Forums Discussions near death by pole

  • azriel

    April 11, 2010 at 3:05 pm

    While on this topic, I want to share a very strange (please dont; laugh) fear of mine. I an TERRIFIED of hurting myself while on the pole very badly and being unable to move or call for help, and then having people find me the next day or two crumpled next to my pole in my bra and undies. I even get nightmares about it. It’s not just the getting hurt part. It’s also being found half naked or indecently dressed. What will people think? I can hear the nurses gossip already, " hey, did you hear about the girl who came in with trauma to her head? She fell with POLE DANCING! IN HER UNDERWEAR!!!Talk about slutty."


    Moonflower, i have the same fear! I usually practice at night when my bf is at work, & i always have the camera running. I can just picture him coming home, finding me passed out on the floor with my heels on, body bent all awkwardly. Then he sees the camera still running, & goes & watches to see what happened, where he sees me trying to act all sexy & cool, when suddenly i slip in the stupidest of ways, frantically trying to save myself before crashing to the floor! Talk about humiliating, LOL.

  • SimpllySweet

    April 11, 2010 at 5:02 pm I carry my cell phone with me when I go workout. That way if I fall and "can’t get up" If I can just make it to the cell phone…. For mats I use the old mattresses (spelling) from my kids beds. They work great.

  • horsecrazy12987

    April 12, 2010 at 7:36 pm

    LOL I’ve never been afraid of getting stuck and having someone come in and find me in a compromising position, but maybe I just have no shame. The only thing I really worry about is the pole coming down on me, so I’m pretty paranoid about constantly checking it. A lot of activies I’ve participated in in the past have either involved falling or the possibility of doing so, so actually falling off the pole doesn’t really scare me–I’m falling onto carpet, after all, and when I’m learning a new invert I always put a bunch of pillows down. (I live alone so I don’t really have a spotter on hand.) I just don’t want the pole crashing down after me, because I’m scared it would take out my computer or the sliding glass door or something. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be getting my damage deposit back in that case.

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