Forums Discussions need help with corkscrew

  • Anna1340

    February 24, 2010 at 4:07 am

    Thanks everyone for you input, it’s been very helpful I can do all the basic spins (except the carousel) as I don’t have enough room at the moment (we are moving tho so I’ll have more room lol) I can do the cradle spin and am trying playing around with the transitional moves. Not really too sure where to go from here tho.

  • deetron

    February 24, 2010 at 9:21 am

    My nomenclature goes like this:

    Outside arm high / Inside arm low = Corkscrew Spin / Body Spiral
    Inside arm high / Outside arm low = Arm Attitude Spin (source: KT Coates / Vertical Dance online lessons)

  • Runemist34

    February 26, 2010 at 1:24 am

    S’ cool, LOL. Remember–the universal language of pole love!!!

    *Spews random words in the language of pole love*

    Sorry, couldn’t resist!

  • PoleSF

    March 5, 2010 at 2:39 am

    Here is actually a great step by step vid for the corkscrew

    Happy Poling!

    Best regards,


  • amy

    March 5, 2010 at 2:43 am

    she does it with different hands than i do…

    hahahah. i have my other hand on top!

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 5, 2010 at 4:02 am

    FYI: She is doing it with the inside hand high…which is not how I do it or teach it. Personally I think it limits how far you can wrap your body around the pole if your outside hand is down in front of your lower chest like that.

    Now…if you want some great lift and extension to your spin….inside hand low, outside hand high but turn the outside hand over – thumb down – in a "cupped hold" position ie: all five fingers on the same side of the pole.

  • amy

    March 5, 2010 at 4:54 am

    FYI: She is doing it with the inside hand high…which is not how I do it or teach it. Personally I think it limits how far you can wrap your body around the pole if your outside hand is down in front of your lower chest like that.

    Now…if you want some great lift and extension to your spin….inside hand low, outside hand high but turn the outside hand over – thumb down – in a "cupped hold" position ie: all five fingers on the same side of the pole.

    a HA! i do that (realized by accident when it was pointed out to me) when i’m going to go from the corkscrew into a spinning chopper! it definitely feels like it’s easier to control the position of the pole in relation to my body that way, and "center" it. if that makes sense. i will try that for my regular corkscrew!

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 5, 2010 at 5:08 am

    Corkscrew to spinning chopper? Your chopper is inverted right? Like a v-split but inverted? I’ve seen that combo and I cannot figure out how to change my body position and get UP to the inverted spin from the corkscrew! That’s an awesome move!!!

  • amy

    March 5, 2010 at 5:20 am

    yeah an inverted chopper. it’s easier with the hand positioning you describe– you can use that outside hand almost like an opposite cupped grip as leverage (pushing against the pole) to push your face and upper body down and tilt back into the chopper as your legs come up. its easier if you start by not doing the corkscrew for very long- half a rotation- so that your hips are already still high and horizontal when you go into the chopper.

  • Mindy4pole

    March 6, 2010 at 7:49 am

    Anyone know of other tutorials on this move? I seem to always bang my back on the pole. This abruptly makes me spin around the pole. It sort of works, but I feel very out of control when I’m doing this move. Plus, it doesn’t feel good! I wish I could post a video, but alas, my camera won’t let me. HOPEFULLY I’ll be getting a new one soon.


  • Layla Duvay

    March 6, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    Divinemovement has a tutorial on this. Search it on youtube. It’s helped me get farther around the pole, but I still can’t do it like she does. She prefaces the tute by confessing "this is the most frustrating spin I’ve ever done, but I finally got it!" so that made me feel better, lol!

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 6, 2010 at 3:22 pm

    When you sweep your legs out at the beginning of the move, try walking a little further away from the pole than you currently are doing.

    Also, the sweep of the legs should be wide and making a full or more perfect circle. Your body will follow the direction your legs go in so if you sweep wide and circular it will help get your body further from the pole.

    Finally, make certain that your stepping PAST the pole with your inside foot before you lift your outside leg for the sweep.

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 6, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    its easier if you start by not doing the corkscrew for very long- half a rotation- so that your hips are already still high and horizontal when you go into the chopper.

    Agggggghh! Thanks!!! I am always telling my students to do the first half of a combo faster when first working on putting them together and I forgot my own advice every time I tried this. Never thought of using this grip for it though…gonna try this this weekend! Thanks!

  • MochaKat

    March 7, 2010 at 3:05 am

    Anyone know of other tutorials on this move? I seem to always bang my back on the pole. This abruptly makes me spin around the pole. It sort of works, but I feel very out of control when I’m doing this move. Plus, it doesn’t feel good! I wish I could post a video, but alas, my camera won’t let me. HOPEFULLY I’ll be getting a new one soon.


    Here is another tutorial hope it helps." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

  • Mindy4pole

    March 7, 2010 at 5:12 am

    Poleophile – That tutorial really helps! Here’s the url for it for other folks:

    pp15171 — I appreciate the link, but I think that move is the reverse grab. Oddly, I have no problem with that one! I didn’t realize corkscrew was different until recently.

    I think maybe I’m kicking out forward instead of sideways, making me bang back against the pole instead of sweeping around it. This IS a really pretty spin when done correctly!!

    THANKS SO MUCH everybody! I’ll keep you updated on my progress.


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