outside of poling conditioning
I know I have posed this question before, but I just need some advice…or maybe just reminding. Currently, I am focusing on just poling at my studio, using veena’s lessons and guides for practice at home and what to work on next, and then I like to do two yoga sessions a week, whether it is at home or in a studio to help with my strength, flexibility, and balance, as I really don’t have any of these things.
One of my friends (who is supportive of pole fitness) suggested I also condition with weights. They recomended doing compound lifts with a barbell and going to the gym three times a week and doing this weight lifting program for beginners called stronglifts 5×5.
Here’s the thing. I think lifting weights is good, but I find lifting my own bodyweight is like weight lifting. I’m afraid trying to do both is kind of over kill and could lead to injury.
So, I guess I’m curious, do people here do conditioning outside of pole fitness like weights? If I was toying with the idea of adding weights, doesn’t that seem like a bit much? I really want to improve with pole, and I don’t know if cross-conditioning for strength is a good or bad thing. For that matter, do people cross-condition with running, or any other form of working out? I guess I am seeking guidance and also curious how others balance their fitness regimes. Thanks!
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