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new x-pert adjuster cover stuck
Posted by krista lynn on December 18, 2010 at 4:21 amI have the new style x-pole x-pert and I went to take it down for the first time after about a month and I can’t get the adjuster cover undone. I’ve tried unscrewing it several times and it refuses to budge and I’m at a loss of what to do. It takes away the purpose of having a portable pole If anyone has any solutions I’d greatly appreciate the help. ps happy holidays everyone!
Stephanie X Pole replied 10 years, 10 months ago 9 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
Eeek, I’m at a loss…have you tried getting it warm like you would with a jar’s lid that’s difficult to open/twist? Try wrapping a super hot towel around it and then twisting it off??? Just an idea to try… ??
Oww. That’s odd. Never encountered that one before. Have you tried calling X-pole’s customer service? From what I hear they are usually very helpful, and they prob. have more experience with less common xpert issues. Let us know if you find a solution!!
I have exactly the same problem with my adjuster cover, I’ve tried using a hair dryer to warm it up – that didn’t help. I used washing up gloves for better grip – that didn’t work and even my husband had a go and couldn’t manage it. It doesn’t stop me taking the pole down or putting it back up though. It just makes a difference when aligning the hex screws up, takes a few tries. X-poles customer service in the UK is poor. I’ve emailed them and called them about a number of issues and they are just rubbish at getting back to me.
Ok, wait, let me edit that a little… I heard bad things about xpole uk’s customer service, and very good things about xpole us. Thankfully I haven’t had any problems as yet.
Oh thats always happens to mine, I literally just have to keep trying and twiddling it a bit, it eventually comes off really easily.. which is quite annoying in itself!
Thank you everyone! I’ll have to just keep trying or maybe get someone with stronger arms then me to give it a go lol…here’s hoping*fingers crossed*
Hi all.. I unfortunately have the same issue with my brand new xpole. My adjuster cover unscrews only about an inch or two then jams up, and it doesn’t move vertically at all. All I can do (with quite a bit of force) is screw or unscrew it that short distance. The pole looks identical to the videos – in which the little lady does it extremely easily… feels like mine might be faulty? did anyone find the solution to this jammed adjuster issue?
I have tried fiddling with it back and forth, and even oiling it. But I’ve been at it for 45 minutes and my efforts have been futile thus far, no difference whatsoever. My local support number is disconnected so no help there… any idea’s?
Well, I solved the issue! so hopefully this works for others aswell.
I was able to start it moving eventually by putting as much muscle as possible into it – and then screwing it back in a little bit, and trying again.. but this still only shifted it to a certain extent.. to finally get it completely unwound I bought 2 silicon grip pads (from the kitchen section of a supermarket, little pads for opening jars etc). I wrapped one pad around the main pole and one pad around the cover and gave it as much muscle as I could. I also sat it ontop a couch arm so that it was close to my chest rather than trying to do it on the floor – it finally budged! – ithen unscrewed and slid down with ease. YAY!!
I hope this helps others experiencing this problem
(if you can’t find silicon, just get any kind of gripping wrap product you can, but you will certainly need 2 of them for it to work)
Light taps with a hammer slides it right off. Hit it just enough not to cause damage or dents
Hi All,
Any questions like this, it is crucial that you contact X-Pole US first. We can help!! And trust me- it will be much faster if you contact us versus trying to figure it all out online.
It should not be this hard to unscrew the adjuster cover.
If you are having trouble, keep in mind that threading is delicate. make sure you check and clean the threads on the A pole and inside of cover. Make sure there is nothing blocking the threads. Use a Q-Tip.
Its possible that you skipped a thread when you screwed it up previously- so make sure to be careful when you are screwing the cover on the A pole.
Try screwing the 3 locking screws in or unscrewing them- sometimes changing the pressure of the adjuster locking screws can change the pressure of the cover on the threads- making it easier to unscrew.
Lubricate the threading with WD40- and let it sit for over an hour to soak in.
Make sure you have a good grip if its stuck- rubber gloves can help.If you need further assistance, please call us during office hours or email us at
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