Forums Discussions pink pole power…isshhhhh

  • pink pole power…isshhhhh

    Posted by Anonyma on February 17, 2012 at 12:06 pm


    this is probly going to start a little drama, but i don t care i need to speak about it as a woman !

    yeah talking about pink pole power…..what a scam, am i the only one thinking this whole "pretty pink story " is in fact a facade to get attention, cause the guy certainly not makes any money with that, even if he  s tryin to look like he does

     this guy should be kept away from all the pole dancers lol, i mean wtf is that. At first it was free, even I had one picture pinked with the pole. NOW the guy decide to give only 5% of the money to cancer….OK, 

    my point is, he is using cancer and womens to build his "business" , i can photoshop a pink pole in less than 10 minutes, and he charges 20$ for that, pretending he did enough, uhhh im sorry but using cancer is wrong

    the girls in the industry are starting to talk about it more and more, i honestly am DISCUSSED  by pink pole power, i will have my pics removed and i encourage you ladies to have them removed as well, because of course i bet none of you signed a released for the pictures, so you can ask to remove them from the site or stupid slideshows he makes

    he just needs attention, posting the same old videos from zoyara and felix, i bet if they ve known a little bit more about whats going on they would ask for that to be removed and not to use their names anymore FOR SURE theese womens are strong and proud, they wouldnt allow that king of use of their image! 

    if your opinion is different than mine, fine, but im sure A LOTTTTT of girls think like me and they wsont speak up , but hey, no one here pays my bills and im free to speak my mind 


    Serzi replied 9 years ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    February 17, 2012 at 12:15 pm

    What specifically is a scam and what specifically has Pink done to get you so upset?  Maybe if you would address these issues we could see your point of view.  I have not seen anything horrible put out by them so when I read a post like this the first thing I think of is the back story.


    Yes, you do have your freedom to speak your mind but without telling us why you are upset then it is hard for us to understand and empathize.

  • Webmaster

    February 17, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    Sean O'Connor, in my experience, is a good guy.  He has coordinated thousands of dollars worth of giving to breast cancer, and he devotes a significant amount of time money and effort to not only raising breast cancer awareness but also to raising awareness of pole.  

    We worked with Sean to raise and donate $1160 directly to the Rochester Breast Cancer foundation.  The pink pole pictures really are just a very small piece of the picture.  I think any of us who put as much time into charitable and awareness based work would be looking for some way to continue to pay our bills as well.

  • Veena

    February 17, 2012 at 1:22 pm

    Oliviiaa….There is no point in posting such hateful opinions. Please privately address whatever issue you have with Pink Pole Power. It's fine to disagree but there is no need to be nasty.

  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    December 14, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    This was four years ago, in which time we’ve learned more about the truth of PPP — does it even exist any more?

  • Serzi

    March 6, 2016 at 1:27 pm

    I found something online stating that it does not “due to lack of interest from dancers”. Can anybody clue me in on what happened? I’ve heard a lot of mud-slinging on the PPP over the years, but can anybody tell me what actually went down? Either way, I guess I’m glad I missed the entire debacle. lol

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