Forums Discussions pencil mount

  • Veena

    July 8, 2009 at 9:48 pm

    Hello everyone,

    I am trying to do the pencil mount aka the iguana!

    I know that i can do it, but went i bend over and position my hands, the pole really hurts my back (from the little gap on my shoulder til the middle of my back).

    When i am doing a shoulder mount, it is pretty much the same it hurts the top bit of my back.

    Am i doing something wrong?

    It is holding me back to run up, cause it is painfull…

    Any one to help me on that one?

    Thank you!!

    it should not hurt your back. By back do you mean a muscle pain, is it sharp or pulling? Its it hurting only where the pole touches or the move itself hurts your back, not the pole??

    Make sure that your not on your spine, the pole should be to the side of your spine. You will feel pressure against your muscles but it shouldn’t be unbearable. With the shoulder mount, you want the pole placed by the neck near the spine…not on…but close, you don’t want the pole to be on the middle of your shoulder, if your too far out on your shoulder you’ll hit your clavicle, when you lift up into position.

  • Tyshiva

    July 8, 2009 at 10:09 pm

    Hum you are right, i guess i am putting my clavicle or my spine on it when i am pulling…
    Cause it hurst my bones not my muscles! lol
    Hum, i guess i am not well positioned when i start pulling, i am pretty such that i am moving when i do it (cause i am bangging on my spine), i don’t feel looked enought…
    I will try again, and make sure the pole is well sticked on my muscle!
    Thank you Veena for the mega fast advice !:)

  • Tyshiva

    July 8, 2009 at 10:18 pm

    Humm… Still when i am kicking, to help me to lift my legs up, i bang my spine on the pole i cant manage to keep the right part of my back muscle on the pole… It hurts

  • Veena

    July 9, 2009 at 3:04 am

    Try working on your hamstring flexibility. Then you can lower your upper body farther down the pole, this will make getting your legs over your head easier. Engage those abs don’t focus on the kicking, this is a hard move to do with control. So its best to not kick up into the move, give a slight push off, but if you need a huge kick then you might not be ready for this one from the ground. You can still get into the pencil from a cross knee or cross ankle release. You’ll get it!!

  • SaschaPoles

    July 10, 2009 at 1:43 am

    this move looks so beautiful when you do it slow…..what kinds of ab strength moves can you do to work on this move?? i can only get it when i jump up into it, and it looks messy when i do that….

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