, “I can dance later, I would rather just sit.” I often come up with excuses; “I’m tired today,” “I’ve had a rough week, I deserve a break,” “I’ll dance tomorrow.”
    Motivation, from what I’ve seen, is as simple as getting off the couch. Physically moving, getting up, changing your actual circumstances, is the best way to do it. Even when you don’t feel like it, and you’ve got a thousand excuses and reasons, the truth is… you want to!
    As my boyfriend always says, “Well, if you want to do it, then do it!”
    Sometimes, it really is that easy.
    Be gentle with yourself, know that your medication may take time to settle and your brain take time to acclimate to the drugs, but remember that you do WANT to dance. You’ll get there 🙂

  • shorty stacey

    January 3, 2015 at 6:30 am

    Thank-you so much!. I see what you mean. The other pills I was on have sedative in. And these new ones make me more aware and awake. Hopefully in time I will start having more motivation.I think I can be hard on myself sometimes, I suppose I need to bepatient. If it will be it will be. ThankYou for your kind words, I just need a kick up the ass sometimes x

  • poleisnewtome

    January 3, 2015 at 1:18 pm

    I struggle with motivation too. I think we all do, in some aspect. What helps me when I’m feeling particularly lazy is to commit to just 5 minutes of exercise. Committing to just 5 minutes is a whole lot more doable than committing to a half hour or more. Sometimes that 5 minutes becomes longer, because just getting up for those few minutes jump-starts the motivation. Sometimes that 5 minutes only lasts 5 minutes…but even if that’s the case I still feel like I accomplished something.

  • shorty stacey

    January 3, 2015 at 1:54 pm

    That’s a good way too look at it aswell. Maybe for now I should commit to 5-10 mins, as when I think about doing 1-2 hours it’s daunting. Thanks for the tip I shall try that

  • catmoves2718

    January 3, 2015 at 6:25 pm

    Like poleisnewtome, I find that setting a small goal of 5 or so minutes to start with works well for me. As poleisnewtome mentioned, sometimes my 5 minute sessions last much longer, other times I just do 5 minutes, but feel better for having met my goal. There are two other things I find help me. The first is giving myself permission to just do something easy for those five minutes, like free dance through a song I like, rather than working on something I find more challenging. As with time, sometimes I go on to work on more difficult moves, and sometimes I don’t, but either way I’ve met my goal. Second, I try to not think about it as I “have to” do pole, but as I “get to.” Even though I love pole, when my motivation is low, it can feel more like a chore than something I love, so I try to remind myself not to think of it that way.

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