Forums Discussions plus size pole??

  • plus size pole??

    Posted by stacyrene on December 7, 2012 at 7:59 am

    hello im new to this group or website. my names Stacy im 5'2 and weight typically 160-75 pounds. right now im 8 months pregnant and reached 202. hopefully after i have my son my weight will go back down, ive been told pole'n is a fun exercise and also very strengthening. I was just curious to if there were any plus size woman like myself out there, – thanks

    stacyrene replied 12 years, 3 months ago 9 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Smoore

    December 7, 2012 at 10:23 am

    Hi Stacy I use to weigh 170 pounds I started poling in November of last year and I am now down to 152.5 and that is not even including the inches that I have lost. Pole is a excellent and super fun form of exercise. There are several plus size polers out there and look good doing it. Get on youtube there are lots of videos to inspire you! Check out the secret pole dance studio on youtube women of all shapes,sizes, and colors. I added a link for a specific performance that I always show women who say that can't pole because of size. Hope this helps, now get your butt to the nearest studio and get your pole on girl!


  • chemgoddess1

    December 7, 2012 at 10:29 am

    There are more than you think!  Take a look around and see for yourself.  Probably our most famous is Lulu, Minicoopergirl, who was on America's Got Talent.  I would also recommend Confessions of a Twirly Girl's blog ( 

  • stacyrene

    December 7, 2012 at 10:30 am

    thanks so much. im going to be taking it up hopefully in febuary. my sons due january the 10th so i want to let my body get back into normal routine & than its all pole for me. ive heard its hard the first couple of months with learning grips & learning your pole. if you have any pointers id be happy to know them. (:

  • Pole gal

    December 7, 2012 at 10:37 am

    hey huni, av heard a few instructors say that your better waiting at least 8 to 12 weeks after giving birth before u start polin as ur body needs time to heal from the pregnancy and birth and u dont want 2 strain urself or ur body so close after giving birth. only reasn i know is my old instructor isnt doin classes until 8-12weeks after givin birth so she doesnt strain her body and my new instructor wont take any1 straight after a pregnancy until they have seen a doctor and it been at least 8weeks asits for ur own safety and health. just thout id let u no huni 🙂 xx


  • Pole gal

    December 7, 2012 at 10:45 am

    wouldnt want u hurting ur self or doin damage especially after just having a baby hun



  • Smoore

    December 7, 2012 at 10:53 am

    Tips that I can give you:

    1. Have Fun

    2. Buy Epsom Salt & Soak

    3. Have lots of patience & fun

    4.Buy Epsom Salt & Soak

    5.Learn to love what we call pole hickies (aka bruises) and be proud of em. Hell sometimes I show mine off! You will understand that one once you start learning new spins,stunts, and whatever else your instructors throws at you! ;P

    6. Buy Epsom Salt & Soak

    7. Get use to being ashy and not even caring cause everyone around you is just as ashy! Remembering when you can and can't put on lotion gets me everytime.

    8. Buy Epsom Salt & Soak

    9. Find you a poling buddy cause the general public (meaning husbands,wives,boyfriends,girlfriends,non poling friends, your dog, your cat, you get the point) won't understand why or even care that you are so excited about doing the fireman!!

    10. You guessed it buy epsom salt & soak

    11. Keep yourself a photo or video journal of your progress so you can see how much you have accomplished since ya started! You will be amazed! 🙂

    12. Be safe, have fun, feel sexy, and yes buy epsom salt & Soak!!!


    Hope this helps! 😛


  • Karencanclimb

    December 7, 2012 at 10:57 am

    How fun – two exciting things to look forward to: baby and pole! Congrats on both. I'm a not-so-small busy pole mom as well. 4 kids and full time job make pole my only real escape for myself. Some days it's a lot harder to get time to pole and there is always the next move to learn, which makes it stimulating mentally and physically.  Enjoy it – and you have found a great site here at Veena! Everyone is helpful and nice – at least as far as I have seen.



  • stacyrene

    December 7, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    thanks so much you are all very open. My husband doesnt understand why i want to learn but i see it as a great escape some "Me" time ill be able to have that not just fun but also to help me work out. ive watched many videos of learners and how far they come. between not being able to do a single spin or climb the pole to 6 months later being amazing at what they do. I just need something that will help me relax thats also a challange. im going to add you ladies so in the future if i have any ?s ill know great polers that i can turn to

  • PersianXcursian

    December 7, 2012 at 4:26 pm

    I'm 5'5 and about 160 lbs (I don't think thats considered plus size but I'm a curvy girl with meat on the bones). I used to be 175 but pole helped me drop it and now I'm doing all sorts of tricks that I used to think I would never get. All you need is dedication and a positive attitude and you can do anything you put your mind to :). I went from not being able to climb or  invert in my first class to walking on the ceiling over a year and a few months.

  • kasanya

    December 7, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    Look up "KTCoates Sahrmann" videos on YouTube. It's a series of exercises specifically for rehabbing your abs after pregnancy. Those will help you get ready for pole!

  • stacyrene

    December 7, 2012 at 6:40 pm

    very comfoting to hear you ladies stories & have support thanks

  • stacyrene

    December 7, 2012 at 6:40 pm

    very comfoting to hear you ladies stories & have support thanks

  • Divine Gotcha Hooked

    December 8, 2012 at 6:56 pm

    Hey Stacyrene!! Welcome!! I am 230 lbs and I have been poling since August. 🙂

  • minicoopergrl

    December 10, 2012 at 5:59 am

    OMG, where do I start!  So many of us!  Not only myself but Roz The Diva (I just love her! She was Luenells body double in Thats My Boy), Lori from Confessions of a Twirly Girl, Loveracing25 (shes on YT) – Ive watched her progress over the years really well.  Theres some girls in the UK as well. 


    Never feel discouraged b/c your not 'standard issued sized'. 

    When I came back after having my son, it was hard at first.  I thought it was like riding a bike, and I could just pick up where I left off of.  I did start kicking myself for not doing beginner stuff while I was pregnant.  I worked my butt off and lost about 70lbs after my son was born.  I went into the OR to deliver him at 316lbs!   But I worked and worked and I got better.  The best part of it all is everyone is encouraging you keep going and push it!

  • stacyrene

    December 10, 2012 at 10:07 am

    Thanks again so much. I’m 31 weeks prego weighting about 202. I just want to use pole as a workout and fun stress free me time. I’ll be ordering a xpole xpert in a few weeks to slowly get to know my pole .

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