Forums Discussions permanent pole with kids?

  • permanent pole with kids?

    Posted by Poleluver on June 12, 2009 at 9:35 pm

    I have a 10 year old step daughter who visits on the weekend and a 7 year old daughter who lives with me. I would love to have a permanent pole area. I was wondering what people thought or any situations might come up. If I practice alone, no sexiness when they are home? Any thoughts, advice?

    legs replied 15 years, 9 months ago 10 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Foxy_Rei

    June 12, 2009 at 10:26 pm

    Hmmm not to be annoying, but any reason why you are going for a permanent pole? The pole area just specifically for poling is a great idea *jealous*, but could you perhaps have a removable pole in that area and still take it down if your worried about raised eyebrows??? I’m just curious…

    But I also think it depends where this space is going to be. If you’re looking at the middle of the living room or somewhere else conspicuous, I don’t think that would be a good idea. If it’s going in a spare bedroom where you could close the door or something like that, then I don’t think it would matter.

    As far as the type of dancing, I think keeping the sexy out around the youngins is a good idea, especially if one of them is a step that would run back to their other parent and tell them…

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 12, 2009 at 10:38 pm

    having danced at my accountants new years bash, the kids treated the pole like it was a jungle gym and just wanted to spin and climb. They saw it as a piece of gymnastic equipment – so did their parents!!

    It’s only us adults that have the skewed view of pole. Kids should see it as a piece of fitness equipment.
    Veena’s boys play on hers – and it’s really cute.

    If you are concerned about raised eyebrows, install a portable like an X or PS. then you can claim that the area is a dedicated exercise area without going into too much detail.

  • untamedshrew

    June 12, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    Go for it! Kids don’t know the stigma attached to the pole unless they are taught it. Minds close with age! My sons have all seen my pole, it’s a stage mount. Both of my 11 year olds watch me dance and one plays on it. My 16 year old isn’t as interested because he knows what a stripper is.
    But I’ve shown them video (especially cuz I was on the news) and explained the difference. I just let them know that some people may not understand the difference so they may not want to tell everyone. My kids are used to being on the "cutting edge" as we are in the minority in our conservative town as liberal tree hugging buddhist atheists.

  • nikki_christie

    June 12, 2009 at 11:50 pm

    My kids are used to being on the "cutting edge" as we are in the minority in our conservative town as liberal tree hugging buddhist atheists.

    Yay for tree hugging buddhists!! I’m just starting out down that path (or as I have learnt so far its not so much about a journey as about being present in the here an now and truly experiencing life).

    But about kids and permanent poles – first off its about health and fitness and FUN so there is nothing wrong with kids getting to see you pole or having a play around like many of the kids of parents here on this site.

    With sexy I’m a bit divided – on one side I think that a lot of dancing looks sexy but we don’t stop our kids from watching a rumba or anything… but on the other side blatant sexual dancing is probably best kept for adult eyes only, as they say in the TV show classifications over here – ‘we don’t want to shock the little dears…’

    As for a permanent pole… the Xpole is probably the best option regardless for so many reasons, 1) its the best pole in the world and none will ever beat it, 2) you can leave it up and its pretty much permanent, 3) when your amish relatives come to visit you can take it down temporarily, and 4) its just the best, THE BEST.

    God I love my Xpole

  • yogabeachbabe

    June 13, 2009 at 12:15 am

    My husband and I are also major tree hugging liberals. We used to live in South Beach, FL where our son was born. And it is not a town for prudes in any way, shape, or form! The girls there wore bathing suits that were nothing more than dental floss with patches. And a lot of the men wore European Speedos that were quite literally "banana hammocks". A little further north is a lovely nude beach and right in the middle of South Beach is the "Gay Beach" (not derogatory–gay men named this section of the beach). The town was brimming over with sexuality and our son spent the first 3 years of his life there. Then we moved to Las Vegas, aka Sin City–need I say more? I have an Xpole at home, which my son swings around every night before bath time. So you’d think that when the pole studio had an open house party with demonstrations one day, that my husband would be fine with me taking my son there. NOOOOO! Despite his open-mindedness about just about everything, he actually thought it was inappropriate for our son to watch pole dancing because it is intrinsically sexual. I was disappointed but respected his thoughts. It turns out that some of the dances were definitely sexy and I was kind of glad my son wasn’t there–not because I was ashamed or embarrassed, but because I didn’t have to explain things like, why the dancer took off her shirt (she was wearing a bra top underneath). I guess it would all have been fine, but I know there will be plenty of time for him to discover all of that later.

  • Veena

    June 13, 2009 at 12:48 am

    My first pole was a permanent pole. I say go for it!!

  • RoxyPink

    June 13, 2009 at 12:56 am

    Kids are much more accepting of a pole than most adults…my kids (1.5, 5 and 15 love to mess around on it). I say go for it!

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 13, 2009 at 9:09 am

    My kids are used to being on the "cutting edge" as we are in the minority in our conservative town as liberal tree hugging buddhist atheists.

    blardy hippies!! Bet you’re no stranger to lentils too.

    ooops, rather tired and posted more on another post!

  • Poleluver

    June 13, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    for clarification and curiosity… I am thinking x pole/removable but in the office, then reason i mention permanent is if I have to keep putting it up and down it would take up half the available time for poling. I work at overnight, sometime double shifts. I work a man of the house type job while still trying to cook some and take the girl to school and pick her up. Did I mention half the time I wake up and take a 6 hr energy shot just to get going. blah, blah, blah sorry for the lame part. The pay makes it a little more worth it once the furloughs go away and at least there is a job, right?

    Thanks for the support and advice. I have showed my 7 year old a video of non sexy , sport clothes wearing, athletic type. I asked her what she thought, she said "cool!, How do they do that? I told her ,"they work their muscles and don’t watch too much tv!" I also mentioned as a little girl I used to be able to twirl around the different bars in the school yard and she knew what I was talking about. I do not doubt some of my fun of this is remembering back when.

  • Rouge_LAmour

    June 13, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    with practise / experience, an xpole an be taken down and put back up in well under 10 minutes.

    The longest part I find is ensuring it’s straight.

  • Meleania

    June 13, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    Could you imagine the phone call from teachers if the kids started a pole dancing trend on the playground?

  • Foxy_Rei

    June 14, 2009 at 1:52 am

    I’d still say get a removable pole and just leave it up. I have an X-pole and it only comes down when I clean it. Just because it’s removable doesn’t mean you need to take it up and down every time you want to use it And as Rouge said, after practice an X can go up and down in like 5 or 10 minutes. Point being you get the best of the "permanent" and "removable" worlds with that scenario…

    I’m also just biased towards the X-Pole… lol

  • legs

    June 19, 2009 at 8:52 pm

    I am a 38 yr old mom of three kids.
    My daughter is 8 and I have 6 and 3 yr old sons.
    I’m one who likes to jump into new things I enjoy so as soon as I discovered I liked the pole – a lot! I wanted one at home. So we have a pole in the family room that hasn’t been down since it went up on mothers day.
    I’m much more likely to do something if there isn’t a set up take down process.
    The kids love to spin and climb on it.
    It’s just exercise equipment around here.
    If I want to practice any sexy moves – it’s just after bedtime.
    I really am loving it!

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