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need help on a paper
Posted by yourloveismydrug on June 22, 2011 at 3:24 pmhello ladies!! hope you are all having a good day!! so for my english 101 class, i have to write an argumentitive essay, and i chose why pole dancing should be respected!!!! i love dancing, and i know all you ladies do too, so, i am coming to you all hoping that you all will help me out to promote why its a good thing.
so, basically, just reply to this thread as you see appropriate.
i was hoping you could tell me if you have benefitted from dancing (professional or not) financially, how it changed your self esteem (for the better or worse) and your experiences with it as a method of fitness (like if you lost weight/ how much or flexibility, strength, the like).
thank you so much ladies!! love you all!! keep dancing!!
yourloveismydrug replied 13 years, 8 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
There have been a few threads on here of people who have written articles pertaining to pole dancing or how people have told their friends/parents about it. I will try to search some of them out for you but here is one to start:
I would love to relate my story: I have NUMEROUS health problems. It has been almost impossible to excercise because I have so many limitations. (I have had to walk with a cane for over 8 years.) When I tried to excercise before, I would fall down or just not be able to do the moves. (Try doing aerobics while holding onto a cane! It doesn't work!) THEN I started poling. Since I can hold onto the pole, I don't need my cane for balance – I can actually do it!!! I have strengthened my core further than I ever dreamed I would be able to do (and it isn't even that strong yet!). Since my core is stronger, the constant pain I have in my back is diminished. I have not been abe to pick up my 35 pound 5 year old granddaughter for over a year and now I pick her up like like she's a newborn. As an added benefit, I have lost a little over 2 clothing sizes!
While my self esteem is still in the toilet, I have noticed it has gotten better. I have battled depression for most of my life. That has gotten better also. I am not saying I'm 'cured' or anything like that, just that it is enough better that I've noticed a difference. I KNOW it is not a coincidence that those things have gotten better. I KNOW it is because of my pole (not to mention StudioVeena and the WONDERFUL people on here!)
My granddaughter has some problems too. Her occupational therapist suggested she start climbing poles. The pole strengthens her core, helps her get stronger in her arms and her fingers. Her cutting skills as well as her handwriting skills have improved TREMENDIOUSLY! Her therapist is amazed at how much better she's gotten in only a month.
When she is up, I don't do anything 'sexy' on the pole. It is just a piece of excercise equipment. (She has asked why the pole comes down whenever the family comes over though!)
I am so thankful I found poling. It has truly changed my life for the better! I feel blessed for having found this gift.
Good luck on your essay.
I've posted many items on here relating to my 'issues' I'll see if I can help you out and get it all down HERE (once and for all, lol):
I am 57 – I have (had) Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Knee needing replacement, L5/S1 Degenertive Disc w/3 mm buldge. Of all, the left knee is the most limiting to exercise. (Please quote Stevesgirl regarding exercise w/cane!! lol) I TOTALLY get what she's saying!
I have in the past, joined gyms, had IDD Therapy on my back, Physical Therapy (which really did nothing because AGAIN knee movement was necessary to make any gains), ect, etc, etc.
In 2008/09 I lost 57 lbs. on the HCG Diet (:and used to own a consulting biz for it). Losing weight is the BEST thing you can do for your health! I can't tell you the difference it makes in just being able to MOVE, walk, etc. BUT.. I was still a 'noodle' due to the pain issues and no exercise that I seemed to be ABLE to do!
I started this kind of by accident, finding a $5 pole at a garage sale and thinking.. 'oh whee… do a little dance for the BF") HA! It has now become a great challenge, and a wonderful blessing in that I'm gaining strength, have a new hobby, and FINLLY.. a damn workout I can not only DO.. but that actually WORKS!
I started Veena' s lessons in mid March and worked out at her Strength/Conditioning program for 8 wks. Almost immediately, I began to feel positive changes that no other workout had accomplisehd. I just took 8 wks OFF, to lose a few gained lbs, and have found that I can STILL do what I was doing before! So there seems to be little loss of progress, which is a great surprise!
I am slowly gaining strength in the muscles supporting/surrounding the knee and it actually seems much better. I will likely not be able to get up and down to the floor for some of the pole moves very gracefully, if EVER; but there is plenty else I can do, instead.
I have NEVER been able to do a push up in MY LIFE, and am getting to do a few of those, as well.
Veena's lessons are clear, precise, and informative. It is a wonderful feeling to see yourself accomplish things you never thought you could do. And the fact that is IS so challenging, makes you want to continue to push forward – and when you are able to execute a move it is all the more rewarding because it ISN'T easy! 😉
The fact that poling is dancing and music as well as physical fitness, makes it all the more appealing. I don't think I'll EVER stop!
(Hope this helps w/your paper. If you need more info feel free to send me an email on SV!)
Just out of pure curiosity…since it's an argumentative essay, what kinds of arguements are you using for "against"? So, what kinds of things that people who don't think pole dancing should be respected are saying?
I found this often helps in my writing of essays- if you know your counter-arguments, or the prosecution, then you can tailor your defense accordingly! Thus, if it's something like "Only strippers use poles, and they're loose, downtrodden, sad women!" then you could make some grand arguments about how, no, many of the women nowadays are actually moms, or single women at home, students, and fitness instructors!
Like I said, I'm curious to know!
Thnk yoy all so nuch ladiws, ypu have made my paper. To runemisty34, that is what I was plamnimg to go into as well as medical costs associated with injuries like any sport and why people have legal battles over opening studios
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